/builds/wireshark/wireshark/ui/io_graph_item.h (2024)

clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name sharkd_session.c -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=all -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -ffloat16-excess-precision=fast -fbfloat16-excess-precision=fast -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fdebug-compilation-dir=/builds/wireshark/wireshark/build -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/builds/wireshark/wireshark/build -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-18/lib/clang/18 -isystem /usr/include/glib-2.0 -isystem /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -D G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED -D G_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES -D WS_DEBUG -D WS_DEBUG_UTF_8 -I /builds/wireshark/wireshark/build -I /builds/wireshark/wireshark -I /builds/wireshark/wireshark/include -I /builds/wireshark/wireshark/wiretap -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-18/lib/clang/18/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/13/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -fmacro-prefix-map=/builds/wireshark/wireshark/= -fmacro-prefix-map=/builds/wireshark/wireshark/build/= -fmacro-prefix-map=../= -Wno-error=stringop-overflow= -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-format-truncation -Wno-pointer-sign -std=gnu11 -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility=hidden -fwrapv -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fskip-odr-check-in-gmf -fcolor-diagnostics -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /builds/wireshark/wireshark/sbout/2024-07-15-100248-3329-1 -x c /builds/wireshark/wireshark/sharkd_session.c

1/* sharkd_session.c2 *3 * Copyright (C) 2016 Jakub Zawadzki4 *5 * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer6 * By Gerald Combs <[emailprotected]>7 * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs8 *9 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later10 */11 12#include "wtap_opttypes.h"13#include <config.h>14 15#include <stdio.h>16#include <stdlib.h>17#include <stdarg.h>18#include <string.h>19#include <errno(*__errno_location ()).h>20#include <inttypes.h>21 22#include <glib.h>23 24#include <wsutil/wsjson.h>25#include <wsutil/json_dumper.h>26#include <wsutil/ws_assert.h>27#include <wsutil/wsgcrypt.h>28 29#include <file.h>30#include <epan/epan_dissect.h>31#include <epan/exceptions.h>32#include <epan/color_filters.h>33#include <epan/prefs.h>34#include <epan/prefs-int.h>35#include <epan/uat-int.h>36#include <wiretap/wtap.h>37 38#include <epan/column.h>39#include <epan/column-info.h>40 41#include <ui/ssl_key_export.h>42 43#include <ui/io_graph_item.h>44#include <epan/stats_tree_priv.h>45#include <epan/stat_tap_ui.h>46#include <epan/conversation_table.h>47#include <epan/sequence_analysis.h>48#include <epan/expert.h>49#include <epan/export_object.h>50#include <epan/follow.h>51#include <epan/rtd_table.h>52#include <epan/srt_table.h>53#include <epan/to_str.h>54 55#include <epan/dissectors/packet-h225.h>56#include <epan/rtp_pt.h>57#include <ui/voip_calls.h>58#include <ui/rtp_stream.h>59#include <ui/tap-rtp-common.h>60#include <ui/tap-rtp-analysis.h>61#include <ui/cli/tap-protohierstat.h>62#include <ui/cli/tap-voip.h>63#include <wsutil/version_info.h>64#include <epan/to_str.h>65 66#include <epan/addr_resolv.h>67#include <epan/dissectors/packet-rtp.h>68#include <ui/rtp_media.h>69#include <ui/mcast_stream.h>70#include <speex/speex_resampler.h>71 72#include <epan/maxmind_db.h>73 74#include <wsutil/pint.h>75#include <wsutil/strnatcmp.h>76#include <wsutil/strtoi.h>77 78#include "globals.h"79 80#include "sharkd.h"81 82struct sharkd_filter_item83{84 uint8_t *filtered; /* can be NULL if all frames are matching for given filter. */85};86 87static GHashTable *filter_table;88 89static int mode;90static uint32_t rpcid;91 92static json_dumper dumper;93 94 95static const char *96json_find_attr(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count, const char *attr)97{98 int i;99 100 for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2)101 {102 const char *tok_attr = &buf[tokens[i + 0].start];103 const char *tok_value = &buf[tokens[i + 1].start];104 105 if (!strcmp(tok_attr, attr))106 return tok_value;107 }108 109 return NULL((void*)0);110}111 112static void113json_print_base64(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)114{115 json_dumper_begin_base64(&dumper);116 json_dumper_write_base64(&dumper, data, len);117 json_dumper_end_base64(&dumper);118}119 120static void G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3)__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)))121sharkd_json_value_anyf(const char *key, const char *format, ...)122{123 if (key)124 json_dumper_set_member_name(&dumper, key);125 126 va_list ap;127 va_start(ap, format)__builtin_va_start(ap, format);128 json_dumper_value_va_list(&dumper, format, ap);129 va_end(ap)__builtin_va_end(ap);130}131 132static void133sharkd_json_value_string(const char *key, const char *str)134{135 if (key)136 json_dumper_set_member_name(&dumper, key);137 json_dumper_value_string(&dumper, str);138}139 140static void141sharkd_json_value_base64(const char *key, const uint8_t *data, size_t len)142{143 if (key)144 json_dumper_set_member_name(&dumper, key);145 json_print_base64(data, len);146}147 148static void G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3)__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)))149sharkd_json_value_stringf(const char *key, const char *format, ...)150{151 if (key)152 json_dumper_set_member_name(&dumper, key);153 154 va_list ap;155 va_start(ap, format)__builtin_va_start(ap, format);156 char* sformat = ws_strdup_printf("\"%s\"", format)wmem_strdup_printf(((void*)0), "\"%s\"", format);157 json_dumper_value_va_list(&dumper, sformat, ap);158 g_free(sformat);159 va_end(ap)__builtin_va_end(ap);160}161 162static void163sharkd_json_array_open(const char *key)164{165 if (key)166 json_dumper_set_member_name(&dumper, key);167 json_dumper_begin_array(&dumper);168}169 170static void171sharkd_json_array_close(void)172{173 json_dumper_end_array(&dumper);174}175 176static void177sharkd_json_object_open(const char *key)178{179 if (key)180 json_dumper_set_member_name(&dumper, key);181 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);182}183 184static void185sharkd_json_object_close(void)186{187 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);188}189 190static void191sharkd_json_response_open(uint32_t id)192{193 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper); // start the message194 sharkd_json_value_string("jsonrpc", "2.0");195 sharkd_json_value_anyf("id", "%d", id);196}197 198static void199sharkd_json_response_close(void)200{201 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper); // end the message202 203 json_dumper_finish(&dumper);204 205 /*206 * We do an explicit fflush after every line, because207 * we want output to be written to the socket as soon208 * as the line is complete.209 *210 * The stream is fully-buffered by default, so it's211 * only flushed when the buffer fills or the FILE *212 * is closed. On UN*X, we could set it to be line213 * buffered, but the MSVC standard I/O routines don't214 * support line buffering - they only support *byte*215 * buffering, doing a write for every byte written,216 * which is too inefficient, and full buffering,217 * which is what you get if you request line buffering.218 */219 fflush(stdoutstdout);220}221 222static void223sharkd_json_result_prologue(uint32_t id)224{225 sharkd_json_response_open(id);226 sharkd_json_object_open("result"); // start the result object227}228 229static void230sharkd_json_result_epilogue(void)231{232 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper); // end the result object233 sharkd_json_response_close();234}235 236static void237sharkd_json_result_array_prologue(uint32_t id)238{239 sharkd_json_response_open(id);240 sharkd_json_array_open("result"); // start the result array241}242 243static void244sharkd_json_result_array_epilogue(void)245{246 sharkd_json_array_close(); // end of result array247 sharkd_json_response_close();248}249 250static void251sharkd_json_simple_ok(uint32_t id)252{253 sharkd_json_result_prologue(id);254 sharkd_json_value_string("status", "OK");255 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();256}257 258static void259sharkd_json_warning(uint32_t id, char *warning)260{261 sharkd_json_result_prologue(id);262 sharkd_json_value_string("status", "Warning");263 sharkd_json_value_string("warning", warning);264 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();265}266 267static void G_GNUC_PRINTF(4, 5)__attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 4, 5)))268sharkd_json_error(uint32_t id, int code, char* data, char* format, ...)269{270 sharkd_json_response_open(id);271 sharkd_json_object_open("error");272 sharkd_json_value_anyf("code", "%d", code);273 274 if (format)275 {276 // format the text message277 va_list args;278 279 va_start(args, format)__builtin_va_start(args, format);280 char *error_msg = ws_strdup_vprintf(format, args)wmem_strdup_vprintf(((void*)0), format, args);281 va_end(args)__builtin_va_end(args);282 283 sharkd_json_value_string("message", error_msg);284 285 g_free(error_msg);286 }287 288 sharkd_json_object_close();289 290 if (data)291 sharkd_json_value_string("data", data);292 293 sharkd_json_response_close();294}295 296static bool_Bool297is_param_match(const char *param_in, const char *valid_param)298{299 char* ptr;300 301 if ((ptr = g_strrstr(valid_param, "*")))302 {303 size_t prefix_len = ptr - valid_param;304 return !strncmp(param_in, valid_param, prefix_len);305 }306 else307 return !strcmp(param_in, valid_param);308}309 310/*311 * json_prep does four things:312 *313 * 1. check the syntax of the root and parameter members314 * 2. tokenize the names and values by zero terminating them315 * 3. unescape the names and values316 * 4. extracts and saves the rpcid317 * - we have to do it here as it's needed for the error messages318 *319 * The objective is to minimise the validation work in the functions320 * that process each called method.321 *322 * This gets a little messy as the JSON parser creates a flat list323 * of all members rather than create a tree.324 */325static bool_Bool326json_prep(char* buf, const jsmntok_t* tokens, int count)327{328 int i;329 const char* method = NULL((void*)0);330 char* attr_name = NULL((void*)0);331 char* attr_value = NULL((void*)0);332 333#define SHARKD_JSON_ANY0 0334#define SHARKD_JSON_STRING1 1335#define SHARKD_JSON_INTEGER2 2336#define SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3 3337#define SHARKD_JSON_FLOAT4 4338#define SHARKD_JSON_OBJECT5 5339#define SHARKD_JSON_ARRAY6 6340#define SHARKD_JSON_BOOLEAN7 7341#define SHARKD_ARRAY_END99 99342 343 struct member_attribute {344 const char* parent_ctx;345 const char* name;346 int level;347 jsmntype_t type;348 int value_type;349 bool_Bool is_mandatory;350 };351 352#define SHARKD_MANDATORY1 true1353#define SHARKD_OPTIONAL0 false0354 355 /*356 * The member attribute structure is key to the syntax checking. The357 * array contains all of the root level (1) member names, the data358 * types permissible for the value and a boolean that indicates whether359 * or not the member is mandatory.360 *361 * Once we get into the next layer (2) of the json tree, we need to check362 * params member names and data types dependent in the context of the method363 * (parent_ctx).364 */365 366 struct member_attribute name_array[] = {367 // Root members368 {NULL((void*)0), "jsonrpc", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},369 {NULL((void*)0), "userid", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},370 {NULL((void*)0), "id", 1, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},371 {NULL((void*)0), "method", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},372 {NULL((void*)0), "params", 1, JSMN_OBJECT, SHARKD_JSON_OBJECT5, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},373 374 // Valid methods375 {"method", "analyse", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},376 {"method", "bye", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},377 {"method", "check", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},378 {"method", "complete", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},379 {"method", "download", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},380 {"method", "dumpconf", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},381 {"method", "follow", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},382 {"method", "frame", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},383 {"method", "frames", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},384 {"method", "info", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},385 {"method", "intervals", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},386 {"method", "iograph", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},387 {"method", "load", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},388 {"method", "setcomment", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},389 {"method", "setconf", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},390 {"method", "status", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},391 {"method", "tap", 1, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},392 393 // Parameters and their method context394 {"check", "field", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},395 {"check", "filter", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},396 {"complete", "field", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},397 {"complete", "pref", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},398 {"download", "token", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},399 {"dumpconf", "pref", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},400 {"follow", "follow", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},401 {"follow", "filter", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},402 {"follow", "sub_stream", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},403 {"frame", "frame", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},404 {"frame", "proto", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_BOOLEAN7, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},405 {"frame", "ref_frame", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},406 {"frame", "prev_frame", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},407 {"frame", "columns", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_BOOLEAN7, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},408 {"frame", "color", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_BOOLEAN7, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},409 {"frame", "bytes", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_BOOLEAN7, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},410 {"frame", "hidden", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_BOOLEAN7, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},411 {"frames", "column*", 2, JSMN_UNDEFINED, SHARKD_JSON_ANY0, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},412 {"frames", "filter", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},413 {"frames", "skip", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},414 {"frames", "limit", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},415 {"frames", "refs", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},416 {"intervals", "interval", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},417 {"intervals", "filter", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},418 {"iograph", "interval", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},419 {"iograph", "interval_units", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},420 {"iograph", "filter", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},421 {"iograph", "graph0", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},422 {"iograph", "graph1", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},423 {"iograph", "graph2", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},424 {"iograph", "graph3", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},425 {"iograph", "graph4", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},426 {"iograph", "graph5", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},427 {"iograph", "graph6", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},428 {"iograph", "graph7", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},429 {"iograph", "graph8", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},430 {"iograph", "graph9", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},431 {"iograph", "filter0", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},432 {"iograph", "filter1", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},433 {"iograph", "filter2", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},434 {"iograph", "filter3", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},435 {"iograph", "filter4", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},436 {"iograph", "filter5", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},437 {"iograph", "filter6", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},438 {"iograph", "filter7", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},439 {"iograph", "filter8", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},440 {"iograph", "filter9", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},441 {"load", "file", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},442 {"setcomment", "frame", 2, JSMN_PRIMITIVE, SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},443 {"setcomment", "comment", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},444 {"setconf", "name", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},445 {"setconf", "value", 2, JSMN_UNDEFINED, SHARKD_JSON_ANY0, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},446 {"tap", "tap0", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_MANDATORY1},447 {"tap", "tap1", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},448 {"tap", "tap2", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},449 {"tap", "tap3", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},450 {"tap", "tap4", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},451 {"tap", "tap5", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},452 {"tap", "tap6", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},453 {"tap", "tap7", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},454 {"tap", "tap8", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},455 {"tap", "tap9", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},456 {"tap", "tap10", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},457 {"tap", "tap11", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},458 {"tap", "tap12", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},459 {"tap", "tap13", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},460 {"tap", "tap14", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},461 {"tap", "tap15", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},462 {"tap", "filter", 2, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_JSON_STRING1, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},463 464 // End of the name_array465 {NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), 0, JSMN_STRING, SHARKD_ARRAY_END99, SHARKD_OPTIONAL0},466 };467 468 rpcid = 0;469 470 /* sanity check, and split strings */471 if (count < 1 || tokens[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT)472 {473 sharkd_json_error(474 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),475 "The request must an object"476 );477 return false0;478 }479 480 /* don't need [0] token */481 tokens++;482 count--;483 484 if (count & 1)485 {486 sharkd_json_error(487 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),488 "The request must contain name/value pairs"489 );490 return false0;491 }492 493 for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2)494 {495 buf[tokens[i + 0].end] = '\0';496 buf[tokens[i + 1].end] = '\0';497 }498 499 // we must get the id as soon as possible so that it's available in all future error messages500 attr_value = (char*)json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "id");501 if (attr_value)502 {503 if (!ws_strtou32(attr_value, NULL((void*)0), &rpcid))504 {505 sharkd_json_error(506 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),507 "The id value must be a positive integer"508 );509 return false0;510 }511 }512 513 method = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "method");514 515 if (method)516 {517 bool_Bool is_supported = false0;518 i = 0; // name array index519 520 // check that the request method is good521 while (name_array[i].value_type != SHARKD_ARRAY_END99)522 {523 if (name_array[i].parent_ctx)524 {525 if (!strcmp(method, name_array[i].name) && !strcmp(name_array[i].parent_ctx, "method"))526 is_supported = true1; // the method is valid527 }528 529 i++;530 }531 532 if (!is_supported)533 {534 sharkd_json_error(535 rpcid, -32601, NULL((void*)0),536 "The method %s is not supported", method537 );538 return false0;539 }540 }541 542 for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2)543 {544 if (tokens[i].type != JSMN_STRING)545 {546 sharkd_json_error(547 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),548 "Member names must be a string - member %d is not string", (i / 2) + 1549 );550 return false0;551 }552 553 attr_name = &buf[tokens[i + 0].start];554 attr_value = &buf[tokens[i + 1].start];555 556 if (!strcmp(attr_name, "jsonrpc"))557 {558 if (strcmp(&buf[tokens[i + 1].start], "2.0"))559 {560 sharkd_json_error(561 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),562 "Only JSON %s is supported", "2.0"563 );564 return false0;565 }566 }567 568 /* unescape only value, as keys are simple strings */569 if (tokens[i + 1].type == JSMN_STRING && !json_decode_string_inplace(attr_value))570 {571 sharkd_json_error(572 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),573 "Cannot unescape the value string of member %d", (i / 2) + 1574 );575 return false0;576 }577 578 /* Confirm that the member is valid */579 bool_Bool match = false0;580 581 // We need to check root members (level 1) and parameters (level 2), hence the for loop.582 583 for (int level = 1; level < 3; level++)584 {585 size_t j = 0;586 587 while (name_array[j].value_type != SHARKD_ARRAY_END99) // iterate through the array until we hit the end588 {589 if (is_param_match(attr_name, name_array[j].name) && name_array[j].level == level)590 {591 // We need to be sure the match is in the correct context592 // i.e. is this a match for a root member (level 1) or for a parameter (level 2).593 594 if (level == 1)595 {596 // need to guard against a parameter name matching a method name597 if (method)598 {599 if (name_array[j].parent_ctx)600 {601 j++;602 continue;603 }604 605 if (!strcmp(method, &buf[tokens[i + 0].start]))606 {607 j++;608 continue;609 }610 }611 612 match = true1;613 }614 else if (method)615 {616 if (level == 2 && !strcmp(name_array[j].parent_ctx, method))617 match = true1;618 else619 {620 j++;621 continue;622 }623 }624 else625 {626 j++;627 continue;628 }629 630 // The match looks good, let's now check the data types631 632 if (tokens[i + 1].type != name_array[j].type && name_array[j].type != SHARKD_JSON_ANY0)633 {634 sharkd_json_error(635 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),636 "The data type for member %s is not valid", attr_name637 );638 return false0;639 }640 else if (name_array[j].type == JSMN_PRIMITIVE && name_array[j].value_type == SHARKD_JSON_UINTEGER3)641 {642 uint32_t temp;643 if (!ws_strtou32(attr_value, NULL((void*)0), &temp) || temp <= 0)644 {645 sharkd_json_error(646 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),647 "The value for %s must be a positive integer", name_array[j].name648 );649 return false0;650 }651 }652 else if (name_array[j].type == JSMN_PRIMITIVE && name_array[j].value_type == SHARKD_JSON_BOOLEAN7)653 {654 if (strcmp(attr_value, "true") && strcmp(attr_value, "false"))655 {656 sharkd_json_error(657 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),658 "The value for %s must be a boolean (true or false)", name_array[j].name659 );660 return false0;661 }662 663 }664 break; // looks like a valid match665 }666 j++;667 }668 }669 670 if (!match)671 {672 sharkd_json_error(673 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),674 "%s is not a valid member name", attr_name675 );676 return false0;677 }678 }679 680 /* check for mandatory members */681 size_t j = 0;682 683 while (name_array[j].value_type != SHARKD_ARRAY_END99)684 {685 if (name_array[j].is_mandatory && name_array[j].level == 1)686 {687 if (!json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, name_array[j].name))688 {689 sharkd_json_error(690 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),691 "Mandatory member %s is missing", name_array[j].name692 );693 return false0;694 }695 }696 j++;697 }698 699 // check that the current request contains the mandatory parameters700 j = 0;701 702 while (name_array[j].value_type != SHARKD_ARRAY_END99)703 {704 if (name_array[j].is_mandatory && name_array[j].level == 2 && !strcmp(method, name_array[j].parent_ctx))705 {706 if (!json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, name_array[j].name))707 {708 sharkd_json_error(709 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),710 "Mandatory parameter %s is missing", name_array[j].name711 );712 return false0;713 }714 }715 j++;716 }717 718 719 // check that the parameters for the current request are valid for the method and that the data type for the value is valid720 721 return true1;722}723 724static void725sharkd_session_filter_free(void *data)726{727 struct sharkd_filter_item *l = (struct sharkd_filter_item *) data;728 729 g_free(l->filtered);730 g_free(l);731}732 733static const struct sharkd_filter_item *734sharkd_session_filter_data(const char *filter)735{736 struct sharkd_filter_item *l;737 738 l = (struct sharkd_filter_item *) g_hash_table_lookup(filter_table, filter);739 if (!l)740 {741 uint8_t *filtered = NULL((void*)0);742 743 int ret = sharkd_filter(filter, &filtered);744 745 if (ret == -1)746 return NULL((void*)0);747 748 l = g_new(struct sharkd_filter_item, 1)((struct sharkd_filter_item *) g_malloc_n ((1), sizeof (struct
;749 l->filtered = filtered;750 751 g_hash_table_insert(filter_table, g_strdup(filter)g_strdup_inline (filter), l);752 }753 754 return l;755}756 757static bool_Bool758sharkd_rtp_match_init(rtpstream_id_t *id, const char *init_str)759{760 bool_Bool ret = false0;761 char **arr;762 uint32_t tmp_addr_src, tmp_addr_dst;763 address tmp_src_addr, tmp_dst_addr;764 765 memset(id, 0, sizeof(*id));766 767 arr = g_strsplit(init_str, "_", 7); /* pass larger value, so we'll catch incorrect input :) */768 if (g_strv_length(arr) != 5)769 goto fail;770 771 /* TODO, for now only IPv4 */772 if (!get_host_ipaddr(arr[0], &tmp_addr_src))773 goto fail;774 775 if (!ws_strtou16(arr[1], NULL((void*)0), &id->src_port))776 goto fail;777 778 if (!get_host_ipaddr(arr[2], &tmp_addr_dst))779 goto fail;780 781 if (!ws_strtou16(arr[3], NULL((void*)0), &id->dst_port))782 goto fail;783 784 if (!ws_hexstrtou32(arr[4], NULL((void*)0), &id->ssrc))785 goto fail;786 787 set_address(&tmp_src_addr, AT_IPv4, 4, &tmp_addr_src);788 copy_address(&id->src_addr, &tmp_src_addr);789 set_address(&tmp_dst_addr, AT_IPv4, 4, &tmp_addr_dst);790 copy_address(&id->dst_addr, &tmp_dst_addr);791 792 ret = true1;793 794fail:795 g_strfreev(arr);796 return ret;797}798 799static bool_Bool800sharkd_session_process_info_nstat_cb(const void *key, void *value, void *userdata _U___attribute__((unused)))801{802 stat_tap_table_ui *stat_tap = (stat_tap_table_ui *) value;803 804 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);805 sharkd_json_value_string("name", stat_tap->title);806 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "nstat:%s", (const char *) key);807 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);808 809 return false0;810}811 812static bool_Bool813sharkd_session_process_info_conv_cb(const void* key, void* value, void* userdata _U___attribute__((unused)))814{815 struct register_ct *table = (struct register_ct *) value;816 817 const char *label = (const char *) key;818 819 if (get_conversation_packet_func(table))820 {821 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);822 sharkd_json_value_stringf("name", "Conversation List/%s", label);823 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "conv:%s", label);824 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);825 }826 827 if (get_endpoint_packet_func(table))828 {829 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);830 sharkd_json_value_stringf("name", "Endpoint/%s", label);831 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "endpt:%s", label);832 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);833 }834 return false0;835}836 837static bool_Bool838sharkd_session_seq_analysis_cb(const void *key, void *value, void *userdata _U___attribute__((unused)))839{840 register_analysis_t *analysis = (register_analysis_t *) value;841 842 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);843 sharkd_json_value_string("name", sequence_analysis_get_ui_name(analysis));844 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "seqa:%s", (const char *) key);845 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);846 847 return false0;848}849 850static bool_Bool851sharkd_export_object_visit_cb(const void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data _U___attribute__((unused)))852{853 register_eo_t *eo = (register_eo_t *) value;854 855 const int proto_id = get_eo_proto_id(eo);856 const char *filter = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id);857 const char *label = proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(proto_id));858 859 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);860 sharkd_json_value_stringf("name", "Export Object/%s", label);861 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "eo:%s", filter);862 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);863 864 return false0;865}866 867static bool_Bool868sharkd_srt_visit_cb(const void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data _U___attribute__((unused)))869{870 register_srt_t *srt = (register_srt_t *) value;871 872 const int proto_id = get_srt_proto_id(srt);873 const char *filter = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id);874 const char *label = proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(proto_id));875 876 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);877 sharkd_json_value_stringf("name", "Service Response Time/%s", label);878 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "srt:%s", filter);879 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);880 881 return false0;882}883 884static bool_Bool885sharkd_rtd_visit_cb(const void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data _U___attribute__((unused)))886{887 register_rtd_t *rtd = (register_rtd_t *) value;888 889 const int proto_id = get_rtd_proto_id(rtd);890 const char *filter = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id);891 const char *label = proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(proto_id));892 893 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);894 sharkd_json_value_stringf("name", "Response Time Delay/%s", label);895 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "rtd:%s", filter);896 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);897 898 return false0;899}900 901static bool_Bool902sharkd_follower_visit_cb(const void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data _U___attribute__((unused)))903{904 register_follow_t *follower = (register_follow_t *) value;905 906 const int proto_id = get_follow_proto_id(follower);907 const char *label = proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(proto_id));908 const char *filter = label; /* correct: get_follow_by_name() is registered by short name */909 910 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);911 sharkd_json_value_stringf("name", "Follow/%s", label);912 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "follow:%s", filter);913 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);914 915 return false0;916}917 918static void919sharkd_session_print_capture_types(void)920{921 unsigned i;922 GArray *writable_type_subtypes;923 writable_type_subtypes = wtap_get_writable_file_types_subtypes(FT_SORT_BY_NAME);924 for (i = 0; i < writable_type_subtypes->len; i++) {925 int ft = g_array_index(writable_type_subtypes, int, i)(((int*) (void *) (writable_type_subtypes)->data) [(i)]);926 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));927 sharkd_json_value_string("name", wtap_file_type_subtype_name(ft));928 sharkd_json_value_string("description", wtap_file_type_subtype_description(ft));929 sharkd_json_object_close();930 }931 g_array_free(writable_type_subtypes, TRUE(!(0)));932}933 934struct encap_type_info935{936 const char *name;937 const char *description;938};939 940static int941encap_type_info_nat_compare(const void *a, const void *b)942{943 return ws_ascii_strnatcmp(((const struct encap_type_info *)a)->name,944 ((const struct encap_type_info *)b)->name);945}946 947static void948encap_type_info_visit(void *data, void *user_data _U___attribute__((unused)))949{950 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));951 sharkd_json_value_string("name", ((struct encap_type_info *)data)->name);952 sharkd_json_value_string("description", ((struct encap_type_info *)data)->description);953 sharkd_json_object_close();954}955 956static void957sharkd_session_print_encap_types(void)958{959 int i;960 struct encap_type_info *encaps;961 GSList *list = NULL((void*)0);962 encaps = g_new(struct encap_type_info, WTAP_NUM_ENCAP_TYPES)((struct encap_type_info *) g_malloc_n ((wtap_get_num_encap_types
()), sizeof (struct encap_type_info)))
;963 for (i = 0; i < WTAP_NUM_ENCAP_TYPESwtap_get_num_encap_types(); i++) {964 encaps[i].name = wtap_encap_name(i);965 if (encaps[i].name != NULL((void*)0)) {966 encaps[i].description = wtap_encap_description(i);967 list = g_slist_insert_sorted(list, &encaps[i], encap_type_info_nat_compare);968 }969 }970 g_slist_foreach(list, encap_type_info_visit, NULL((void*)0));971 g_slist_free(list);972 g_free(encaps);973}974 975/**976 * sharkd_session_process_info()977 *978 * Process info request979 *980 * Output object with attributes:981 * (m) version - version number982 *983 * (m) columns - available column formats, array of object with attributes:984 * 'name' - column name985 * 'format' - column format-name986 *987 * (m) stats - available statistics, array of object with attributes:988 * 'name' - statistic name989 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name for statistic990 *991 * (m) convs - available conversation list, array of object with attributes:992 * 'name' - conversation name993 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name for conversation994 *995 * (m) eo - available export object list, array of object with attributes:996 * 'name' - export object name997 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name for eo998 *999 * (m) srt - available service response time list, array of object with attributes:1000 * 'name' - service response time name1001 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name for srt1002 *1003 * (m) rtd - available response time delay list, array of object with attributes:1004 * 'name' - response time delay name1005 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name for rtd1006 *1007 * (m) seqa - available sequence analysis (flow) list, array of object with attributes:1008 * 'name' - sequence analysis name1009 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name1010 *1011 * (m) taps - available taps, array of object with attributes:1012 * 'name' - tap name1013 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name1014 *1015 * (m) follow - available followers, array of object with attributes:1016 * 'name' - tap name1017 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name1018 *1019 * (m) ftypes - conversation table for FT_ number to string, array of FT_xxx strings.1020 *1021 * (m) nstat - available table-based taps, array of object with attributes:1022 * 'name' - tap name1023 * 'tap' - sharkd tap-name1024 *1025 * (m) capture_types - available capture types, array of object with attributes:1026 * 'name' - capture type name1027 * 'description' - capture type description1028 *1029 * (m) encap_types - available encapsulation types, array of object with attributes:1030 * 'name' - encapsulation type name1031 * 'description' - encapsulation type description1032 */1033static void1034sharkd_session_process_info(void)1035{1036 int i;1037 1038 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);1039 1040 sharkd_json_array_open("columns");1041 for (i = 0; i < NUM_COL_FMTS; i++)1042 {1043 const char *col_format = col_format_to_string(i);1044 const char *col_descr = col_format_desc(i);1045 1046 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1047 sharkd_json_value_string("name", col_descr);1048 sharkd_json_value_string("format", col_format);1049 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1050 }1051 sharkd_json_array_close();1052 1053 sharkd_json_array_open("stats");1054 {1055 GList *cfg_list = stats_tree_get_cfg_list();1056 GList *l;1057 1058 for (l = cfg_list; l; l = l->next)1059 {1060 stats_tree_cfg *cfg = (stats_tree_cfg *) l->data;1061 1062 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1063 sharkd_json_value_string("name", cfg->title);1064 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "stat:%s", cfg->abbr);1065 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1066 }1067 1068 g_list_free(cfg_list);1069 }1070 sharkd_json_array_close();1071 1072 sharkd_json_array_open("ftypes");1073 for (i = 0; i < FT_NUM_TYPES; i++)1074 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), ftype_name((ftenum_t) i));1075 sharkd_json_array_close();1076 1077 sharkd_json_array_open("capture_types");1078 sharkd_session_print_capture_types();1079 sharkd_json_array_close();1080 1081 sharkd_json_array_open("encap_types");1082 sharkd_session_print_encap_types();1083 sharkd_json_array_close();1084 1085 sharkd_json_value_string("version", get_ws_vcs_version_info_short());1086 1087 sharkd_json_array_open("nstat");1088 i = 0;1089 stat_tap_iterate_tables(sharkd_session_process_info_nstat_cb, &i);1090 sharkd_json_array_close();1091 1092 sharkd_json_array_open("convs");1093 i = 0;1094 conversation_table_iterate_tables(sharkd_session_process_info_conv_cb, &i);1095 sharkd_json_array_close();1096 1097 sharkd_json_array_open("seqa");1098 i = 0;1099 sequence_analysis_table_iterate_tables(sharkd_session_seq_analysis_cb, &i);1100 sharkd_json_array_close();1101 1102 sharkd_json_array_open("taps");1103 {1104 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1105 sharkd_json_value_string("name", "UDP Multicast Streams");1106 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "multicast");1107 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1108 1109 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1110 sharkd_json_value_string("name", "RTP streams");1111 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "rtp-streams");1112 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1113 1114 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1115 sharkd_json_value_string("name", "Protocol Hierarchy Statistics");1116 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "phs");1117 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1118 1119 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1120 sharkd_json_value_string("name", "VoIP Calls");1121 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "voip-calls");1122 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1123 1124 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1125 sharkd_json_value_string("name", "VoIP Conversations");1126 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "voip-convs");1127 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1128 1129 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1130 sharkd_json_value_string("name", "Expert Information");1131 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "expert");1132 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1133 }1134 sharkd_json_array_close();1135 1136 sharkd_json_array_open("eo");1137 i = 0;1138 eo_iterate_tables(sharkd_export_object_visit_cb, &i);1139 sharkd_json_array_close();1140 1141 sharkd_json_array_open("srt");1142 i = 0;1143 srt_table_iterate_tables(sharkd_srt_visit_cb, &i);1144 sharkd_json_array_close();1145 1146 sharkd_json_array_open("rtd");1147 i = 0;1148 rtd_table_iterate_tables(sharkd_rtd_visit_cb, &i);1149 sharkd_json_array_close();1150 1151 sharkd_json_array_open("follow");1152 i = 0;1153 follow_iterate_followers(sharkd_follower_visit_cb, &i);1154 sharkd_json_array_close();1155 1156 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();1157}1158 1159/**1160 * sharkd_session_process_load()1161 *1162 * Process load request1163 *1164 * Input:1165 * (m) file - file to be loaded1166 *1167 * Output object with attributes:1168 * (m) err - error code1169 */1170static void1171sharkd_session_process_load(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)1172{1173 const char *tok_file = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "file");1174 int err = 0;1175 1176 if (!tok_file)1177 return;1178 1179 fprintf(stderrstderr, "load: filename=%s\n", tok_file);1180 1181 if (sharkd_cf_open(tok_file, WTAP_TYPE_AUTO0, false0, &err) != CF_OK)1182 {1183 sharkd_json_error(1184 rpcid, -2001, NULL((void*)0),1185 "Unable to open the file"1186 );1187 return;1188 }1189 1190 TRY{ except_t *volatile exc; volatile int except_state = 0; static
const except_id_t catch_spec[] = { { 1, 0 } }; { struct except_stacknode
except_sn; struct except_catch except_ch; except_setup_try(&
except_sn, &except_ch, catch_spec, 1); if (_setjmp (except_ch
.except_jmp)) *(&exc) = &except_ch.except_obj; else *
(&exc) = 0; if(except_state & 1) except_state |= 2; except_state
&= ~1; if (except_state == 0 && exc == 0)
1191 {1192 err = sharkd_load_cap_file();1193 }1194 CATCH(OutOfMemoryError)if (except_state == 0 && exc != 0 && exc->
except_id.except_code == (8) && (except_state |= 1))
1195 {1196 sharkd_json_error(1197 rpcid, -32603, NULL((void*)0),1198 "Load failed, out of memory"1199 );1200 fprintf(stderrstderr, "load: OutOfMemoryError\n");1201 err = ENOMEM12;1202 }1203 ENDTRYif(!(except_state&1) && exc != 0) except_rethrow(
exc); except_free(except_ch.except_obj.except_dyndata); except_pop
(); };}
;1204 1205 if (err == 0)1206 {1207 sharkd_json_simple_ok(rpcid);1208 }1209 else1210 {1211 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);1212 sharkd_json_value_string("status", wtap_strerror(err));1213 sharkd_json_value_anyf("err", "%d", err);1214 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();1215 }1216 1217}1218 1219/**1220 * sharkd_session_process_status()1221 *1222 * Process status request1223 *1224 * Output object with attributes:1225 * (m) frames - count of currently loaded frames1226 * (m) duration - time difference between time of first frame, and last loaded frame1227 * (o) filename - capture filename1228 * (o) filesize - capture filesize1229 * (o) columns - array of column titles1230 * (o) column_info - array of column infos, array of object with attributes:1231 * 'title' - column title1232 * 'format' - column format (%x or %Cus:<expr>:<occurrence> if COL_CUSTOM)1233 * 'visible' - true if column is visible1234 * 'resolved' - true if column is resolved1235 */1236static void1237sharkd_session_process_status(void)1238{1239 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);1240 1241 sharkd_json_value_anyf("frames", "%u", cfile.count);1242 sharkd_json_value_anyf("duration", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&cfile.elapsed_time));1243 1244 if (cfile.filename)1245 {1246 char *name = g_path_get_basename(cfile.filename);1247 1248 sharkd_json_value_string("filename", name);1249 g_free(name);1250 }1251 1252 if (cfile.provider.wth)1253 {1254 int64_t file_size = wtap_file_size(cfile.provider.wth, NULL((void*)0));1255 1256 if (file_size > 0)1257 sharkd_json_value_anyf("filesize", "%" PRId64"l" "d", file_size);1258 }1259 1260 if (cfile.cinfo.num_cols > 0)1261 {1262 sharkd_json_array_open("columns");1263 for (int i = 0; i < cfile.cinfo.num_cols; ++i)1264 {1265 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), get_column_title(i));1266 }1267 sharkd_json_array_close();1268 1269 sharkd_json_array_open("column_info");1270 for (int i = 0; i < cfile.cinfo.num_cols; ++i)1271 {1272 int fmt = get_column_format(i);1273 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));1274 sharkd_json_value_string("title", get_column_title(i));1275 if (fmt != COL_CUSTOM)1276 {1277 sharkd_json_value_string("format", col_format_to_string(fmt));1278 } else {1279 sharkd_json_value_stringf("format", "%s:%s:%d", col_format_to_string(fmt), get_column_custom_fields(i), get_column_custom_occurrence(i));1280 }1281 sharkd_json_value_anyf("visible", get_column_visible(i) ? "true" : "false");1282 sharkd_json_value_anyf("resolved", get_column_resolved(i) ? "true" : "false");1283 sharkd_json_object_close();1284 }1285 sharkd_json_array_close();1286 }1287 1288 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();1289}1290 1291struct sharkd_analyse_data1292{1293 GHashTable *protocols_set;1294 nstime_t *first_time;1295 nstime_t *last_time;1296};1297 1298static void1299sharkd_session_process_analyse_cb(epan_dissect_t *edt, proto_tree *tree _U___attribute__((unused)),1300 struct epan_column_info *cinfo _U___attribute__((unused)), const GSList *data_src _U___attribute__((unused)), void *data)1301{1302 struct sharkd_analyse_data *analyser = (struct sharkd_analyse_data *) data;1303 packet_info *pi = &edt->pi;1304 frame_data *fdata = pi->fd;1305 1306 if (analyser->first_time == NULL((void*)0) || nstime_cmp(&fdata->abs_ts, analyser->first_time) < 0)1307 analyser->first_time = &fdata->abs_ts;1308 1309 if (analyser->last_time == NULL((void*)0) || nstime_cmp(&fdata->abs_ts, analyser->last_time) > 0)1310 analyser->last_time = &fdata->abs_ts;1311 1312 if (pi->layers)1313 {1314 wmem_list_frame_t *frame;1315 1316 for (frame = wmem_list_head(pi->layers); frame; frame = wmem_list_frame_next(frame))1317 {1318 int proto_id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(wmem_list_frame_data(frame))((guint) (gulong) (wmem_list_frame_data(frame)));1319 1320 if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(analyser->protocols_set, GUINT_TO_POINTER(proto_id)((gpointer) (gulong) (proto_id)), NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0)))1321 {1322 g_hash_table_insert(analyser->protocols_set, GUINT_TO_POINTER(proto_id)((gpointer) (gulong) (proto_id)), GUINT_TO_POINTER(proto_id)((gpointer) (gulong) (proto_id)));1323 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id));1324 }1325 }1326 }1327 1328}1329 1330/**1331 * sharkd_session_process_status()1332 *1333 * Process analyse request1334 *1335 * Output object with attributes:1336 * (m) frames - count of currently loaded frames1337 * (m) protocols - protocol list1338 * (m) first - earliest frame time1339 * (m) last - latest frame time1340 */1341static void1342sharkd_session_process_analyse(void)1343{1344 struct sharkd_analyse_data analyser;1345 wtap_rec rec; /* Record metadata */1346 Buffer rec_buf; /* Record data */1347 1348 analyser.first_time = NULL((void*)0);1349 analyser.last_time = NULL((void*)0);1350 analyser.protocols_set = g_hash_table_new(NULL((void*)0) /* g_direct_hash() */, NULL((void*)0) /* g_direct_equal */);1351 1352 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);1353 1354 sharkd_json_value_anyf("frames", "%u", cfile.count);1355 1356 sharkd_json_array_open("protocols");1357 1358 wtap_rec_init(&rec);1359 ws_buffer_init(&rec_buf, 1514);1360 1361 for (uint32_t framenum = 1; framenum <= cfile.count; framenum++)1362 {1363 enum dissect_request_status status;1364 int err;1365 char *err_info;1366 1367 status = sharkd_dissect_request(framenum,1368 (framenum != 1) ? 1 : 0, framenum - 1,1369 &rec, &rec_buf, NULL((void*)0), SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_NULL0x00u,1370 &sharkd_session_process_analyse_cb, &analyser,1371 &err, &err_info);1372 switch (status) {1373 1374 case DISSECT_REQUEST_SUCCESS:1375 break;1376 1377 case DISSECT_REQUEST_NO_SUCH_FRAME:1378 /* XXX - report the error. */1379 break;1380 1381 case DISSECT_REQUEST_READ_ERROR:1382 /*1383 * Free up the error string.1384 * XXX - report the error.1385 */1386 g_free(err_info);1387 break;1388 }1389 }1390 1391 sharkd_json_array_close();1392 1393 if (analyser.first_time)1394 sharkd_json_value_anyf("first", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(analyser.first_time));1395 1396 if (analyser.last_time)1397 sharkd_json_value_anyf("last", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(analyser.last_time));1398 1399 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();1400 1401 wtap_rec_cleanup(&rec);1402 ws_buffer_free(&rec_buf);1403 1404 g_hash_table_destroy(analyser.protocols_set);1405}1406 1407static column_info *1408sharkd_session_create_columns(column_info *cinfo, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)1409{1410 const char *columns_custom[32];1411 uint16_t columns_fmt[32];1412 int16_t columns_occur[32];1413 1414 int i, cols;1415 1416 for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)1417 {1418 const char *tok_column;1419 char tok_column_name[64];1420 char *custom_sepa;1421 1422 snprintf(tok_column_name, sizeof(tok_column_name), "column%d", i);1423 tok_column = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, tok_column_name);1424 if (tok_column == NULL((void*)0))1425 break;1426 1427 columns_custom[i] = NULL((void*)0);1428 columns_occur[i] = 0;1429 1430 if ((custom_sepa = strchr(tok_column, ':')))1431 {1432 *custom_sepa = '\0'; /* XXX, C abuse: discarding-const */1433 1434 columns_fmt[i] = COL_CUSTOM;1435 columns_custom[i] = tok_column;1436 1437 if (!ws_strtoi16(custom_sepa + 1, NULL((void*)0), &columns_occur[i]))1438 return NULL((void*)0);1439 }1440 else1441 {1442 if (!ws_strtou16(tok_column, NULL((void*)0), &columns_fmt[i]))1443 return NULL((void*)0);1444 1445 if (columns_fmt[i] >= NUM_COL_FMTS)1446 return NULL((void*)0);1447 1448 /* if custom, that it shouldn't be just custom number -> error */1449 if (columns_fmt[i] == COL_CUSTOM)1450 return NULL((void*)0);1451 }1452 }1453 1454 cols = i;1455 1456 col_setup(cinfo, cols);1457 1458 for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)1459 {1460 col_item_t *col_item = &cinfo->columns[i];1461 1462 col_item->col_fmt = columns_fmt[i];1463 col_item->col_title = NULL((void*)0); /* no need for title */1464 1465 if (col_item->col_fmt == COL_CUSTOM)1466 {1467 col_item->col_custom_fields = g_strdup(columns_custom[i])g_strdup_inline (columns_custom[i]);1468 col_item->col_custom_occurrence = columns_occur[i];1469 }1470 1471 col_item->col_fence = 0;1472 }1473 1474 col_finalize(cinfo);1475 1476 return cinfo;1477}1478 1479static void1480sharkd_session_process_frames_cb(epan_dissect_t *edt, proto_tree *tree _U___attribute__((unused)),1481 struct epan_column_info *cinfo, const GSList *data_src _U___attribute__((unused)), void *data _U___attribute__((unused)))1482{1483 packet_info *pi = &edt->pi;1484 frame_data *fdata = pi->fd;1485 wtap_block_t pkt_block = NULL((void*)0);1486 unsigned int i;1487 char *comment = NULL((void*)0);1488 1489 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1490 1491 sharkd_json_array_open("c");1492 for (int col = 0; col < cinfo->num_cols; ++col)1493 {1494 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), get_column_text(cinfo, col));1495 }1496 sharkd_json_array_close();1497 1498 sharkd_json_value_anyf("num", "%u", pi->num);1499 1500 /*1501 * Get the block for this record, if it has one.1502 */1503 pkt_block = sharkd_get_packet_block(fdata);1504 1505 /*1506 * Does this record have any comments?1507 */1508 if (pkt_block != NULL((void*)0) &&1509 WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS == wtap_block_get_nth_string_option_value(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT1, 0, &comment))1510 {1511 sharkd_json_value_anyf("ct", "true");1512 1513 sharkd_json_array_open("comments");1514 for (i = 0; wtap_block_get_nth_string_option_value(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT1, i, &comment) == WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS; i++) {1515 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), comment);1516 }1517 sharkd_json_array_close();1518 }1519 1520 if (fdata->ignored)1521 sharkd_json_value_anyf("i", "true");1522 1523 if (fdata->marked)1524 sharkd_json_value_anyf("m", "true");1525 1526 if (fdata->color_filter)1527 {1528 sharkd_json_value_stringf("bg", "%06x", color_t_to_rgb(&fdata->color_filter->bg_color));1529 sharkd_json_value_stringf("fg", "%06x", color_t_to_rgb(&fdata->color_filter->fg_color));1530 }1531 1532 wtap_block_unref(pkt_block);1533 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1534}1535 1536/**1537 * sharkd_session_process_frames()1538 *1539 * Process frames request1540 *1541 * Input:1542 * (o) column0...columnXX - requested columns either number in range [0..NUM_COL_FMTS), or custom (syntax <dfilter>:<occurrence>).1543 * If column0 is not specified default column set will be used.1544 * (o) filter - filter to be used1545 * (o) skip=N - skip N frames1546 * (o) limit=N - show only N frames1547 * (o) refs - list (comma separated) with sorted time reference frame numbers.1548 *1549 * Output array of frames with attributes:1550 * (m) c - array of column data1551 * (m) num - frame number1552 * (o) i - if frame is ignored1553 * (o) m - if frame is marked1554 * (o) ct - if frame is commented1555 * (o) comments - array of comment strings1556 * (o) bg - color filter - background color in hex1557 * (o) fg - color filter - foreground color in hex1558 */1559static void1560sharkd_session_process_frames(const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)1561{1562 const char *tok_filter = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "filter");1563 const char *tok_column = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "column0");1564 const char *tok_skip = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "skip");1565 const char *tok_limit = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "limit");1566 const char *tok_refs = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "refs");1567 1568 const uint8_t *filter_data = NULL((void*)0);1569 1570 uint32_t prev_dis_num = 0;1571 uint32_t current_ref_frame = 0, next_ref_frame = UINT32_MAX(4294967295U);1572 uint32_t skip;1573 uint32_t limit;1574 1575 wtap_rec rec; /* Record metadata */1576 Buffer rec_buf; /* Record data */1577 column_info *cinfo = &cfile.cinfo;1578 column_info user_cinfo;1579 1580 if (tok_column)1581 {1582 memset(&user_cinfo, 0, sizeof(user_cinfo));1583 cinfo = sharkd_session_create_columns(&user_cinfo, buf, tokens, count);1584 if (!cinfo)1585 {1586 sharkd_json_error(1587 rpcid, -13001, NULL((void*)0),1588 "Column definition invalid - note column 6 requires a custom definition"1589 );1590 return;1591 }1592 }1593 1594 if (tok_filter)1595 {1596 const struct sharkd_filter_item *filter_item;1597 1598 filter_item = sharkd_session_filter_data(tok_filter);1599 if (!filter_item)1600 {1601 sharkd_json_error(1602 rpcid, -13002, NULL((void*)0),1603 "Filter expression invalid"1604 );1605 return;1606 }1607 1608 filter_data = filter_item->filtered;1609 }1610 1611 skip = 0;1612 if (tok_skip)1613 {1614 if (!ws_strtou32(tok_skip, NULL((void*)0), &skip))1615 return;1616 }1617 1618 limit = 0;1619 if (tok_limit)1620 {1621 if (!ws_strtou32(tok_limit, NULL((void*)0), &limit))1622 return;1623 }1624 1625 if (tok_refs)1626 {1627 if (!ws_strtou32(tok_refs, &tok_refs, &next_ref_frame))1628 return;1629 }1630 1631 sharkd_json_result_array_prologue(rpcid);1632 1633 wtap_rec_init(&rec);1634 ws_buffer_init(&rec_buf, 1514);1635 1636 for (uint32_t framenum = 1; framenum <= cfile.count; framenum++)1637 {1638 frame_data *fdata;1639 uint32_t ref_frame = (framenum != 1) ? 1 : 0;1640 enum dissect_request_status status;1641 int err;1642 char *err_info;1643 1644 if (filter_data && !(filter_data[framenum / 8] & (1 << (framenum % 8))))1645 continue;1646 1647 if (skip)1648 {1649 skip--;1650 prev_dis_num = framenum;1651 continue;1652 }1653 1654 if (tok_refs)1655 {1656 if (framenum >= next_ref_frame)1657 {1658 current_ref_frame = next_ref_frame;1659 1660 if (*tok_refs != ',')1661 next_ref_frame = UINT32_MAX(4294967295U);1662 1663 while (*tok_refs == ',' && framenum >= next_ref_frame)1664 {1665 current_ref_frame = next_ref_frame;1666 1667 if (!ws_strtou32(tok_refs + 1, &tok_refs, &next_ref_frame))1668 {1669 fprintf(stderrstderr, "sharkd_session_process_frames() wrong format for refs: %s\n", tok_refs);1670 break;1671 }1672 }1673 1674 if (*tok_refs == '\0' && framenum >= next_ref_frame)1675 {1676 current_ref_frame = next_ref_frame;1677 next_ref_frame = UINT32_MAX(4294967295U);1678 }1679 }1680 1681 if (current_ref_frame)1682 ref_frame = current_ref_frame;1683 }1684 1685 fdata = sharkd_get_frame(framenum);1686 status = sharkd_dissect_request(framenum,1687 ref_frame, prev_dis_num,1688 &rec, &rec_buf, cinfo,1689 (fdata->color_filter == NULL((void*)0)) ? SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_COLOR0x08u : SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_NULL0x00u,1690 &sharkd_session_process_frames_cb, NULL((void*)0),1691 &err, &err_info);1692 switch (status) {1693 1694 case DISSECT_REQUEST_SUCCESS:1695 break;1696 1697 case DISSECT_REQUEST_NO_SUCH_FRAME:1698 /* XXX - report the error. */1699 break;1700 1701 case DISSECT_REQUEST_READ_ERROR:1702 /*1703 * Free up the error string.1704 * XXX - report the error.1705 */1706 g_free(err_info);1707 break;1708 }1709 1710 prev_dis_num = framenum;1711 1712 if (limit && --limit == 0)1713 break;1714 }1715 sharkd_json_result_array_epilogue();1716 1717 if (cinfo != &cfile.cinfo)1718 col_cleanup(cinfo);1719 1720 wtap_rec_cleanup(&rec);1721 ws_buffer_free(&rec_buf);1722}1723 1724static void1725sharkd_session_process_tap_stats_node_cb(const char *key, const stat_node *n)1726{1727 stat_node *node;1728 1729 sharkd_json_array_open(key);1730 for (node = n->children; node; node = node->next)1731 {1732 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1733 1734 /* code based on stats_tree_get_values_from_node() */1735 sharkd_json_value_string("name", node->name);1736 sharkd_json_value_anyf("count", "%d", node->counter);1737 if (node->counter && ((node->st_flags & ST_FLG_AVERAGE0x10000000) || node->rng))1738 {1739 switch(node->datatype)1740 {1741 case STAT_DT_INT:1742 sharkd_json_value_anyf("avg", "%.2f", ((float)node->total.int_total) / node->counter);1743 sharkd_json_value_anyf("min", "%d", node->minvalue.int_min);1744 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max", "%d", node->maxvalue.int_max);1745 break;1746 case STAT_DT_FLOAT:1747 sharkd_json_value_anyf("avg", "%.2f", node->total.float_total / node->counter);1748 sharkd_json_value_anyf("min", "%f", node->minvalue.float_min);1749 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max", "%f", node->maxvalue.float_max);1750 break;1751 }1752 }1753 1754 if (node->st->elapsed)1755 sharkd_json_value_anyf("rate", "%.4f", ((float)node->counter) / node->st->elapsed);1756 1757 if (node->parent && node->parent->counter)1758 sharkd_json_value_anyf("perc", "%.2f", (node->counter * 100.0) / node->parent->counter);1759 else if (node->parent == &(node->st->root))1760 sharkd_json_value_anyf("perc", "100");1761 1762 if (prefs.st_enable_burstinfo && node->max_burst)1763 {1764 if (prefs.st_burst_showcount)1765 sharkd_json_value_anyf("burstcount", "%d", node->max_burst);1766 else1767 sharkd_json_value_anyf("burstrate", "%.4f", ((double)node->max_burst) / prefs.st_burst_windowlen);1768 1769 sharkd_json_value_anyf("bursttime", "%.3f", (node->burst_time / 1000.0));1770 }1771 1772 if (node->children)1773 {1774 sharkd_session_process_tap_stats_node_cb("sub", node);1775 }1776 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1777 }1778 sharkd_json_array_close();1779}1780 1781/**1782 * sharkd_session_process_tap_stats_cb()1783 *1784 * Output stats tap:1785 *1786 * (m) tap - tap name1787 * (m) type:stats - tap output type1788 * (m) name - stat name1789 * (m) stats - array of object with attributes:1790 * (m) name - stat item name1791 * (m) count - stat item counter1792 * (o) avg - stat item averange value1793 * (o) min - stat item min value1794 * (o) max - stat item max value1795 * (o) rate - stat item rate value (ms)1796 * (o) perc - stat item percentage1797 * (o) burstrate - stat item burst rate1798 * (o) burstcount - stat item burst count1799 * (o) burstttme - stat item burst start1800 * (o) sub - array of object with attributes like in stats node.1801 */1802static void1803sharkd_session_process_tap_stats_cb(void *psp)1804{1805 stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *) psp;1806 1807 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1808 1809 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "stats:%s", st->cfg->abbr);1810 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "stats");1811 sharkd_json_value_string("name", st->cfg->path);1812 1813 sharkd_session_process_tap_stats_node_cb("stats", &st->root);1814 1815 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1816}1817 1818static void1819sharkd_session_free_tap_stats_cb(void *psp)1820{1821 stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *) psp;1822 1823 stats_tree_free(st);1824}1825 1826struct sharkd_expert_tap1827{1828 GSList *details;1829 GStringChunk *text;1830};1831 1832/**1833 * sharkd_session_process_tap_expert_cb()1834 *1835 * Output expert tap:1836 *1837 * (m) tap - tap name1838 * (m) type:expert - tap output type1839 * (m) details - array of object with attributes:1840 * (m) f - frame number, which generated expert information1841 * (o) s - severity1842 * (o) g - group1843 * (m) m - expert message1844 * (o) p - protocol1845 */1846static void1847sharkd_session_process_tap_expert_cb(void *tapdata)1848{1849 struct sharkd_expert_tap *etd = (struct sharkd_expert_tap *) tapdata;1850 GSList *list;1851 1852 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1853 1854 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "expert");1855 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "expert");1856 1857 sharkd_json_array_open("details");1858 for (list = etd->details; list; list = list->next)1859 {1860 expert_info_t *ei = (expert_info_t *) list->data;1861 const char *tmp;1862 1863 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1864 1865 sharkd_json_value_anyf("f", "%u", ei->packet_num);1866 1867 tmp = try_val_to_str(ei->severity, expert_severity_vals);1868 if (tmp)1869 sharkd_json_value_string("s", tmp);1870 1871 tmp = try_val_to_str(ei->group, expert_group_vals);1872 if (tmp)1873 sharkd_json_value_string("g", tmp);1874 1875 sharkd_json_value_string("m", ei->summary);1876 1877 if (ei->protocol)1878 sharkd_json_value_string("p", ei->protocol);1879 1880 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1881 }1882 sharkd_json_array_close();1883 1884 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1885}1886 1887static tap_packet_status1888sharkd_session_packet_tap_expert_cb(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo _U___attribute__((unused)), epan_dissect_t *edt _U___attribute__((unused)), const void *pointer, tap_flags_t flags _U___attribute__((unused)))1889{1890 struct sharkd_expert_tap *etd = (struct sharkd_expert_tap *) tapdata;1891 const expert_info_t *ei = (const expert_info_t *) pointer;1892 expert_info_t *ei_copy;1893 1894 if (ei == NULL((void*)0))1895 return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW;1896 1897 ei_copy = g_new(expert_info_t, 1)((expert_info_t *) g_malloc_n ((1), sizeof (expert_info_t)));1898 /* Note: this is a shallow copy */1899 *ei_copy = *ei;1900 1901 /* ei->protocol, ei->summary might be allocated in packet scope, make a copy. */1902 ei_copy->protocol = g_string_chunk_insert_const(etd->text, ei_copy->protocol);1903 ei_copy->summary = g_string_chunk_insert_const(etd->text, ei_copy->summary);1904 1905 etd->details = g_slist_prepend(etd->details, ei_copy);1906 1907 return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW;1908}1909 1910static void1911sharkd_session_free_tap_expert_cb(void *tapdata)1912{1913 struct sharkd_expert_tap *etd = (struct sharkd_expert_tap *) tapdata;1914 1915 g_slist_free_full(etd->details, g_free);1916 g_string_chunk_free(etd->text);1917 g_free(etd);1918}1919 1920/**1921 * sharkd_session_process_tap_flow_cb()1922 *1923 * Output flow tap:1924 * (m) tap - tap name1925 * (m) type:flow - tap output type1926 * (m) nodes - array of strings with node address1927 * (m) flows - array of object with attributes:1928 * (m) t - frame time string1929 * (m) n - array of two numbers with source node index and destination node index1930 * (m) pn - array of two numbers with source and destination port1931 * (o) c - comment1932 */1933static void1934sharkd_session_process_tap_flow_cb(void *tapdata)1935{1936 seq_analysis_info_t *graph_analysis = (seq_analysis_info_t *) tapdata;1937 GList *flow_list;1938 unsigned i;1939 1940 sequence_analysis_get_nodes(graph_analysis);1941 1942 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1943 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "seqa:%s", graph_analysis->name);1944 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "flow");1945 1946 sharkd_json_array_open("nodes");1947 for (i = 0; i < graph_analysis->num_nodes; i++)1948 {1949 char *addr_str;1950 1951 addr_str = address_to_display(NULL((void*)0), &(graph_analysis->nodes[i]));1952 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), addr_str);1953 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), addr_str);1954 }1955 sharkd_json_array_close();1956 1957 sharkd_json_array_open("flows");1958 flow_list = g_queue_peek_nth_link(graph_analysis->items, 0);1959 while (flow_list)1960 {1961 seq_analysis_item_t *sai = (seq_analysis_item_t *) flow_list->data;1962 1963 flow_list = g_list_next(flow_list)((flow_list) ? (((GList *)(flow_list))->next) : ((void*)0)
;1964 1965 if (!sai->display)1966 continue;1967 1968 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);1969 1970 sharkd_json_value_string("t", sai->time_str);1971 sharkd_json_value_anyf("n", "[%u,%u]", sai->src_node, sai->dst_node);1972 sharkd_json_value_anyf("pn", "[%u,%u]", sai->port_src, sai->port_dst);1973 1974 if (sai->comment)1975 sharkd_json_value_string("c", sai->comment);1976 1977 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1978 }1979 sharkd_json_array_close();1980 1981 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);1982}1983 1984static void1985sharkd_session_free_tap_flow_cb(void *tapdata)1986{1987 seq_analysis_info_t *graph_analysis = (seq_analysis_info_t *) tapdata;1988 1989 sequence_analysis_info_free(graph_analysis);1990}1991 1992struct sharkd_conv_tap_data1993{1994 const char *type;1995 conv_hash_t hash;1996 bool_Bool resolve_name;1997 bool_Bool resolve_port;1998};1999 2000static bool_Bool2001sharkd_session_geoip_addr(address *addr, const char *suffix)2002{2003 const mmdb_lookup_t *lookup = NULL((void*)0);2004 bool_Bool with_geoip = false0;2005 char json_key[64];2006 2007 if (addr->type == AT_IPv4)2008 {2009 const ws_in4_addr *ip4 = (const ws_in4_addr *) addr->data;2010 2011 lookup = maxmind_db_lookup_ipv4(ip4);2012 }2013 else if (addr->type == AT_IPv6)2014 {2015 const ws_in6_addr *ip6 = (const ws_in6_addr *) addr->data;2016 2017 lookup = maxmind_db_lookup_ipv6(ip6);2018 }2019 2020 if (!lookup || !lookup->found)2021 return false0;2022 2023 if (lookup->country)2024 {2025 snprintf(json_key, sizeof(json_key), "geoip_country%s", suffix);2026 sharkd_json_value_string(json_key, lookup->country);2027 with_geoip = true1;2028 }2029 2030 if (lookup->country_iso)2031 {2032 snprintf(json_key, sizeof(json_key), "geoip_country_iso%s", suffix);2033 sharkd_json_value_string(json_key, lookup->country_iso);2034 with_geoip = true1;2035 }2036 2037 if (lookup->city)2038 {2039 snprintf(json_key, sizeof(json_key), "geoip_city%s", suffix);2040 sharkd_json_value_string(json_key, lookup->city);2041 with_geoip = true1;2042 }2043 2044 if (lookup->as_org)2045 {2046 snprintf(json_key, sizeof(json_key), "geoip_as_org%s", suffix);2047 sharkd_json_value_string(json_key, lookup->as_org);2048 with_geoip = true1;2049 }2050 2051 if (lookup->as_number > 0)2052 {2053 snprintf(json_key, sizeof(json_key), "geoip_as%s", suffix);2054 sharkd_json_value_anyf(json_key, "%u", lookup->as_number);2055 with_geoip = true1;2056 }2057 2058 if (lookup->latitude >= -90.0 && lookup->latitude <= 90.0)2059 {2060 snprintf(json_key, sizeof(json_key), "geoip_lat%s", suffix);2061 sharkd_json_value_anyf(json_key, "%f", lookup->latitude);2062 with_geoip = true1;2063 }2064 2065 if (lookup->longitude >= -180.0 && lookup->longitude <= 180.0)2066 {2067 snprintf(json_key, sizeof(json_key), "geoip_lon%s", suffix);2068 sharkd_json_value_anyf(json_key, "%f", lookup->longitude);2069 with_geoip = true1;2070 }2071 2072 return with_geoip;2073}2074 2075struct sharkd_analyse_rtp_items2076{2077 uint32_t frame_num;2078 uint32_t sequence_num;2079 2080 double delta;2081 double jitter;2082 double skew;2083 double bandwidth;2084 bool_Bool marker;2085 2086 double arrive_offset;2087 2088 /* from tap_rtp_stat_t */2089 uint32_t flags;2090 uint16_t pt;2091};2092 2093struct sharkd_analyse_rtp2094{2095 const char *tap_name;2096 rtpstream_id_t id;2097 2098 GSList *packets;2099 double start_time;2100 tap_rtp_stat_t statinfo;2101};2102 2103static void2104sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_free_cb(void *tapdata)2105{2106 struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *rtp_req = (struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *) tapdata;2107 2108 g_slist_free_full(rtp_req->packets, g_free);2109 g_free(rtp_req);2110}2111 2112static tap_packet_status2113sharkd_session_packet_tap_rtp_analyse_cb(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U___attribute__((unused)), const void *pointer, tap_flags_t flags _U___attribute__((unused)))2114{2115 struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *rtp_req = (struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *) tapdata;2116 const struct _rtp_info *rtp_info = (const struct _rtp_info *) pointer;2117 2118 if (rtpstream_id_equal_pinfo_rtp_info(&rtp_req->id, pinfo, rtp_info))2119 {2120 tap_rtp_stat_t *statinfo = &(rtp_req->statinfo);2121 struct sharkd_analyse_rtp_items *item;2122 2123 rtppacket_analyse(statinfo, pinfo, rtp_info);2124 2125 item = g_new(struct sharkd_analyse_rtp_items, 1)((struct sharkd_analyse_rtp_items *) g_malloc_n ((1), sizeof (
struct sharkd_analyse_rtp_items)))
;2126 2127 if (!rtp_req->packets)2128 rtp_req->start_time = nstime_to_sec(&pinfo->abs_ts);2129 2130 item->frame_num = pinfo->num;2131 item->sequence_num = rtp_info->info_seq_num;2132 item->delta = (statinfo->flags & STAT_FLAG_FIRST0x001) ? 0.0 : statinfo->delta;2133 item->jitter = (statinfo->flags & STAT_FLAG_FIRST0x001) ? 0.0 : statinfo->jitter;2134 item->skew = (statinfo->flags & STAT_FLAG_FIRST0x001) ? 0.0 : statinfo->skew;2135 item->bandwidth = statinfo->bandwidth;2136 item->marker = rtp_info->info_marker_set ? true1 : false0;2137 item->arrive_offset= nstime_to_sec(&pinfo->abs_ts) - rtp_req->start_time;2138 2139 item->flags = statinfo->flags;2140 item->pt = statinfo->pt;2141 2142 /* XXX, O(n) optimize */2143 rtp_req->packets = g_slist_append(rtp_req->packets, item);2144 }2145 2146 return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW;2147}2148 2149/**2150 * sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_analyse_cb()2151 *2152 * Output rtp analyse tap:2153 * (m) tap - tap name2154 * (m) type - tap output type2155 * (m) ssrc - RTP SSRC2156 * (m) max_delta - Max delta (ms)2157 * (m) max_delta_nr - Max delta packet #2158 * (m) max_jitter - Max jitter (ms)2159 * (m) mean_jitter - Mean jitter (ms)2160 * (m) max_skew - Max skew (ms)2161 * (m) total_nr - Total number of RTP packets2162 * (m) seq_err - Number of sequence errors2163 * (m) duration - Duration (ms)2164 * (m) items - array of object with attributes:2165 * (m) f - frame number2166 * (m) o - arrive offset2167 * (m) sn - sequence number2168 * (m) d - delta2169 * (m) j - jitter2170 * (m) sk - skew2171 * (m) bw - bandwidth2172 * (o) s - status string2173 * (o) t - status type2174 * (o) mark - rtp mark2175 */2176static void2177sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_analyse_cb(void *tapdata)2178{2179 const int RTP_TYPE_CN = 1;2180 const int RTP_TYPE_ERROR = 2;2181 const int RTP_TYPE_WARN = 3;2182 const int RTP_TYPE_PT_EVENT = 4;2183 2184 const struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *rtp_req = (struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *) tapdata;2185 const tap_rtp_stat_t *statinfo = &rtp_req->statinfo;2186 2187 GSList *l;2188 2189 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2190 2191 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", rtp_req->tap_name);2192 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "rtp-analyse");2193 sharkd_json_value_stringf("ssrc", "0x%x", rtp_req->id.ssrc);2194 2195 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max_delta", "%f", statinfo->max_delta);2196 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max_delta_nr", "%u", statinfo->max_nr);2197 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max_jitter", "%f", statinfo->max_jitter);2198 sharkd_json_value_anyf("mean_jitter", "%f", statinfo->mean_jitter);2199 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max_skew", "%f", statinfo->max_skew);2200 sharkd_json_value_anyf("total_nr", "%u", statinfo->total_nr);2201 sharkd_json_value_anyf("seq_err", "%u", statinfo->sequence);2202 sharkd_json_value_anyf("duration", "%f", statinfo->time - statinfo->start_time);2203 2204 sharkd_json_array_open("items");2205 for (l = rtp_req->packets; l; l = l->next)2206 {2207 struct sharkd_analyse_rtp_items *item = (struct sharkd_analyse_rtp_items *) l->data;2208 2209 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2210 2211 sharkd_json_value_anyf("f", "%u", item->frame_num);2212 sharkd_json_value_anyf("o", "%.9f", item->arrive_offset);2213 sharkd_json_value_anyf("sn", "%u", item->sequence_num);2214 sharkd_json_value_anyf("d", "%.2f", item->delta);2215 sharkd_json_value_anyf("j", "%.2f", item->jitter);2216 sharkd_json_value_anyf("sk", "%.2f", item->skew);2217 sharkd_json_value_anyf("bw", "%.2f", item->bandwidth);2218 2219 if (item->pt == PT_CN13)2220 {2221 sharkd_json_value_string("s", "Comfort noise (PT=13, RFC 3389)");2222 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_CN);2223 }2224 else if (item->pt == PT_CN_OLD19)2225 {2226 sharkd_json_value_string("s", "Comfort noise (PT=19, reserved)");2227 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_CN);2228 }2229 else if (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_WRONG_SEQ0x004)2230 {2231 sharkd_json_value_string("s", "Wrong sequence number");2232 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_ERROR);2233 }2234 else if (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_DUP_PKT0x200)2235 {2236 sharkd_json_value_string("s", "Suspected duplicate (MAC address) only delta time calculated");2237 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_WARN);2238 }2239 else if (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_REG_PT_CHANGE0x040)2240 {2241 sharkd_json_value_stringf("s", "Payload changed to PT=%u%s",2242 item->pt,2243 (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_PT_T_EVENT0x100) ? " telephone/event" : "");2244 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_WARN);2245 }2246 else if (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_WRONG_TIMESTAMP0x080)2247 {2248 sharkd_json_value_string("s", "Incorrect timestamp");2249 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_WARN);2250 }2251 else if ((item->flags & STAT_FLAG_PT_CHANGE0x008)2252 && !(item->flags & STAT_FLAG_FIRST0x001)2253 && !(item->flags & STAT_FLAG_PT_CN0x010)2254 && (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_FOLLOW_PT_CN0x020)2255 && !(item->flags & STAT_FLAG_MARKER0x002))2256 {2257 sharkd_json_value_string("s", "Marker missing?");2258 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_WARN);2259 }2260 else if (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_PT_T_EVENT0x100)2261 {2262 sharkd_json_value_stringf("s", "PT=%u telephone/event", item->pt);2263 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_PT_EVENT);2264 }2265 else if (item->flags & STAT_FLAG_MARKER0x002)2266 {2267 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", RTP_TYPE_WARN);2268 }2269 2270 if (item->marker)2271 sharkd_json_value_anyf("mark", "1");2272 2273 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2274 }2275 sharkd_json_array_close();2276 2277 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2278}2279 2280/**2281 * sharkd_session_process_tap_conv_cb()2282 *2283 * Output conv tap:2284 * (m) tap - tap name2285 * (m) type - tap output type2286 * (m) proto - protocol short name2287 * (o) filter - filter string2288 * (o) geoip - whether GeoIP information is available, boolean2289 *2290 * (o) convs - array of object with attributes:2291 * (m) saddr - source address2292 * (m) daddr - destination address2293 * (o) sport - source port2294 * (o) dport - destination port2295 * (m) txf - TX frame count2296 * (m) txb - TX bytes2297 * (m) rxf - RX frame count2298 * (m) rxb - RX bytes2299 * (m) start - (relative) first packet time2300 * (m) stop - (relative) last packet time2301 * (o) filter - conversation filter2302 *2303 * (o) hosts - array of object with attributes:2304 * (m) host - host address2305 * (o) port - host port2306 * (m) txf - TX frame count2307 * (m) txb - TX bytes2308 * (m) rxf - RX frame count2309 * (m) rxb - RX bytes2310 */2311static void2312sharkd_session_process_tap_conv_cb(void *arg)2313{2314 conv_hash_t *hash = (conv_hash_t *) arg;2315 const struct sharkd_conv_tap_data *iu = (struct sharkd_conv_tap_data *) hash->user_data;2316 const char *proto;2317 int proto_with_port;2318 unsigned i;2319 2320 int with_geoip = 0;2321 2322 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2323 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", iu->type);2324 2325 if (!strncmp(iu->type, "conv:", 5))2326 {2327 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "conv");2328 sharkd_json_array_open("convs");2329 proto = iu->type + 5;2330 }2331 else if (!strncmp(iu->type, "endpt:", 6))2332 {2333 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "host");2334 sharkd_json_array_open("hosts");2335 proto = iu->type + 6;2336 }2337 else2338 {2339 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "err");2340 proto = "";2341 }2342 2343 proto_with_port = (!strcmp(proto, "TCP") || !strcmp(proto, "UDP") || !strcmp(proto, "SCTP"));2344 2345 if (iu->hash.conv_array != NULL((void*)0) && !strncmp(iu->type, "conv:", 5))2346 {2347 for (i = 0; i < iu->hash.conv_array->len; i++)2348 {2349 conv_item_t *iui = &g_array_index(iu->hash.conv_array, conv_item_t, i)(((conv_item_t*) (void *) (iu->hash.conv_array)->data) [
;2350 char *src_addr, *dst_addr;2351 char *src_port, *dst_port;2352 char *filter_str;2353 2354 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2355 2356 sharkd_json_value_string("saddr", (src_addr = get_conversation_address(NULL((void*)0), &iui->src_address, iu->resolve_name)));2357 sharkd_json_value_string("daddr", (dst_addr = get_conversation_address(NULL((void*)0), &iui->dst_address, iu->resolve_name)));2358 2359 if (proto_with_port)2360 {2361 sharkd_json_value_string("sport", (src_port = get_conversation_port(NULL((void*)0), iui->src_port, iui->ctype, iu->resolve_port)));2362 sharkd_json_value_string("dport", (dst_port = get_conversation_port(NULL((void*)0), iui->dst_port, iui->ctype, iu->resolve_port)));2363 2364 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), src_port);2365 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), dst_port);2366 }2367 2368 sharkd_json_value_anyf("rxf", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", iui->rx_frames);2369 sharkd_json_value_anyf("rxb", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", iui->rx_bytes);2370 2371 sharkd_json_value_anyf("txf", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", iui->tx_frames);2372 sharkd_json_value_anyf("txb", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", iui->tx_bytes);2373 2374 sharkd_json_value_anyf("start", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&iui->start_time));2375 sharkd_json_value_anyf("stop", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&iui->stop_time));2376 2377 filter_str = get_conversation_filter(iui, CONV_DIR_A_TO_FROM_B);2378 if (filter_str)2379 {2380 sharkd_json_value_string("filter", filter_str);2381 g_free(filter_str);2382 }2383 2384 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), src_addr);2385 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), dst_addr);2386 2387 if (sharkd_session_geoip_addr(&(iui->src_address), "1"))2388 with_geoip = 1;2389 if (sharkd_session_geoip_addr(&(iui->dst_address), "2"))2390 with_geoip = 1;2391 2392 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2393 }2394 }2395 else if (iu->hash.conv_array != NULL((void*)0) && !strncmp(iu->type, "endpt:", 6))2396 {2397 for (i = 0; i < iu->hash.conv_array->len; i++)2398 {2399 endpoint_item_t *endpoint = &g_array_index(iu->hash.conv_array, endpoint_item_t, i)(((endpoint_item_t*) (void *) (iu->hash.conv_array)->data
) [(i)])
;2400 char *host_str, *port_str;2401 char *filter_str;2402 2403 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2404 2405 sharkd_json_value_string("host", (host_str = get_conversation_address(NULL((void*)0), &endpoint->myaddress, iu->resolve_name)));2406 2407 if (proto_with_port)2408 {2409 sharkd_json_value_string("port", (port_str = get_endpoint_port(NULL((void*)0), endpoint, iu->resolve_port)));2410 2411 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), port_str);2412 }2413 2414 sharkd_json_value_anyf("rxf", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", endpoint->rx_frames);2415 sharkd_json_value_anyf("rxb", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", endpoint->rx_bytes);2416 2417 sharkd_json_value_anyf("txf", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", endpoint->tx_frames);2418 sharkd_json_value_anyf("txb", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", endpoint->tx_bytes);2419 2420 filter_str = get_endpoint_filter(endpoint);2421 if (filter_str)2422 {2423 sharkd_json_value_string("filter", filter_str);2424 g_free(filter_str);2425 }2426 2427 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), host_str);2428 2429 if (sharkd_session_geoip_addr(&(endpoint->myaddress), ""))2430 with_geoip = 1;2431 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2432 }2433 }2434 sharkd_json_array_close();2435 2436 sharkd_json_value_string("proto", proto);2437 sharkd_json_value_anyf("geoip", with_geoip ? "true" : "false");2438 2439 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2440}2441 2442static void2443sharkd_session_free_tap_conv_cb(void *arg)2444{2445 conv_hash_t *hash = (conv_hash_t *) arg;2446 struct sharkd_conv_tap_data *iu = (struct sharkd_conv_tap_data *) hash->user_data;2447 2448 if (!strncmp(iu->type, "conv:", 5))2449 {2450 reset_conversation_table_data(hash);2451 }2452 else if (!strncmp(iu->type, "endpt:", 6))2453 {2454 reset_endpoint_table_data(hash);2455 }2456 2457 g_free(iu);2458}2459 2460/**2461 * sharkd_session_process_tap_nstat_cb()2462 *2463 * Output nstat tap:2464 * (m) tap - tap name2465 * (m) type - tap output type2466 * (m) fields: array of objects with attributes:2467 * (m) c - name2468 *2469 * (m) tables: array of object with attributes:2470 * (m) t - table title2471 * (m) i - array of items2472 */2473static void2474sharkd_session_process_tap_nstat_cb(void *arg)2475{2476 stat_data_t *stat_data = (stat_data_t *) arg;2477 unsigned i, j, k;2478 2479 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2480 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "nstat:%s", stat_data->stat_tap_data->cli_string);2481 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "nstat");2482 2483 sharkd_json_array_open("fields");2484 for (i = 0; i < stat_data->stat_tap_data->nfields; i++)2485 {2486 stat_tap_table_item *field = &(stat_data->stat_tap_data->fields[i]);2487 2488 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2489 sharkd_json_value_string("c", field->column_name);2490 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2491 }2492 sharkd_json_array_close();2493 2494 sharkd_json_array_open("tables");2495 for (i = 0; i < stat_data->stat_tap_data->tables->len; i++)2496 {2497 stat_tap_table *table = g_array_index(stat_data->stat_tap_data->tables, stat_tap_table *, i)(((stat_tap_table **) (void *) (stat_data->stat_tap_data->
tables)->data) [(i)])
;2498 2499 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2500 2501 sharkd_json_value_string("t", table->title);2502 2503 sharkd_json_array_open("i");2504 for (j = 0; j < table->num_elements; j++)2505 {2506 stat_tap_table_item_type *field_data;2507 2508 field_data = stat_tap_get_field_data(table, j, 0);2509 if (field_data == NULL((void*)0) || field_data->type == TABLE_ITEM_NONE) /* Nothing for us here */2510 continue;2511 2512 sharkd_json_array_open(NULL((void*)0));2513 for (k = 0; k < table->num_fields; k++)2514 {2515 field_data = stat_tap_get_field_data(table, j, k);2516 2517 switch (field_data->type)2518 {2519 case TABLE_ITEM_UINT:2520 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "%u", field_data->value.uint_value);2521 break;2522 2523 case TABLE_ITEM_INT:2524 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "%d", field_data->value.int_value);2525 break;2526 2527 case TABLE_ITEM_STRING:2528 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), field_data->value.string_value);2529 break;2530 2531 case TABLE_ITEM_FLOAT:2532 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "%f", field_data->value.float_value);2533 break;2534 2535 case TABLE_ITEM_ENUM:2536 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "%d", field_data->value.enum_value);2537 break;2538 2539 case TABLE_ITEM_NONE:2540 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "null");2541 break;2542 }2543 }2544 2545 sharkd_json_array_close();2546 }2547 sharkd_json_array_close();2548 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2549 }2550 sharkd_json_array_close();2551 2552 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2553}2554 2555static void2556sharkd_session_free_tap_nstat_cb(void *arg)2557{2558 stat_data_t *stat_data = (stat_data_t *) arg;2559 2560 free_stat_tables(stat_data->stat_tap_data);2561}2562 2563/**2564 * sharkd_session_process_tap_rtd_cb()2565 *2566 * Output rtd tap:2567 * (m) tap - tap name2568 * (m) type - tap output type2569 * (m) stats - statistics rows - array object with attributes:2570 * (m) type - statistic name2571 * (m) num - number of messages2572 * (m) min - minimum SRT time2573 * (m) max - maximum SRT time2574 * (m) tot - total SRT time2575 * (m) min_frame - minimal SRT2576 * (m) max_frame - maximum SRT2577 * (o) open_req - Open Requests2578 * (o) disc_rsp - Discarded Responses2579 * (o) req_dup - Duplicated Requests2580 * (o) rsp_dup - Duplicated Responses2581 * (o) open_req - Open Requests2582 * (o) disc_rsp - Discarded Responses2583 * (o) req_dup - Duplicated Requests2584 * (o) rsp_dup - Duplicated Responses2585 */2586static void2587sharkd_session_process_tap_rtd_cb(void *arg)2588{2589 rtd_data_t *rtd_data = (rtd_data_t *) arg;2590 register_rtd_t *rtd = (register_rtd_t *) rtd_data->user_data;2591 2592 unsigned i, j;2593 2594 const char *filter = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(get_rtd_proto_id(rtd));2595 2596 /* XXX, some dissectors are having single table and multiple timestats (mgcp, megaco),2597 * some multiple table and single timestat (radius, h225)2598 * and it seems that value_string is used one for timestamp-ID, other one for table-ID2599 * I wonder how it will gonna work with multiple timestats and multiple tables...2600 * (for usage grep for: register_rtd_table)2601 */2602 const value_string *vs = get_rtd_value_string(rtd);2603 2604 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2605 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "rtd:%s", filter);2606 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "rtd");2607 2608 if (rtd_data->stat_table.num_rtds == 1)2609 {2610 const rtd_timestat *ms = &rtd_data->stat_table.time_stats[0];2611 2612 sharkd_json_value_anyf("open_req", "%u", ms->open_req_num);2613 sharkd_json_value_anyf("disc_rsp", "%u", ms->disc_rsp_num);2614 sharkd_json_value_anyf("req_dup", "%u", ms->req_dup_num);2615 sharkd_json_value_anyf("rsp_dup", "%u", ms->rsp_dup_num);2616 }2617 2618 sharkd_json_array_open("stats");2619 for (i = 0; i < rtd_data->stat_table.num_rtds; i++)2620 {2621 const rtd_timestat *ms = &rtd_data->stat_table.time_stats[i];2622 2623 for (j = 0; j < ms->num_timestat; j++)2624 {2625 const char *type_str;2626 2627 if (ms->rtd[j].num == 0)2628 continue;2629 2630 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2631 2632 if (rtd_data->stat_table.num_rtds == 1)2633 type_str = val_to_str_const(j, vs, "Other"); /* 1 table - description per row */2634 else2635 type_str = val_to_str_const(i, vs, "Other"); /* multiple table - description per table */2636 sharkd_json_value_string("type", type_str);2637 2638 sharkd_json_value_anyf("num", "%u", ms->rtd[j].num);2639 sharkd_json_value_anyf("min", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&(ms->rtd[j].min)));2640 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&(ms->rtd[j].max)));2641 sharkd_json_value_anyf("tot", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&(ms->rtd[j].tot)));2642 sharkd_json_value_anyf("min_frame", "%u", ms->rtd[j].min_num);2643 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max_frame", "%u", ms->rtd[j].max_num);2644 2645 if (rtd_data->stat_table.num_rtds != 1)2646 {2647 /* like in tshark, display it on every row */2648 sharkd_json_value_anyf("open_req", "%u", ms->open_req_num);2649 sharkd_json_value_anyf("disc_rsp", "%u", ms->disc_rsp_num);2650 sharkd_json_value_anyf("req_dup", "%u", ms->req_dup_num);2651 sharkd_json_value_anyf("rsp_dup", "%u", ms->rsp_dup_num);2652 }2653 2654 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2655 }2656 }2657 sharkd_json_array_close();2658 2659 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2660}2661 2662static void2663sharkd_session_free_tap_rtd_cb(void *arg)2664{2665 rtd_data_t *rtd_data = (rtd_data_t *) arg;2666 2667 free_rtd_table(&rtd_data->stat_table);2668 g_free(rtd_data);2669}2670 2671/**2672 * sharkd_session_process_tap_srt_cb()2673 *2674 * Output srt tap:2675 * (m) tap - tap name2676 * (m) type - tap output type2677 *2678 * (m) tables - array of object with attributes:2679 * (m) n - table name2680 * (m) f - table filter2681 * (o) c - table column name2682 * (m) r - table rows - array object with attributes:2683 * (m) n - row name2684 * (m) idx - procedure index2685 * (m) num - number of events2686 * (m) min - minimum SRT time2687 * (m) max - maximum SRT time2688 * (m) tot - total SRT time2689 */2690static void2691sharkd_session_process_tap_srt_cb(void *arg)2692{2693 srt_data_t *srt_data = (srt_data_t *) arg;2694 register_srt_t *srt = (register_srt_t *) srt_data->user_data;2695 2696 const char *filter = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(get_srt_proto_id(srt));2697 2698 unsigned i;2699 2700 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2701 sharkd_json_value_stringf("tap", "srt:%s", filter);2702 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "srt");2703 2704 sharkd_json_array_open("tables");2705 for (i = 0; i < srt_data->srt_array->len; i++)2706 {2707 /* SRT table */2708 srt_stat_table *rst = g_array_index(srt_data->srt_array, srt_stat_table *, i)(((srt_stat_table **) (void *) (srt_data->srt_array)->data
) [(i)])
;2709 2710 int j;2711 2712 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2713 2714 if (rst->name)2715 sharkd_json_value_string("n", rst->name);2716 else if (rst->short_name)2717 sharkd_json_value_string("n", rst->short_name);2718 else2719 sharkd_json_value_stringf("n", "table%u", i);2720 2721 if (rst->filter_string)2722 sharkd_json_value_string("f", rst->filter_string);2723 2724 if (rst->proc_column_name)2725 sharkd_json_value_string("c", rst->proc_column_name);2726 2727 sharkd_json_array_open("r");2728 for (j = 0; j < rst->num_procs; j++)2729 {2730 /* SRT row */2731 srt_procedure_t *proc = &rst->procedures[j];2732 2733 if (proc->stats.num == 0)2734 continue;2735 2736 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2737 2738 sharkd_json_value_string("n", proc->procedure);2739 2740 if (rst->filter_string)2741 sharkd_json_value_anyf("idx", "%d", proc->proc_index);2742 2743 sharkd_json_value_anyf("num", "%u", proc->stats.num);2744 2745 sharkd_json_value_anyf("min", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&proc->stats.min));2746 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&proc->stats.max));2747 sharkd_json_value_anyf("tot", "%.9f", nstime_to_sec(&proc->stats.tot));2748 2749 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2750 }2751 sharkd_json_array_close();2752 2753 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2754 }2755 sharkd_json_array_close();2756 2757 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2758}2759 2760static void2761sharkd_session_free_tap_srt_cb(void *arg)2762{2763 srt_data_t *srt_data = (srt_data_t *) arg;2764 register_srt_t *srt = (register_srt_t *) srt_data->user_data;2765 2766 free_srt_table(srt, srt_data->srt_array);2767 g_array_free(srt_data->srt_array, TRUE(!(0)));2768 g_free(srt_data);2769}2770 2771static void2772sharkd_session_process_tap_phs_cb_aux(phs_t *rs)2773{2774 for (; rs; rs = rs->sibling) {2775 if (rs->protocol == -1) {2776 return;2777 }2778 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));2779 sharkd_json_value_string("proto", rs->proto_name);2780 sharkd_json_value_anyf("frames", "%"PRIu32"u", rs->frames);2781 sharkd_json_value_anyf("bytes", "%"PRIu64"l" "u", rs->bytes);2782 if (rs->child != NULL((void*)0) && rs->child->protocol != -1) {2783 sharkd_json_array_open("protos");2784 sharkd_session_process_tap_phs_cb_aux(rs->child);2785 sharkd_json_array_close();2786 }2787 sharkd_json_object_close();2788 }2789}2790 2791/**2792 * sharkd_session_process_tap_phs_cb()2793 *2794 * Output phs tap:2795 * (m) tap - tap name2796 * (m) type - tap output type2797 * (m) filter - tap filter argument2798 * (m) protos - array of proto objects2799 *2800 * proto object:2801 * (m) proto - protocol name2802 * (m) frames - frame count2803 * (m) bytes - bytes count2804 * (o) protos - array of proto objects2805 */2806static void2807sharkd_session_process_tap_phs_cb(void *arg)2808{2809 phs_t *rs = (phs_t *)arg;2810 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));2811 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "phs");2812 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "phs");2813 sharkd_json_value_string("filter", rs->filter ? rs->filter : "");2814 sharkd_json_array_open("protos");2815 sharkd_session_process_tap_phs_cb_aux(rs);2816 sharkd_json_array_close();2817 sharkd_json_object_close();2818}2819 2820static void2821sharkd_session_free_tap_phs_cb(void *arg)2822{2823 phs_t *rs = (phs_t *)arg;2824 free_phs(rs);2825}2826 2827struct sharkd_export_object_list2828{2829 struct sharkd_export_object_list *next;2830 2831 char *type;2832 const char *proto;2833 GSList *entries;2834};2835 2836static struct sharkd_export_object_list *sharkd_eo_list;2837 2838/**2839 * sharkd_session_process_tap_eo_cb()2840 *2841 * Output eo tap:2842 * (m) tap - tap name2843 * (m) type - tap output type2844 * (m) proto - protocol short name2845 * (m) objects - array of object with attributes:2846 * (m) pkt - packet number2847 * (o) hostname - hostname2848 * (o) type - content type2849 * (o) filename - filename2850 * (m) len - object length2851 * (m) sha1 - object's sha1 sum2852 */2853static void2854sharkd_session_process_tap_eo_cb(void *tapdata)2855{2856 export_object_list_t *tap_object = (export_object_list_t *) tapdata;2857 struct sharkd_export_object_list *object_list = (struct sharkd_export_object_list *) tap_object->gui_data;2858 GSList *slist;2859 int i = 0;2860 char sha1sum_bytes[HASH_SHA1_LENGTH20], *sha1sum_str;2861 2862 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2863 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", object_list->type);2864 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "eo");2865 2866 sharkd_json_value_string("proto", object_list->proto);2867 2868 sharkd_json_array_open("objects");2869 for (slist = object_list->entries; slist; slist = slist->next)2870 {2871 const export_object_entry_t *eo_entry = (export_object_entry_t *) slist->data;2872 2873 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2874 2875 sharkd_json_value_anyf("pkt", "%u", eo_entry->pkt_num);2876 2877 if (eo_entry->hostname)2878 sharkd_json_value_string("hostname", eo_entry->hostname);2879 2880 if (eo_entry->content_type)2881 sharkd_json_value_string("type", eo_entry->content_type);2882 2883 if (eo_entry->filename)2884 sharkd_json_value_string("filename", eo_entry->filename);2885 2886 sharkd_json_value_stringf("_download", "%s_%d", object_list->type, i);2887 2888 sharkd_json_value_anyf("len", "%zu", eo_entry->payload_len);2889 2890 gcry_md_hash_buffer(GCRY_MD_SHA1, sha1sum_bytes, eo_entry->payload_data, eo_entry->payload_len);2891 sha1sum_str = bytes_to_str(NULL, sha1sum_bytes, HASH_SHA1_LENGTH)bytes_to_str_maxlen(((void*)0), sha1sum_bytes, 20, 36);2892 sharkd_json_value_string("sha1", sha1sum_str);2893 g_free(sha1sum_str);2894 2895 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2896 2897 i++;2898 }2899 sharkd_json_array_close();2900 2901 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);2902}2903 2904static void2905sharkd_eo_object_list_add_entry(void *gui_data, export_object_entry_t *entry)2906{2907 struct sharkd_export_object_list *object_list = (struct sharkd_export_object_list *) gui_data;2908 2909 object_list->entries = g_slist_append(object_list->entries, entry);2910}2911 2912static export_object_entry_t *2913sharkd_eo_object_list_get_entry(void *gui_data, int row)2914{2915 struct sharkd_export_object_list *object_list = (struct sharkd_export_object_list *) gui_data;2916 2917 return (export_object_entry_t *) g_slist_nth_data(object_list->entries, row);2918}2919 2920static struct sharkd_export_object_list *2921sharkd_eo_object_list_get_entry_by_type(void *gui_data, const char *tap_type)2922{2923 struct sharkd_export_object_list *object_list = (struct sharkd_export_object_list *) gui_data;2924 for (; object_list; object_list = object_list->next)2925 {2926 if (!strcmp(object_list->type, tap_type))2927 return object_list;2928 }2929 return NULL((void*)0);2930}2931 2932 2933/**2934 * sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_cb()2935 *2936 * Output RTP streams tap:2937 * (m) tap - tap name2938 * (m) type - tap output type2939 * (m) streams - array of object with attributes:2940 * (m) ssrc - RTP synchronization source identifier2941 * (m) payload - stream payload2942 * (m) saddr - source address2943 * (m) sport - source port2944 * (m) daddr - destination address2945 * (m) dport - destination port2946 * (m) pkts - packets count2947 * (m) max_delta - max delta (ms)2948 * (m) max_jitter - max jitter (ms)2949 * (m) mean_jitter - mean jitter (ms)2950 * (m) expectednr -2951 * (m) totalnr -2952 * (m) problem - if analyser found the problem2953 * (m) ipver - address IP version (4 or 6)2954 */2955static void2956sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_cb(void *arg)2957{2958 rtpstream_tapinfo_t *rtp_tapinfo = (rtpstream_tapinfo_t *) arg;2959 2960 GList *listx;2961 2962 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2963 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "rtp-streams");2964 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "rtp-streams");2965 2966 sharkd_json_array_open("streams");2967 for (listx = g_list_first(rtp_tapinfo->strinfo_list); listx; listx = listx->next)2968 {2969 rtpstream_info_t *streaminfo = (rtpstream_info_t *) listx->data;2970 rtpstream_info_calc_t calc;2971 2972 rtpstream_info_calculate(streaminfo, &calc);2973 2974 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);2975 2976 sharkd_json_value_stringf("ssrc", "0x%x", calc.ssrc);2977 sharkd_json_value_string("payload", calc.all_payload_type_names);2978 2979 sharkd_json_value_string("saddr", calc.src_addr_str);2980 sharkd_json_value_anyf("sport", "%u", calc.src_port);2981 sharkd_json_value_string("daddr", calc.dst_addr_str);2982 sharkd_json_value_anyf("dport", "%u", calc.dst_port);2983 2984 sharkd_json_value_anyf("start_time", "%f", calc.start_time_ms);2985 sharkd_json_value_anyf("duration", "%f", calc.duration_ms);2986 2987 sharkd_json_value_anyf("pkts", "%u", calc.packet_count);2988 sharkd_json_value_anyf("lost", "%u", calc.lost_num);2989 sharkd_json_value_anyf("lost_percent", "%f", calc.lost_perc);2990 2991 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max_delta", "%f",calc.max_delta);2992 sharkd_json_value_anyf("min_delta", "%f",calc.min_delta);2993 sharkd_json_value_anyf("mean_delta", "%f",calc.mean_delta);2994 sharkd_json_value_anyf("min_jitter", "%f", calc.min_jitter);2995 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max_jitter", "%f", calc.max_jitter);2996 sharkd_json_value_anyf("mean_jitter", "%f", calc.mean_jitter);2997 2998 sharkd_json_value_anyf("expectednr", "%u", calc.packet_expected);2999 sharkd_json_value_anyf("totalnr", "%u", calc.total_nr);3000 3001 sharkd_json_value_anyf("problem", calc.problem ? "true" : "false");3002 3003 /* for filter */3004 sharkd_json_value_anyf("ipver", "%d", (streaminfo->id.src_addr.type == AT_IPv6) ? 6 : 4);3005 3006 rtpstream_info_calc_free(&calc);3007 3008 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);3009 }3010 sharkd_json_array_close();3011 3012 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);3013}3014 3015/**3016* sharkd_session_process_tap_multicast_cb()3017*3018* Output UDP Multicast streams tap:3019* (m) tap - tap name3020* (m) type - tap output type3021* (m) bufferThresholdBytes - byte count for a stream where a buffer alarm should be reported3022* (m) burstIntervalMs - analysis interval in milliseconds3023* (m) burstThresholdPackets - count of packets in an interval that should trigger an alarm3024* (m) streams - array of streams with metrics:3025* (m) saddr - source address3026* (m) sport - source port3027* (m) daddr - destination address3028* (m) dport - destination port3029* (m) packets - object group for packet metrics with attributes:3030* (m) number - count of packets in the stream3031* (m) perSecond - average number of packets per seconds in the stream3032* (m) bandwidth - object group for bandwidth metrics with attributes:3033* (m) average - average measured bitrate in the stream3034* (m) max - max measured bitrate in the stream3035* (m) buffer - object group for buffer metrics with attributes:3036* (m) alarms - number of times the stream exceeded the buffer threshold3037* (m) max - highest stream buffer utilization3038* (m) burst - object group for burst metrics with attributes:3039* (m) alarms - number of times the stream exceeded the burst threshold3040* (m) max - most stream packets measured in a burst interval3041*/3042static void3043sharkd_session_process_tap_multicast_cb(void *arg)3044{3045 mcaststream_tapinfo_t *tapinfo = (mcaststream_tapinfo_t *)arg;3046 GList *list_item;3047 char *addr_str;3048 3049 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);3050 3051 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "multicast");3052 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "multicast");3053 3054 sharkd_json_value_anyf("bufferThresholdBytes", "%u", mcast_stream_bufferalarm);3055 sharkd_json_value_anyf("burstIntervalMs", "%u", mcast_stream_burstint);3056 sharkd_json_value_anyf("burstThresholdPackets", "%u", mcast_stream_trigger);3057 3058 sharkd_json_array_open("streams");3059 for (list_item = g_list_first(tapinfo->strinfo_list); list_item; list_item = list_item->next) {3060 mcast_stream_info_t *stream_info = (mcast_stream_info_t *) list_item->data;3061 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3062 {3063 addr_str = address_to_display(NULL((void*)0), &stream_info->src_addr);3064 sharkd_json_value_string("saddr", addr_str);3065 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), addr_str);3066 sharkd_json_value_anyf("sport", "%u", stream_info->src_port);3067 addr_str = address_to_display(NULL((void*)0), &stream_info->dest_addr);3068 sharkd_json_value_string("daddr", addr_str);3069 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), addr_str);3070 sharkd_json_value_anyf("dport", "%u", stream_info->dest_port);3071 sharkd_json_object_open("packets");3072 {3073 sharkd_json_value_anyf("number", "%u", stream_info->npackets);3074 sharkd_json_value_anyf("perSecond", "%f", stream_info->apackets);3075 }3076 sharkd_json_object_close();3077 sharkd_json_object_open("bandwidth");3078 {3079 sharkd_json_value_anyf("average", "%f", stream_info->average_bw);3080 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max", "%f", stream_info->element.maxbw);3081 }3082 sharkd_json_object_close();3083 sharkd_json_object_open("buffer");3084 {3085 sharkd_json_value_anyf("alarms", "%u", stream_info->element.numbuffalarms);3086 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max", "%u", stream_info->element.topbuffusage);3087 }3088 sharkd_json_object_close();3089 sharkd_json_object_open("burst");3090 {3091 sharkd_json_value_anyf("alarms", "%u", stream_info->element.numbursts);3092 sharkd_json_value_anyf("max", "%u", stream_info->element.topburstsize);3093 }3094 sharkd_json_object_close();3095 }3096 sharkd_json_object_close();3097 }3098 sharkd_json_array_close();3099 3100 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);3101}3102 3103static void3104sharkd_session_process_free_tap_multicast_cb(void *tapdata)3105{3106 mcaststream_tapinfo_t *tapinfo = (mcaststream_tapinfo_t *)tapdata;3107 3108 mcaststream_reset(tapinfo);3109 3110 g_free(tapinfo);3111}3112 3113/**3114 * sharkd_session_process_tap_voip_calls_cb()3115 *3116 * Output VoIP Calls tap:3117 * (m) tap - tap name3118 * (m) type - tap output type3119 * (m) calls - array of objects with attributes:3120 * (m) call - call number3121 * (m) start_time - start timestamp3122 * (m) stop_time - stop timestamp3123 * (m) initial_speaker - address of initial speaker3124 * (m) from - from address3125 * (m) to - to address3126 * (m) protocol - protocol name3127 * (m) packets - packet count3128 * (m) state - state string3129 * (m) comment - comment string3130 */3131static void3132sharkd_session_process_tap_voip_calls_cb(void *arg)3133{3134 voip_calls_tapinfo_t *tapinfo = (voip_calls_tapinfo_t *)arg;3135 char *addr_str;3136 GList *cur_call = g_queue_peek_nth_link(tapinfo->callsinfos, 0);3137 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3138 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", "voip-calls");3139 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "voip-calls");3140 sharkd_json_array_open("calls");3141 while (cur_call && cur_call->data) {3142 voip_calls_info_t *call_info_ = (voip_calls_info_t*) cur_call->data;3143 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3144 sharkd_json_value_anyf("call", "%hu", call_info_->call_num);3145 sharkd_json_value_anyf("start_time", "%.6f", nstime_to_sec(&(call_info_->start_rel_ts)));3146 sharkd_json_value_anyf("stop_time", "%.6f", nstime_to_sec(&(call_info_->stop_rel_ts)));3147 addr_str = address_to_display(NULL((void*)0), &(call_info_->initial_speaker));3148 sharkd_json_value_string("initial_speaker", addr_str);3149 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), addr_str);3150 sharkd_json_value_string("from", call_info_->from_identity);3151 sharkd_json_value_string("to", call_info_->to_identity);3152 sharkd_json_value_string("protocol", ((call_info_->protocol == VOIP_COMMON) && call_info_->protocol_name) ?3153 call_info_->protocol_name : voip_protocol_name[call_info_->protocol]);3154 sharkd_json_value_anyf("packets", "%u", call_info_->npackets);3155 sharkd_json_value_string("state", voip_call_state_name[call_info_->call_state]);3156 sharkd_json_value_string("comment", call_info_->call_comment);3157 sharkd_json_object_close();3158 cur_call = g_list_next(cur_call)((cur_call) ? (((GList *)(cur_call))->next) : ((void*)0));3159 }3160 sharkd_json_array_close();3161 sharkd_json_object_close();3162}3163 3164static void3165sharkd_session_free_tap_voip_calls_cb(void *tapdata)3166{3167 voip_calls_tapinfo_t *tapinfo = (voip_calls_tapinfo_t *)tapdata;3168 voip_calls_remove_all_tap_listeners(tapinfo);3169 if (tapinfo->callsinfos != NULL((void*)0)) {3170 g_queue_free(tapinfo->callsinfos);3171 }3172 if (tapinfo->graph_analysis != NULL((void*)0)) {3173 sequence_analysis_info_free(tapinfo->graph_analysis);3174 }3175 memset(tapinfo, 0, sizeof(*tapinfo));3176}3177 3178 3179struct sharkd_voip_convs_req {3180 voip_calls_tapinfo_t *tapinfo;3181 const char *tap_name;3182};3183 3184/**3185 * sharkd_session_process_tap_voip_convs_cb()3186 *3187 * Output VoIP Conversations tap:3188 * (m) tap - tap name3189 * (m) type - tap output type3190 * (m) convs - array of objects with attributes:3191 * (m) frame - frame number3192 * (m) call - call number3193 * (m) time - timestamp3194 * (m) dst_addr - destination address3195 * (m) dst_port - destination port3196 * (m) src_addr - source address3197 * (m) src_port - source port3198 * (m) label - label string3199 * (m) comment - comment string3200 */3201static void3202sharkd_session_process_tap_voip_convs_cb(void *arg)3203{3204 struct sharkd_voip_convs_req *voip_convs_req = (struct sharkd_voip_convs_req *)arg;3205 voip_calls_tapinfo_t *tapinfo = voip_convs_req->tapinfo;3206 seq_analysis_info_t *sainfo = tapinfo->graph_analysis;3207 char *addr_str;3208 sequence_analysis_list_sort(sainfo);3209 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3210 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", voip_convs_req->tap_name);3211 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "voip-convs");3212 sharkd_json_array_open("convs");3213 for (GList *cur = g_queue_peek_nth_link(sainfo->items, 0); cur; cur = g_list_next(cur)((cur) ? (((GList *)(cur))->next) : ((void*)0))) {3214 seq_analysis_item_t *sai = (seq_analysis_item_t *) cur->data;3215 if ((voip_conv_sel[sai->conv_num / VOIP_CONV_BITS(sizeof(int) * 8)] & (1 << (sai->conv_num % VOIP_CONV_BITS(sizeof(int) * 8)))) == 0)3216 continue;3217 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3218 sharkd_json_value_anyf("frame", "%d", sai->frame_number);3219 sharkd_json_value_anyf("call", "%d", sai->conv_num);3220 sharkd_json_value_string("time", sai->time_str);3221 addr_str = address_to_display(NULL((void*)0), &(sai->dst_addr));3222 sharkd_json_value_string("dst_addr", addr_str);3223 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), addr_str);3224 sharkd_json_value_anyf("dst_port", "%d", sai->port_dst);3225 addr_str = address_to_display(NULL((void*)0), &(sai->src_addr));3226 sharkd_json_value_string("src_addr", addr_str);3227 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), addr_str);3228 sharkd_json_value_anyf("src_port", "%d", sai->port_src);3229 sharkd_json_value_string("label", sai->frame_label);3230 sharkd_json_value_string("comment", sai->comment);3231 sharkd_json_object_close();3232 }3233 sharkd_json_array_close();3234 sharkd_json_object_close();3235}3236 3237static void3238sharkd_session_free_tap_voip_convs_cb(void *tapdata)3239{3240 struct sharkd_voip_convs_req *voip_convs_req = (struct sharkd_voip_convs_req *)tapdata;3241 voip_calls_tapinfo_t *tapinfo = voip_convs_req->tapinfo;3242 voip_calls_remove_all_tap_listeners(tapinfo);3243 if (tapinfo->callsinfos != NULL((void*)0)) {3244 g_queue_free(tapinfo->callsinfos);3245 }3246 if (tapinfo->graph_analysis != NULL((void*)0)) {3247 sequence_analysis_info_free(tapinfo->graph_analysis);3248 }3249 memset(tapinfo, 0, sizeof(*tapinfo));3250 g_free(voip_convs_req);3251}3252 3253struct sharkd_hosts_req {3254 const char *tap_name;3255 bool_Bool dump_v4;3256 bool_Bool dump_v6;3257};3258 3259static int3260sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_host_compare(const void *a, const void *b)3261{3262 return ws_ascii_strnatcmp(((const hashipv4_t *)a)->name,3263 ((const hashipv4_t *)b)->name);3264}3265 3266static int3267sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_host_compare(const void *a, const void *b)3268{3269 return ws_ascii_strnatcmp(((const hashipv6_t *)a)->name,3270 ((const hashipv6_t *)b)->name);3271}3272 3273static void3274sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_host_print(void *data, void *user_data _U___attribute__((unused)))3275{3276 hashipv4_t *ipv4_hash_table_entry = (hashipv4_t *)data;3277 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3278 sharkd_json_value_string("name", ipv4_hash_table_entry->name);3279 sharkd_json_value_string("addr", ipv4_hash_table_entry->ip);3280 sharkd_json_object_close();3281}3282 3283static void3284sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_host_print(void *data, void *user_data _U___attribute__((unused)))3285{3286 hashipv6_t *ipv6_hash_table_entry = (hashipv6_t *)data;3287 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3288 sharkd_json_value_string("name", ipv6_hash_table_entry->name);3289 sharkd_json_value_string("addr", ipv6_hash_table_entry->ip6);3290 sharkd_json_object_close();3291}3292 3293static void3294sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_host_insert_sorted(void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data)3295{3296 hashipv4_t *ipv4_hash_table_entry = (hashipv4_t *)value;3297 GSList **list = (GSList **)user_data;3298 if ((ipv4_hash_table_entry->flags & NAME_RESOLVED(1U<<1))) {3299 *list = g_slist_insert_sorted(*list, ipv4_hash_table_entry, sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_host_compare);3300 }3301}3302 3303static void3304sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_host_insert_sorted(void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data)3305{3306 hashipv6_t *ipv6_hash_table_entry = (hashipv6_t *)value;3307 GSList **list = (GSList **) user_data;3308 if ((ipv6_hash_table_entry->flags & NAME_RESOLVED(1U<<1))) {3309 *list = g_slist_insert_sorted(*list, ipv6_hash_table_entry, sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_host_compare);3310 }3311}3312 3313static void3314sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_hosts_print(void)3315{3316 wmem_map_t *ipv4_hash_table = get_ipv4_hash_table();3317 if (!ipv4_hash_table)3318 return;3319 GSList *list = NULL((void*)0);3320 wmem_map_foreach(ipv4_hash_table, sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_host_insert_sorted, &list);3321 g_slist_foreach(list, sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_host_print, NULL((void*)0));3322 g_slist_free(list);3323}3324 3325static void3326sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_hosts_print(void)3327{3328 wmem_map_t *ipv6_hash_table = get_ipv6_hash_table();3329 if (!ipv6_hash_table)3330 return;3331 GSList *list = NULL((void*)0);3332 wmem_map_foreach(ipv6_hash_table, sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_host_insert_sorted, &list);3333 g_slist_foreach(list, sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_host_print, NULL((void*)0));3334 g_slist_free(list);3335}3336 3337/**3338 * sharkd_session_process_tap_hosts_cb()3339 *3340 * Output Hosts tap:3341 * (m) tap - tap name3342 * (m) type - tap output type3343 * (o) ipv4_hosts - array of objects with attributes:3344 * (m) addr - ipv4 address3345 * (m) name - resolved name of address3346 * (o) ipv6_hosts - array of objects with attributes:3347 * (m) addr - ipv6 address3348 * (m) name - resolved name of address3349 */3350static void3351sharkd_session_process_tap_hosts_cb(void *arg)3352{3353 struct sharkd_hosts_req *hosts_req = (struct sharkd_hosts_req *)arg;3354 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));3355 sharkd_json_value_string("tap", hosts_req->tap_name);3356 sharkd_json_value_string("type", "hosts");3357 if (hosts_req->dump_v4) {3358 sharkd_json_array_open("ipv4_hosts");3359 sharkd_session_tap_ipv4_hosts_print();3360 sharkd_json_array_close();3361 }3362 if (hosts_req->dump_v6) {3363 sharkd_json_array_open("ipv6_hosts");3364 sharkd_session_tap_ipv6_hosts_print();3365 sharkd_json_array_close();3366 }3367 sharkd_json_object_close();3368}3369 3370static void3371sharkd_session_free_tap_hosts_cb(void *tapdata)3372{3373 struct sharkd_hosts_req *hosts_req = (struct sharkd_hosts_req *)tapdata;3374 g_free(hosts_req);3375}3376 3377static GString*3378sharkd_session_eo_register_tap_listener(register_eo_t *eo, const char *tap_type, const char *tap_filter, tap_draw_cb tap_draw, void **ptap_data, GFreeFunc* ptap_free)3379{3380 export_object_list_t *eo_object;3381 struct sharkd_export_object_list *object_list;3382 3383 object_list = sharkd_eo_object_list_get_entry_by_type(sharkd_eo_list, tap_type);3384 if (object_list)3385 {3386 g_slist_free_full(object_list->entries, (GDestroyNotify) eo_free_entry);3387 object_list->entries = NULL((void*)0);3388 }3389 else3390 {3391 object_list = g_new(struct sharkd_export_object_list, 1)((struct sharkd_export_object_list *) g_malloc_n ((1), sizeof
(struct sharkd_export_object_list)))
;3392 object_list->type = g_strdup(tap_type)g_strdup_inline (tap_type);3393 object_list->proto = proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(get_eo_proto_id(eo)));3394 object_list->entries = NULL((void*)0);3395 object_list->next = sharkd_eo_list;3396 sharkd_eo_list = object_list;3397 }3398 3399 eo_object = g_new0(export_object_list_t, 1)((export_object_list_t *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (export_object_list_t
;3400 eo_object->add_entry = sharkd_eo_object_list_add_entry;3401 eo_object->get_entry = sharkd_eo_object_list_get_entry;3402 eo_object->gui_data = (void *) object_list;3403 3404 *ptap_data = eo_object;3405 *ptap_free = g_free; /* need to free only eo_object, object_list need to be kept for potential download */3406 3407 return register_tap_listener(get_eo_tap_listener_name(eo), eo_object, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), get_eo_packet_func(eo), tap_draw, NULL((void*)0));3408}3409 3410/**3411 * sharkd_session_process_tap()3412 *3413 * Process tap request3414 *3415 * Input:3416 * (m) tap0 - First tap request3417 * (o) tap1...tap15 - Other tap requests3418 *3419 * Output object with attributes:3420 * (m) taps - array of object with attributes:3421 * (m) tap - tap name3422 * (m) type - tap output type3423 * ...3424 * for type:stats see sharkd_session_process_tap_stats_cb()3425 * for type:nstat see sharkd_session_process_tap_nstat_cb()3426 * for type:conv see sharkd_session_process_tap_conv_cb()3427 * for type:host see sharkd_session_process_tap_conv_cb()3428 * for type:rtp-streams see sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_cb()3429 * for type:rtp-analyse see sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_analyse_cb()3430 * for type:eo see sharkd_session_process_tap_eo_cb()3431 * for type:expert see sharkd_session_process_tap_expert_cb()3432 * for type:rtd see sharkd_session_process_tap_rtd_cb()3433 * for type:srt see sharkd_session_process_tap_srt_cb()3434 * for type:flow see sharkd_session_process_tap_flow_cb()3435 *3436 * (m) err - error code3437 */3438static void3439sharkd_session_process_tap(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)3440{3441 void *taps_data[16];3442 GFreeFunc taps_free[16];3443 int taps_count = 0;3444 int i;3445 const char *tap_filter = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "filter");3446 3447 rtpstream_tapinfo_t rtp_tapinfo =3448 { NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), 0, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), 0, TAP_ANALYSE, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), false0, false0};3449 3450 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)3451 {3452 char tapbuf[32];3453 const char *tok_tap;3454 3455 void *tap_data = NULL((void*)0);3456 GFreeFunc tap_free = NULL((void*)0);3457 GString *tap_error = NULL((void*)0);3458 3459 snprintf(tapbuf, sizeof(tapbuf), "tap%d", i);3460 tok_tap = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, tapbuf);3461 if (!tok_tap)3462 break;3463 3464 if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "stat:", 5))3465 {3466 stats_tree_cfg *cfg = stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr(tok_tap + 5);3467 stats_tree *st;3468 3469 if (!cfg)3470 {3471 sharkd_json_error(3472 rpcid, -11001, NULL((void*)0),3473 "sharkd_session_process_tap() stat %s not found", tok_tap + 53474 );3475 return;3476 }3477 3478 st = stats_tree_new(cfg, NULL((void*)0), tap_filter);3479 3480 tap_error = register_tap_listener(st->cfg->tapname, st, st->filter, st->cfg->flags, stats_tree_reset, stats_tree_packet, sharkd_session_process_tap_stats_cb, NULL((void*)0));3481 3482 if (!tap_error && cfg->init)3483 cfg->init(st);3484 3485 tap_data = st;3486 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_stats_cb;3487 }3488 else if (!strcmp(tok_tap, "expert"))3489 {3490 struct sharkd_expert_tap *expert_tap;3491 3492 expert_tap = g_new0(struct sharkd_expert_tap, 1)((struct sharkd_expert_tap *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (struct
;3493 expert_tap->text = g_string_chunk_new(100);3494 3495 tap_error = register_tap_listener("expert", expert_tap, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), sharkd_session_packet_tap_expert_cb, sharkd_session_process_tap_expert_cb, NULL((void*)0));3496 3497 tap_data = expert_tap;3498 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_expert_cb;3499 }3500 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "seqa:", 5))3501 {3502 seq_analysis_info_t *graph_analysis;3503 register_analysis_t *analysis;3504 const char *tap_name;3505 tap_packet_cb tap_func;3506 unsigned tap_flags;3507 3508 analysis = sequence_analysis_find_by_name(tok_tap + 5);3509 if (!analysis)3510 {3511 sharkd_json_error(3512 rpcid, -11002, NULL((void*)0),3513 "sharkd_session_process_tap() seq analysis %s not found", tok_tap + 53514 );3515 return;3516 }3517 3518 graph_analysis = sequence_analysis_info_new();3519 graph_analysis->name = tok_tap + 5;3520 /* TODO, make configurable */3521 graph_analysis->any_addr = false0;3522 3523 tap_name = sequence_analysis_get_tap_listener_name(analysis);3524 tap_flags = sequence_analysis_get_tap_flags(analysis);3525 tap_func = sequence_analysis_get_packet_func(analysis);3526 3527 tap_error = register_tap_listener(tap_name, graph_analysis, tap_filter, tap_flags, NULL((void*)0), tap_func, sharkd_session_process_tap_flow_cb, NULL((void*)0));3528 3529 tap_data = graph_analysis;3530 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_flow_cb;3531 }3532 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "conv:", 5) || !strncmp(tok_tap, "endpt:", 6))3533 {3534 struct register_ct *ct = NULL((void*)0);3535 const char *ct_tapname;3536 struct sharkd_conv_tap_data *ct_data;3537 tap_packet_cb tap_func = NULL((void*)0);3538 3539 if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "conv:", 5))3540 {3541 ct = get_conversation_by_proto_id(proto_get_id_by_short_name(tok_tap + 5));3542 3543 if (!ct || !(tap_func = get_conversation_packet_func(ct)))3544 {3545 sharkd_json_error(3546 rpcid, -11003, NULL((void*)0),3547 "sharkd_session_process_tap() conv %s not found", tok_tap + 53548 );3549 return;3550 }3551 }3552 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "endpt:", 6))3553 {3554 ct = get_conversation_by_proto_id(proto_get_id_by_short_name(tok_tap + 6));3555 3556 if (!ct || !(tap_func = get_endpoint_packet_func(ct)))3557 {3558 sharkd_json_error(3559 rpcid, -11004, NULL((void*)0),3560 "sharkd_session_process_tap() endpt %s not found", tok_tap + 63561 );3562 return;3563 }3564 }3565 else3566 {3567 sharkd_json_error(3568 rpcid, -11005, NULL((void*)0),3569 "sharkd_session_process_tap() conv/endpt(?): %s not found", tok_tap3570 );3571 return;3572 }3573 3574 ct_tapname = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(get_conversation_proto_id(ct));3575 3576 ct_data = g_new0(struct sharkd_conv_tap_data, 1)((struct sharkd_conv_tap_data *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (struct
;3577 ct_data->type = tok_tap;3578 ct_data->hash.user_data = ct_data;3579 3580 /* XXX: make configurable */3581 ct_data->resolve_name = true1;3582 ct_data->resolve_port = true1;3583 3584 tap_error = register_tap_listener(ct_tapname, &ct_data->hash, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), tap_func, sharkd_session_process_tap_conv_cb, NULL((void*)0));3585 3586 tap_data = &ct_data->hash;3587 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_conv_cb;3588 }3589 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "nstat:", 6))3590 {3591 stat_tap_table_ui *stat_tap = stat_tap_by_name(tok_tap + 6);3592 stat_data_t *stat_data;3593 3594 if (!stat_tap)3595 {3596 sharkd_json_error(3597 rpcid, -11006, NULL((void*)0),3598 "sharkd_session_process_tap() nstat=%s not found", tok_tap + 63599 );3600 return;3601 }3602 3603 stat_tap->stat_tap_init_cb(stat_tap);3604 3605 stat_data = g_new0(stat_data_t, 1)((stat_data_t *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (stat_data_t)));3606 stat_data->stat_tap_data = stat_tap;3607 stat_data->user_data = NULL((void*)0);3608 3609 tap_error = register_tap_listener(stat_tap->tap_name, stat_data, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), stat_tap->packet_func, sharkd_session_process_tap_nstat_cb, NULL((void*)0));3610 3611 tap_data = stat_data;3612 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_nstat_cb;3613 }3614 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "rtd:", 4))3615 {3616 register_rtd_t *rtd = get_rtd_table_by_name(tok_tap + 4);3617 rtd_data_t *rtd_data;3618 char *err;3619 3620 if (!rtd)3621 {3622 sharkd_json_error(3623 rpcid, -11007, NULL((void*)0),3624 "sharkd_session_process_tap() rtd=%s not found", tok_tap + 43625 );3626 return;3627 }3628 3629 rtd_table_get_filter(rtd, "", &tap_filter, &err);3630 if (err != NULL((void*)0))3631 {3632 sharkd_json_error(3633 rpcid, -11008, NULL((void*)0),3634 "sharkd_session_process_tap() rtd=%s err=%s", tok_tap + 4, err3635 );3636 g_free(err);3637 return;3638 }3639 3640 rtd_data = g_new0(rtd_data_t, 1)((rtd_data_t *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (rtd_data_t)));3641 rtd_data->user_data = rtd;3642 rtd_table_dissector_init(rtd, &rtd_data->stat_table, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0));3643 3644 tap_error = register_tap_listener(get_rtd_tap_listener_name(rtd), rtd_data, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), get_rtd_packet_func(rtd), sharkd_session_process_tap_rtd_cb, NULL((void*)0));3645 3646 tap_data = rtd_data;3647 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_rtd_cb;3648 }3649 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "srt:", 4))3650 {3651 register_srt_t *srt = get_srt_table_by_name(tok_tap + 4);3652 srt_data_t *srt_data;3653 char *err;3654 3655 if (!srt)3656 {3657 sharkd_json_error(3658 rpcid, -11009, NULL((void*)0),3659 "sharkd_session_process_tap() srt=%s not found", tok_tap + 43660 );3661 return;3662 }3663 3664 srt_table_get_filter(srt, "", &tap_filter, &err);3665 if (err != NULL((void*)0))3666 {3667 sharkd_json_error(3668 rpcid, -11010, NULL((void*)0),3669 "sharkd_session_process_tap() srt=%s err=%s", tok_tap + 4, err3670 );3671 g_free(err);3672 return;3673 }3674 3675 srt_data = g_new0(srt_data_t, 1)((srt_data_t *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (srt_data_t)));3676 srt_data->srt_array = g_array_new(FALSE(0), TRUE(!(0)), sizeof(srt_stat_table *));3677 srt_data->user_data = srt;3678 srt_table_dissector_init(srt, srt_data->srt_array);3679 3680 tap_error = register_tap_listener(get_srt_tap_listener_name(srt), srt_data, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), get_srt_packet_func(srt), sharkd_session_process_tap_srt_cb, NULL((void*)0));3681 3682 tap_data = srt_data;3683 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_srt_cb;3684 }3685 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "eo:", 3))3686 {3687 register_eo_t *eo = get_eo_by_name(tok_tap + 3);3688 3689 if (!eo)3690 {3691 sharkd_json_error(3692 rpcid, -11011, NULL((void*)0),3693 "sharkd_session_process_tap() eo=%s not found", tok_tap + 33694 );3695 return;3696 }3697 3698 tap_error = sharkd_session_eo_register_tap_listener(eo, tok_tap, tap_filter, sharkd_session_process_tap_eo_cb, &tap_data, &tap_free);3699 3700 /* tap_data & tap_free assigned by sharkd_session_eo_register_tap_listener */3701 }3702 else if (!strcmp(tok_tap, "rtp-streams"))3703 {3704 tap_error = register_tap_listener("rtp", &rtp_tapinfo, tap_filter, 0, rtpstream_reset_cb, rtpstream_packet_cb, sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_cb, NULL((void*)0));3705 3706 tap_data = &rtp_tapinfo;3707 tap_free = rtpstream_reset_cb;3708 }3709 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "rtp-analyse:", 12))3710 {3711 struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *rtp_req;3712 3713 rtp_req = (struct sharkd_analyse_rtp *) g_malloc0(sizeof(*rtp_req));3714 if (!sharkd_rtp_match_init(&rtp_req->id, tok_tap + 12))3715 {3716 rtpstream_id_free(&rtp_req->id);3717 g_free(rtp_req);3718 continue;3719 }3720 3721 rtp_req->tap_name = tok_tap;3722 rtp_req->statinfo.first_packet = true1;3723 rtp_req->statinfo.reg_pt = PT_UNDEFINED-1;3724 3725 tap_error = register_tap_listener("rtp", rtp_req, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), sharkd_session_packet_tap_rtp_analyse_cb, sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_analyse_cb, NULL((void*)0));3726 3727 tap_data = rtp_req;3728 tap_free = sharkd_session_process_tap_rtp_free_cb;3729 }3730 else if (!strcmp(tok_tap, "multicast"))3731 {3732 mcaststream_tapinfo_t *mcaststream_tapinfo;3733 mcaststream_tapinfo = (mcaststream_tapinfo_t *) g_malloc0(sizeof(*mcaststream_tapinfo));3734 3735 tap_error = register_tap_listener("udp", mcaststream_tapinfo, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), mcaststream_packet, sharkd_session_process_tap_multicast_cb, NULL((void*)0));3736 tap_data = mcaststream_tapinfo;3737 tap_free = sharkd_session_process_free_tap_multicast_cb;3738 }3739 else if (!strcmp(tok_tap, "phs"))3740 {3741 phs_t *rs;3742 3743 pc_proto_id = proto_registrar_get_id_byname("pkt_comment");3744 3745 rs = new_phs_t(NULL((void*)0), tap_filter);3746 3747 tap_error = register_tap_listener("frame", rs, tap_filter, TL_REQUIRES_PROTO_TREE0x00000001, NULL((void*)0),3748 protohierstat_packet,3749 sharkd_session_process_tap_phs_cb, NULL((void*)0));3750 3751 tap_data = rs;3752 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_phs_cb;3753 }3754 else if (!strcmp(tok_tap, "voip-calls"))3755 {3756 voip_stat_init_tapinfo();3757 3758 tap_error = register_tap_listener("frame", &tapinfo_, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), sharkd_session_process_tap_voip_calls_cb, NULL((void*)0));3759 3760 tapinfo_.session = cfile.epan;3761 voip_calls_init_all_taps(&tapinfo_);3762 3763 tap_data = &tapinfo_;3764 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_voip_calls_cb;3765 }3766 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "voip-convs:", 11))3767 {3768 int len;3769 unsigned int min, max;3770 struct sharkd_voip_convs_req *voip_convs_req;3771 const char *conv_arg = tok_tap + 11;3772 3773 // parse tok_tap to get which call we are asking for3774 if (*conv_arg == 0) {3775 // set all bits of voip_conv_sel (-1 in binary is all 1's)3776 memset(voip_conv_sel, -1, sizeof(voip_conv_sel));3777 } else {3778 memset(voip_conv_sel, 0, sizeof(voip_conv_sel));3779 3780 while (*conv_arg != 0) {3781 if (*conv_arg == ',') {3782 conv_arg++;3783 }3784 if (sscanf(conv_arg, "%u-%u%n", &min, &max, &len) == 2) {3785 conv_arg += len;3786 } else if (sscanf(conv_arg, "%u%n", &min, &len) == 1) {3787 max = min;3788 conv_arg += len;3789 } else {3790 sharkd_json_error(3791 rpcid, -11014, NULL((void*)0),3792 "sharkd_session_process_tap() voip-convs=%s invalid 'convs' parameter", tok_tap3793 );3794 return;3795 }3796 if (min > max || min >= VOIP_CONV_MAX((sizeof(int) * 8) * ((1<<(sizeof(uint16_t) * 8))/(sizeof
(int) * 8)))
|| max >= VOIP_CONV_MAX((sizeof(int) * 8) * ((1<<(sizeof(uint16_t) * 8))/(sizeof
(int) * 8)))
) {3797 sharkd_json_error(3798 rpcid, -11012, NULL((void*)0),3799 "sharkd_session_process_tap() voip-convs=%s invalid 'convs' number range", tok_tap3800 );3801 return;3802 }3803 for(; min <= max; min++) {3804 voip_conv_sel[min / VOIP_CONV_BITS(sizeof(int) * 8)] |= 1 << (min % VOIP_CONV_BITS(sizeof(int) * 8));3805 }3806 }3807 }3808 3809 voip_stat_init_tapinfo();3810 3811 voip_convs_req = (struct sharkd_voip_convs_req *) g_malloc0(sizeof(*voip_convs_req));3812 voip_convs_req->tapinfo = &tapinfo_;3813 voip_convs_req->tap_name = tok_tap;3814 3815 tap_error = register_tap_listener("frame", voip_convs_req, tap_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), sharkd_session_process_tap_voip_convs_cb, NULL((void*)0));3816 3817 tapinfo_.session = cfile.epan;3818 voip_calls_init_all_taps(&tapinfo_);3819 3820 tap_data = voip_convs_req;3821 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_voip_convs_cb;3822 }3823 else if (!strncmp(tok_tap, "hosts:", 6))3824 {3825 bool_Bool dump_v4;3826 bool_Bool dump_v6;3827 struct sharkd_hosts_req *hosts_req;3828 const char *proto_arg;3829 char **proto_tokens;3830 int proto_count;3831 3832 proto_arg = tok_tap + 6;3833 3834 if (strlen(proto_arg) == 0) {3835 dump_v4 = true1;3836 dump_v6 = true1;3837 } else {3838 dump_v4 = false0;3839 dump_v6 = false0;3840 3841 proto_tokens = g_strsplit(proto_arg, ",", 0);3842 proto_count = 0;3843 while (proto_tokens[proto_count]) {3844 if (!strcmp("ip", proto_tokens[proto_count]) ||3845 !strcmp("ipv4", proto_tokens[proto_count])) {3846 dump_v4 = true1;3847 } else if (!strcmp("ipv6", proto_tokens[proto_count])) {3848 dump_v6 = true1;3849 } else {3850 g_strfreev(proto_tokens);3851 sharkd_json_error(3852 rpcid, -11015, NULL((void*)0),3853 "sharkd_session_process_tap() hosts=%s invalid 'protos' parameter", tok_tap3854 );3855 return;3856 }3857 proto_count++;3858 }3859 g_strfreev(proto_tokens);3860 }3861 3862 hosts_req = (struct sharkd_hosts_req *)g_malloc0(sizeof(*hosts_req));3863 hosts_req->dump_v4 = dump_v4;3864 hosts_req->dump_v6 = dump_v6;3865 hosts_req->tap_name = tok_tap;3866 3867 tap_error = register_tap_listener("frame", hosts_req, tap_filter, TL_REQUIRES_PROTO_TREE0x00000001, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), sharkd_session_process_tap_hosts_cb, NULL((void*)0));3868 3869 tap_data = hosts_req;3870 tap_free = sharkd_session_free_tap_hosts_cb;3871 }3872 else3873 {3874 sharkd_json_error(3875 rpcid, -11012, NULL((void*)0),3876 "sharkd_session_process_tap() %s not recognized", tok_tap3877 );3878 return;3879 }3880 3881 if (tap_error)3882 {3883 sharkd_json_error(3884 rpcid, -11013, NULL((void*)0),3885 "sharkd_session_process_tap() name=%s error=%s", tok_tap, tap_error->str3886 );3887 g_string_free(tap_error, TRUE)(__builtin_constant_p ((!(0))) ? (((!(0))) ? (g_string_free) (
(tap_error), ((!(0)))) : g_string_free_and_steal (tap_error))
: (g_string_free) ((tap_error), ((!(0)))))
;3888 if (tap_free)3889 tap_free(tap_data);3890 return;3891 }3892 3893 taps_data[taps_count] = tap_data;3894 taps_free[taps_count] = tap_free;3895 taps_count++;3896 }3897 3898 fprintf(stderrstderr, "sharkd_session_process_tap() count=%d\n", taps_count);3899 if (taps_count == 0)3900 {3901 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);3902 sharkd_json_array_open("taps");3903 sharkd_json_array_close();3904 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();3905 return;3906 }3907 3908 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);3909 sharkd_json_array_open("taps");3910 sharkd_retap();3911 sharkd_json_array_close();3912 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();3913 3914 for (i = 0; i < taps_count; i++)3915 {3916 if (taps_data[i])3917 remove_tap_listener(taps_data[i]);3918 3919 if (taps_free[i])3920 taps_free[i](taps_data[i]);3921 }3922}3923 3924/**3925 * sharkd_session_process_follow()3926 *3927 * Process follow request3928 *3929 * Input:3930 * (m) follow - follow protocol request (e.g. HTTP)3931 * (m) filter - filter request (e.g. tcp.stream == 1)3932 * (m) stream - stream index number3933 * (o) sub_stream - follow sub-stream index number (e.g. for HTTP/2 and QUIC streams)3934 *3935 * Output object with attributes:3936 *3937 * (m) err - error code3938 * (m) shost - server host3939 * (m) sport - server port3940 * (m) sbytes - server send bytes count3941 * (m) chost - client host3942 * (m) cport - client port3943 * (m) cbytes - client send bytes count3944 * (o) payloads - array of object with attributes:3945 * (o) s - set if server sent, else client3946 * (m) n - packet number3947 * (m) d - data base64 encoded3948 */3949static void3950sharkd_session_process_follow(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)3951{3952 const char *tok_follow = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "follow");3953 const char *tok_filter = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "filter");3954 const char *tok_sub_stream = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "sub_stream");3955 3956 register_follow_t *follower;3957 GString *tap_error;3958 3959 follow_info_t *follow_info;3960 const char *host;3961 char *port;3962 3963 follower = get_follow_by_name(tok_follow);3964 if (!follower)3965 {3966 sharkd_json_error(3967 rpcid, -12001, NULL((void*)0),3968 "sharkd_session_process_follow() follower=%s not found", tok_follow3969 );3970 return;3971 }3972 3973 uint64_t substream_id = SUBSTREAM_UNUSED0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL;3974 if (tok_sub_stream)3975 {3976 ws_strtou64(tok_sub_stream, NULL((void*)0), &substream_id);3977 }3978 3979 /* follow_reset_stream ? */3980 follow_info = g_new0(follow_info_t, 1)((follow_info_t *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (follow_info_t)));3981 follow_info->substream_id = substream_id;3982 /* gui_data, filter_out_filter not set, but not used by dissector */3983 3984 tap_error = register_tap_listener(get_follow_tap_string(follower), follow_info, tok_filter, 0, NULL((void*)0), get_follow_tap_handler(follower), NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0));3985 if (tap_error)3986 {3987 sharkd_json_error(3988 rpcid, -12002, NULL((void*)0),3989 "sharkd_session_process_follow() name=%s error=%s", tok_follow, tap_error->str3990 );3991 g_string_free(tap_error, TRUE)(__builtin_constant_p ((!(0))) ? (((!(0))) ? (g_string_free) (
(tap_error), ((!(0)))) : g_string_free_and_steal (tap_error))
: (g_string_free) ((tap_error), ((!(0)))))
;3992 g_free(follow_info);3993 return;3994 }3995 3996 sharkd_retap();3997 3998 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);3999 4000 /* Server information: hostname, port, bytes sent */4001 host = address_to_name(&follow_info->server_ip);4002 sharkd_json_value_string("shost", host);4003 4004 port = get_follow_port_to_display(follower)(NULL((void*)0), follow_info->server_port);4005 sharkd_json_value_string("sport", port);4006 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), port);4007 4008 sharkd_json_value_anyf("sbytes", "%u", follow_info->bytes_written[0]);4009 4010 /* Client information: hostname, port, bytes sent */4011 host = address_to_name(&follow_info->client_ip);4012 sharkd_json_value_string("chost", host);4013 4014 port = get_follow_port_to_display(follower)(NULL((void*)0), follow_info->client_port);4015 sharkd_json_value_string("cport", port);4016 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), port);4017 4018 sharkd_json_value_anyf("cbytes", "%u", follow_info->bytes_written[1]);4019 4020 if (follow_info->payload)4021 {4022 follow_record_t *follow_record;4023 GList *cur;4024 4025 sharkd_json_array_open("payloads");4026 for (cur = g_list_last(follow_info->payload); cur; cur = g_list_previous(cur)((cur) ? (((GList *)(cur))->prev) : ((void*)0)))4027 {4028 follow_record = (follow_record_t *) cur->data;4029 4030 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);4031 4032 sharkd_json_value_anyf("n", "%u", follow_record->packet_num);4033 sharkd_json_value_base64("d", follow_record->data->data, follow_record->data->len);4034 4035 if (follow_record->is_server)4036 sharkd_json_value_anyf("s", "%d", 1);4037 4038 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);4039 }4040 sharkd_json_array_close();4041 }4042 4043 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();4044 4045 remove_tap_listener(follow_info);4046 follow_info_free(follow_info);4047}4048 4049static void4050sharkd_session_process_frame_cb_tree(const char *key, epan_dissect_t *edt, proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t **tvbs, bool_Bool display_hidden)4051{4052 proto_node *node;4053 4054 sharkd_json_array_open(key);4055 for (node = tree->first_child; node; node = node->next)4056 {4057 field_info *finfo = PNODE_FINFO(node)((node)->finfo);4058 4059 if (!finfo)4060 continue;4061 4062 if (!display_hidden && FI_GET_FLAG(finfo, FI_HIDDEN)((finfo) ? ((finfo)->flags & (0x00000001)) : 0))4063 continue;4064 4065 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);4066 4067 if (!finfo->rep)4068 {4069 char label_str[ITEM_LABEL_LENGTH240];4070 4071 label_str[0] = '\0';4072 proto_item_fill_label(finfo, label_str);4073 sharkd_json_value_string("l", label_str);4074 }4075 else4076 {4077 sharkd_json_value_string("l", finfo->rep->representation);4078 }4079 4080 if (finfo->ds_tvb && tvbs && tvbs[0] != finfo->ds_tvb)4081 {4082 int idx;4083 4084 for (idx = 1; tvbs[idx]; idx++)4085 {4086 if (tvbs[idx] == finfo->ds_tvb)4087 {4088 sharkd_json_value_anyf("ds", "%d", idx);4089 break;4090 }4091 }4092 }4093 4094 if (finfo->start >= 0 && finfo->length > 0)4095 sharkd_json_value_anyf("h", "[%d,%d]", finfo->start, finfo->length);4096 4097 if (finfo->appendix_start >= 0 && finfo->appendix_length > 0)4098 sharkd_json_value_anyf("i", "[%d,%d]", finfo->appendix_start, finfo->appendix_length);4099 4100 4101 if (finfo->hfinfo)4102 {4103 char *filter;4104 4105 if (finfo->hfinfo->type == FT_PROTOCOL)4106 {4107 sharkd_json_value_string("t", "proto");4108 }4109 else if (finfo->hfinfo->type == FT_FRAMENUM)4110 {4111 sharkd_json_value_string("t", "framenum");4112 sharkd_json_value_anyf("fnum", "%u", fvalue_get_uinteger(finfo->value));4113 }4114 else if (FI_GET_FLAG(finfo, FI_URL)((finfo) ? ((finfo)->flags & (0x00000004)) : 0) && FT_IS_STRING(finfo->hfinfo->type)((finfo->hfinfo->type) == FT_STRING || (finfo->hfinfo
->type) == FT_STRINGZ || (finfo->hfinfo->type) == FT_STRINGZPAD
|| (finfo->hfinfo->type) == FT_STRINGZTRUNC || (finfo->
hfinfo->type) == FT_UINT_STRING || (finfo->hfinfo->type
) == FT_AX25)
)4115 {4116 char *url = fvalue_to_string_repr(NULL((void*)0), finfo->value, FTREPR_DISPLAY, finfo->hfinfo->display);4117 4118 sharkd_json_value_string("t", "url");4119 sharkd_json_value_string("url", url);4120 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), url);4121 }4122 4123 filter = proto_construct_match_selected_string(finfo, edt);4124 if (filter)4125 {4126 sharkd_json_value_string("f", filter);4127 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), filter);4128 }4129 4130 if (finfo->hfinfo->abbrev)4131 sharkd_json_value_string("fn", finfo->hfinfo->abbrev);4132 }4133 4134 if (FI_GET_FLAG(finfo, FI_GENERATED)((finfo) ? ((finfo)->flags & (0x00000002)) : 0))4135 sharkd_json_value_anyf("g", "true");4136 4137 if (FI_GET_FLAG(finfo, FI_HIDDEN)((finfo) ? ((finfo)->flags & (0x00000001)) : 0))4138 sharkd_json_value_anyf("v", "true");4139 4140 if (FI_GET_FLAG(finfo, PI_SEVERITY_MASK)((finfo) ? ((finfo)->flags & (0x00F00000)) : 0))4141 {4142 const char *severity = try_val_to_str(FI_GET_FLAG(finfo, PI_SEVERITY_MASK)((finfo) ? ((finfo)->flags & (0x00F00000)) : 0), expert_severity_vals);4143 4144 ws_assert(severity != NULL)do { if ((1) && !(severity != ((void*)0))) ws_log_fatal_full
("", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "sharkd_session.c", 4144, __func__, "assertion failed: %s"
, "severity != ((void*)0)"); } while (0)
;4145 4146 sharkd_json_value_string("s", severity);4147 }4148 4149 if (((proto_tree *) node)->first_child)4150 {4151 if (finfo->tree_type != -1)4152 sharkd_json_value_anyf("e", "%d", finfo->tree_type);4153 4154 sharkd_session_process_frame_cb_tree("n", edt, (proto_tree *) node, tvbs, display_hidden);4155 }4156 4157 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);4158 }4159 sharkd_json_array_close();4160}4161 4162static bool_Bool4163sharkd_follower_visit_layers_cb(const void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data)4164{4165 register_follow_t *follower = (register_follow_t *) value;4166 epan_dissect_t *edt = (epan_dissect_t *) user_data;4167 packet_info *pi = &edt->pi;4168 4169 const int proto_id = get_follow_proto_id(follower);4170 4171 uint32_t ignore_stream;4172 uint32_t ignore_sub_stream;4173 4174 if (proto_is_frame_protocol(pi->layers, proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id)))4175 {4176 const char *layer_proto = proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(proto_id));4177 char *follow_filter;4178 4179 follow_filter = get_follow_conv_func(follower)(edt, pi, &ignore_stream, &ignore_sub_stream);4180 4181 json_dumper_begin_array(&dumper);4182 json_dumper_value_string(&dumper, layer_proto);4183 json_dumper_value_string(&dumper, follow_filter);4184 json_dumper_end_array(&dumper);4185 4186 g_free(follow_filter);4187 }4188 4189 return false0;4190}4191 4192static bool_Bool4193sharkd_followers_visit_layers_cb(const void *key _U___attribute__((unused)), void *value, void *user_data)4194{4195 register_follow_t *follower = (register_follow_t *) value;4196 epan_dissect_t *edt = (epan_dissect_t *) user_data;4197 packet_info *pi = &edt->pi;4198 4199 const int proto_id = get_follow_proto_id(follower);4200 4201 unsigned stream;4202 unsigned sub_stream;4203 4204 if (proto_is_frame_protocol(pi->layers, proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id)))4205 {4206 const char *layer_proto = proto_get_protocol_short_name(find_protocol_by_id(proto_id));4207 char *follow_filter;4208 4209 follow_filter = get_follow_conv_func(follower)(edt, pi, &stream, &sub_stream);4210 4211 sharkd_json_object_open(NULL((void*)0));4212 sharkd_json_value_string("protocol", layer_proto);4213 sharkd_json_value_string("filter", follow_filter);4214 if (get_follow_stream_count_func(follower) != NULL((void*)0))4215 {4216 sharkd_json_value_anyf("stream", "%u", stream);4217 }4218 if (get_follow_sub_stream_id_func(follower) != NULL((void*)0))4219 {4220 sharkd_json_value_anyf("sub_stream", "%u", sub_stream);4221 }4222 sharkd_json_object_close();4223 4224 g_free(follow_filter);4225 }4226 4227 return false0;4228}4229 4230struct sharkd_frame_request_data4231{4232 bool_Bool display_hidden;4233};4234 4235static void4236sharkd_session_process_frame_cb(epan_dissect_t *edt, proto_tree *tree, struct epan_column_info *cinfo, const GSList *data_src, void *data)4237{4238 packet_info *pi = &edt->pi;4239 frame_data *fdata = pi->fd;4240 wtap_block_t pkt_block = NULL((void*)0);4241 4242 const struct sharkd_frame_request_data * const req_data = (const struct sharkd_frame_request_data * const) data;4243 const bool_Bool display_hidden = (req_data) ? req_data->display_hidden : false0;4244 4245 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);4246 4247 if (fdata->has_modified_block)4248 pkt_block = sharkd_get_modified_block(fdata);4249 else4250 pkt_block = pi->rec->block;4251 4252 if (pkt_block)4253 {4254 unsigned i;4255 unsigned n;4256 char *comment;4257 4258 n = wtap_block_count_option(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT1);4259 4260 sharkd_json_array_open("comment");4261 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {4262 if (WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS == wtap_block_get_nth_string_option_value(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT1, i, &comment)) {4263 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), comment);4264 }4265 }4266 sharkd_json_array_close();4267 }4268 4269 if (tree)4270 {4271 tvbuff_t **tvbs = NULL((void*)0);4272 4273 /* arrayize data src, to speedup searching for ds_tvb index */4274 if (data_src && data_src->next /* only needed if there are more than one data source */)4275 {4276 unsigned count = g_slist_length((GSList *) data_src);4277 unsigned i;4278 4279 tvbs = (tvbuff_t **) g_malloc0((count + 1) * sizeof(*tvbs));4280 4281 for (i = 0; i < count; i++)4282 {4283 const struct data_source *src = (const struct data_source *) g_slist_nth_data((GSList *) data_src, i);4284 4285 tvbs[i] = get_data_source_tvb(src);4286 }4287 4288 tvbs[count] = NULL((void*)0);4289 }4290 4291 sharkd_session_process_frame_cb_tree("tree", edt, tree, tvbs, display_hidden);4292 4293 g_free(tvbs);4294 }4295 4296 if (cinfo)4297 {4298 int col;4299 4300 sharkd_json_array_open("col");4301 for (col = 0; col < cinfo->num_cols; ++col)4302 {4303 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), get_column_text(cinfo, col));4304 }4305 sharkd_json_array_close();4306 }4307 4308 if (fdata->ignored)4309 sharkd_json_value_anyf("i", "true");4310 4311 if (fdata->marked)4312 sharkd_json_value_anyf("m", "true");4313 4314 if (fdata->color_filter)4315 {4316 sharkd_json_value_stringf("bg", "%06x", color_t_to_rgb(&fdata->color_filter->bg_color));4317 sharkd_json_value_stringf("fg", "%06x", color_t_to_rgb(&fdata->color_filter->fg_color));4318 }4319 4320 if (data_src)4321 {4322 struct data_source *src = (struct data_source *) data_src->data;4323 bool_Bool ds_open = false0;4324 4325 tvbuff_t *tvb;4326 unsigned length;4327 4328 tvb = get_data_source_tvb(src);4329 length = tvb_captured_length(tvb);4330 4331 if (length != 0)4332 {4333 const unsigned char *cp = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 0, length);4334 4335 /* XXX pi.fd->encoding */4336 sharkd_json_value_base64("bytes", cp, length);4337 }4338 else4339 {4340 sharkd_json_value_base64("bytes", "", 0);4341 }4342 4343 data_src = data_src->next;4344 if (data_src)4345 {4346 sharkd_json_array_open("ds");4347 ds_open = true1;4348 }4349 4350 while (data_src)4351 {4352 src = (struct data_source *) data_src->data;4353 4354 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);4355 4356 {4357 char *src_name = get_data_source_name(src);4358 4359 sharkd_json_value_string("name", src_name);4360 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), src_name);4361 }4362 4363 tvb = get_data_source_tvb(src);4364 length = tvb_captured_length(tvb);4365 4366 if (length != 0)4367 {4368 const unsigned char *cp = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 0, length);4369 4370 /* XXX pi.fd->encoding */4371 sharkd_json_value_base64("bytes", cp, length);4372 }4373 else4374 {4375 sharkd_json_value_base64("bytes", "", 0);4376 }4377 4378 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);4379 4380 data_src = data_src->next;4381 }4382 4383 /* close ds, only if was opened */4384 if (ds_open)4385 sharkd_json_array_close();4386 }4387 4388 sharkd_json_array_open("fol");4389 follow_iterate_followers(sharkd_follower_visit_layers_cb, edt);4390 sharkd_json_array_close();4391 4392 sharkd_json_array_open("followers");4393 follow_iterate_followers(sharkd_followers_visit_layers_cb, edt);4394 sharkd_json_array_close();4395 4396 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();4397}4398 4399#define SHARKD_IOGRAPH_MAX_ITEMS1 << 25 1 << 25 /* 33,554,432 limit of items, same as max_io_items_ in ui/qt/io_graph_dialog.h */4400 4401struct sharkd_iograph4402{4403 /* config */4404 int hf_index;4405 io_graph_item_unit_t calc_type;4406 uint32_t interval;4407 4408 /* result */4409 int space_items;4410 int num_items;4411 io_graph_item_t *items;4412 GString *error;4413};4414 4415static tap_packet_status4416sharkd_iograph_packet(void *g, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt, const void *dummy _U___attribute__((unused)), tap_flags_t flags _U___attribute__((unused)))4417{4418 struct sharkd_iograph *graph = (struct sharkd_iograph *) g;4419 int idx;4420 bool_Bool update_succeeded;4421 4422 int64_t tmp_idx = get_io_graph_index(pinfo, graph->interval);4423 if (tmp_idx < 0 || tmp_idx >= SHARKD_IOGRAPH_MAX_ITEMS1 << 25)


Assuming 'tmp_idx' is >= 0


Assuming the condition is false

4424 return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW;4425 4426 idx = (int)tmp_idx;4427 4428 if (idx + 1 > graph->num_items)


Assuming the condition is true


Taking true branch

4429 {4430 if (idx + 1 > graph->space_items)


Assuming the condition is false


Taking false branch

4431 {4432 int new_size = idx + 1024;4433 4434 graph->items = (io_graph_item_t *) g_realloc(graph->items, sizeof(io_graph_item_t) * new_size);4435 reset_io_graph_items(&graph->items[graph->space_items], new_size - graph->space_items, graph->hf_index);4436 4437 graph->space_items = new_size;4438 }4439 else if (graph->items == NULL((void*)0))


Assuming field 'items' is equal to NULL


Taking true branch

4440 {4441 graph->items = g_new(io_graph_item_t, graph->space_items)((io_graph_item_t *) g_malloc_n ((graph->space_items), sizeof


Uninitialized value stored to field 'first_frame_in_invl'

4442 reset_io_graph_items(graph->items, graph->space_items, graph->hf_index);


Calling 'reset_io_graph_items'


Returning from 'reset_io_graph_items'

4443 }4444 4445 graph->num_items = idx + 1;4446 }4447 4448 update_succeeded = update_io_graph_item(graph->items, idx, pinfo, edt, graph->hf_index, graph->calc_type, graph->interval);


Calling 'update_io_graph_item'

4449 /* XXX - TAP_PACKET_FAILED if the item couldn't be updated, with an error message? */4450 return update_succeeded ? TAP_PACKET_REDRAW : TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW;4451}4452 4453/**4454 * sharkd_session_process_iograph()4455 *4456 * Process iograph request4457 *4458 * Input:4459 * (o) interval - interval time, if not specified: 10004460 * (o) interval_units - units for interval time, must be 's', 'ms' or 'us', if not specified: ms4461 * (m) graph0 - First graph request4462 * (o) graph1...graph9 - Other graph requests4463 * (o) filter0 - First graph filter4464 * (o) filter1...filter9 - Other graph filters4465 *4466 * Graph requests can be one of: "packets", "bytes", "bits", "sum:<field>", "frames:<field>", "max:<field>", "min:<field>", "avg:<field>", "load:<field>",4467 * if you use variant with <field>, you need to pass field name in filter request.4468 *4469 * Output object with attributes:4470 * (m) iograph - array of graph results with attributes:4471 * errmsg - graph cannot be constructed4472 * items - graph values, zeros are skipped, if value is not a number it's next index encoded as hex string4473 */4474static void4475sharkd_session_process_iograph(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)4476{4477 const char *tok_interval = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "interval");4478 const char *tok_interval_units = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "interval_units");4479 struct sharkd_iograph graphs[10];4480 bool_Bool is_any_ok = false0;4481 int graph_count;4482 4483 int i;4484 4485 /* default: 1000ms = one per second */4486 uint32_t interval = 1000;4487 const char *interval_units = "ms";4488 4489 if (tok_interval)4490 ws_strtou32(tok_interval, NULL((void*)0), &interval);4491 4492 if (tok_interval_units)4493 {4494 if (strcmp(tok_interval_units, "us") != 0 &&4495 strcmp(tok_interval_units, "ms") != 0 &&4496 strcmp(tok_interval_units, "s") != 0)4497 {4498 sharkd_json_error(4499 rpcid, -7003, NULL((void*)0),4500 "Invalid interval_units parameter: '%s', must be 's', 'ms' or 'us'", tok_interval_units4501 );4502 return;4503 }4504 interval_units = tok_interval_units;4505 }4506 4507 uint32_t interval_us = 0;4508 if (strcmp(interval_units, "us") == 0)4509 {4510 interval_us = interval;4511 }4512 else if (strcmp(interval_units, "ms") == 0)4513 {4514 interval_us = 1000 * interval;4515 }4516 else if (strcmp(interval_units, "s") == 0)4517 {4518 interval_us = 1000000 * interval;4519 }4520 4521 for (i = graph_count = 0; i < (int) G_N_ELEMENTS(graphs)(sizeof (graphs) / sizeof ((graphs)[0])); i++)4522 {4523 struct sharkd_iograph *graph = &graphs[graph_count];4524 4525 const char *tok_graph;4526 const char *tok_filter;4527 char tok_format_buf[32];4528 const char *field_name;4529 4530 snprintf(tok_format_buf, sizeof(tok_format_buf), "graph%d", i);4531 tok_graph = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, tok_format_buf);4532 if (!tok_graph)4533 break;4534 4535 snprintf(tok_format_buf, sizeof(tok_format_buf), "filter%d", i);4536 tok_filter = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, tok_format_buf);4537 4538 if (!strcmp(tok_graph, "packets"))4539 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_PACKETS;4540 else if (!strcmp(tok_graph, "bytes"))4541 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_BYTES;4542 else if (!strcmp(tok_graph, "bits"))4543 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_BITS;4544 else if (g_str_has_prefix(tok_graph, "sum:")(__builtin_constant_p ("sum:")? __extension__ ({ const char *
const __str = (tok_graph); const char * const __prefix = ("sum:"
); gboolean __result = (0); if (__str == ((void*)0) || __prefix
== ((void*)0)) __result = (g_str_has_prefix) (__str, __prefix
); else { const size_t __str_len = strlen (((__str) + !(__str
))); const size_t __prefix_len = strlen (((__prefix) + !(__prefix
))); if (__str_len >= __prefix_len) __result = memcmp (((__str
) + !(__str)), ((__prefix) + !(__prefix)), __prefix_len) == 0
; } __result; }) : (g_str_has_prefix) (tok_graph, "sum:") )
)4545 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_SUM;4546 else if (g_str_has_prefix(tok_graph, "frames:")(__builtin_constant_p ("frames:")? __extension__ ({ const char
* const __str = (tok_graph); const char * const __prefix = (
"frames:"); gboolean __result = (0); if (__str == ((void*)0) ||
__prefix == ((void*)0)) __result = (g_str_has_prefix) (__str
, __prefix); else { const size_t __str_len = strlen (((__str)
+ !(__str))); const size_t __prefix_len = strlen (((__prefix
) + !(__prefix))); if (__str_len >= __prefix_len) __result
= memcmp (((__str) + !(__str)), ((__prefix) + !(__prefix)), __prefix_len
) == 0; } __result; }) : (g_str_has_prefix) (tok_graph, "frames:"
) )
)4547 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_FRAMES;4548 else if (g_str_has_prefix(tok_graph, "fields:")(__builtin_constant_p ("fields:")? __extension__ ({ const char
* const __str = (tok_graph); const char * const __prefix = (
"fields:"); gboolean __result = (0); if (__str == ((void*)0) ||
__prefix == ((void*)0)) __result = (g_str_has_prefix) (__str
, __prefix); else { const size_t __str_len = strlen (((__str)
+ !(__str))); const size_t __prefix_len = strlen (((__prefix
) + !(__prefix))); if (__str_len >= __prefix_len) __result
= memcmp (((__str) + !(__str)), ((__prefix) + !(__prefix)), __prefix_len
) == 0; } __result; }) : (g_str_has_prefix) (tok_graph, "fields:"
) )
)4549 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_FIELDS;4550 else if (g_str_has_prefix(tok_graph, "max:")(__builtin_constant_p ("max:")? __extension__ ({ const char *
const __str = (tok_graph); const char * const __prefix = ("max:"
); gboolean __result = (0); if (__str == ((void*)0) || __prefix
== ((void*)0)) __result = (g_str_has_prefix) (__str, __prefix
); else { const size_t __str_len = strlen (((__str) + !(__str
))); const size_t __prefix_len = strlen (((__prefix) + !(__prefix
))); if (__str_len >= __prefix_len) __result = memcmp (((__str
) + !(__str)), ((__prefix) + !(__prefix)), __prefix_len) == 0
; } __result; }) : (g_str_has_prefix) (tok_graph, "max:") )
)4551 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_MAX;4552 else if (g_str_has_prefix(tok_graph, "min:")(__builtin_constant_p ("min:")? __extension__ ({ const char *
const __str = (tok_graph); const char * const __prefix = ("min:"
); gboolean __result = (0); if (__str == ((void*)0) || __prefix
== ((void*)0)) __result = (g_str_has_prefix) (__str, __prefix
); else { const size_t __str_len = strlen (((__str) + !(__str
))); const size_t __prefix_len = strlen (((__prefix) + !(__prefix
))); if (__str_len >= __prefix_len) __result = memcmp (((__str
) + !(__str)), ((__prefix) + !(__prefix)), __prefix_len) == 0
; } __result; }) : (g_str_has_prefix) (tok_graph, "min:") )
)4553 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_MIN;4554 else if (g_str_has_prefix(tok_graph, "avg:")(__builtin_constant_p ("avg:")? __extension__ ({ const char *
const __str = (tok_graph); const char * const __prefix = ("avg:"
); gboolean __result = (0); if (__str == ((void*)0) || __prefix
== ((void*)0)) __result = (g_str_has_prefix) (__str, __prefix
); else { const size_t __str_len = strlen (((__str) + !(__str
))); const size_t __prefix_len = strlen (((__prefix) + !(__prefix
))); if (__str_len >= __prefix_len) __result = memcmp (((__str
) + !(__str)), ((__prefix) + !(__prefix)), __prefix_len) == 0
; } __result; }) : (g_str_has_prefix) (tok_graph, "avg:") )
)4555 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_AVERAGE;4556 else if (g_str_has_prefix(tok_graph, "load:")(__builtin_constant_p ("load:")? __extension__ ({ const char *
const __str = (tok_graph); const char * const __prefix = ("load:"
); gboolean __result = (0); if (__str == ((void*)0) || __prefix
== ((void*)0)) __result = (g_str_has_prefix) (__str, __prefix
); else { const size_t __str_len = strlen (((__str) + !(__str
))); const size_t __prefix_len = strlen (((__prefix) + !(__prefix
))); if (__str_len >= __prefix_len) __result = memcmp (((__str
) + !(__str)), ((__prefix) + !(__prefix)), __prefix_len) == 0
; } __result; }) : (g_str_has_prefix) (tok_graph, "load:") )
)4557 graph->calc_type = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_LOAD;4558 else4559 break;4560 4561 field_name = strchr(tok_graph, ':');4562 if (field_name)4563 field_name = field_name + 1;4564 4565 /* io_graph_item now supports microseconds (and this parameter4566 * is expected to be in microseconds.) */4567 graph->interval = interval_us;4568 4569 graph->hf_index = -1;4570 graph->error = check_field_unit(field_name, &graph->hf_index, graph->calc_type);4571 4572 graph->space_items = 0; /* TODO, can avoid realloc()s in sharkd_iograph_packet() by calculating: capture_time / interval */4573 graph->num_items = 0;4574 graph->items = NULL((void*)0);4575 4576 if (!graph->error)4577 graph->error = register_tap_listener("frame", graph, tok_filter, TL_REQUIRES_PROTO_TREE0x00000001, NULL((void*)0), sharkd_iograph_packet, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0));4578 4579 graph_count++;4580 4581 if (graph->error)4582 {4583 sharkd_json_error(4584 rpcid, -6001, NULL((void*)0),4585 "%s", graph->error->str4586 );4587 g_string_free(graph->error, TRUE)(__builtin_constant_p ((!(0))) ? (((!(0))) ? (g_string_free) (
(graph->error), ((!(0)))) : g_string_free_and_steal (graph
->error)) : (g_string_free) ((graph->error), ((!(0)))))
;4588 return;4589 }4590 4591 if (graph->error == NULL((void*)0))4592 is_any_ok = true1;4593 }4594 4595 /* retap only if we have at least one ok */4596 if (is_any_ok)4597 sharkd_retap();4598 4599 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);4600 4601 sharkd_json_array_open("iograph");4602 for (i = 0; i < graph_count; i++)4603 {4604 struct sharkd_iograph *graph = &graphs[i];4605 4606 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);4607 4608 if (graph->error)4609 {4610 fprintf(stderrstderr, "SNAP 6002 - we should never get to here.\n");4611 g_string_free(graph->error, TRUE)(__builtin_constant_p ((!(0))) ? (((!(0))) ? (g_string_free) (
(graph->error), ((!(0)))) : g_string_free_and_steal (graph
->error)) : (g_string_free) ((graph->error), ((!(0)))))
;4612 exit(-1);4613 }4614 else4615 {4616 int idx;4617 int next_idx = 0;4618 4619 sharkd_json_array_open("items");4620 for (idx = 0; idx < graph->num_items; idx++)4621 {4622 double val;4623 4624 val = get_io_graph_item(graph->items, graph->calc_type, idx, graph->hf_index, &cfile, graph->interval, graph->num_items);4625 4626 /* if it's zero, don't display */4627 if (val == 0.0)4628 continue;4629 4630 /* cause zeros are not printed, need to output index */4631 if (next_idx != idx)4632 sharkd_json_value_stringf(NULL((void*)0), "%x", idx);4633 4634 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "%f", val);4635 next_idx = idx + 1;4636 }4637 sharkd_json_array_close();4638 }4639 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);4640 4641 remove_tap_listener(graph);4642 g_free(graph->items);4643 }4644 sharkd_json_array_close();4645 4646 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();4647}4648 4649/**4650 * sharkd_session_process_intervals()4651 *4652 * Process intervals request - generate basic capture file statistics per requested interval.4653 *4654 * Input:4655 * (o) interval - interval time in ms, if not specified: 1000ms4656 * (o) filter - filter for generating interval request4657 *4658 * Output object with attributes:4659 * (m) intervals - array of intervals, with indexes:4660 * [0] - index of interval,4661 * [1] - number of frames during interval,4662 * [2] - number of bytes during interval.4663 *4664 * (m) last - last interval number.4665 * (m) frames - total number of frames4666 * (m) bytes - total number of bytes4667 *4668 * NOTE: If frames are not in order, there might be items with same interval index, or even negative one.4669 */4670static void4671sharkd_session_process_intervals(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)4672{4673 const char *tok_interval = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "interval");4674 const char *tok_filter = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "filter");4675 4676 const uint8_t *filter_data = NULL((void*)0);4677 4678 struct4679 {4680 unsigned int frames;4681 uint64_t bytes;4682 } st, st_total;4683 4684 nstime_t *start_ts;4685 4686 uint32_t interval_ms = 1000; /* default: one per second */4687 4688 int64_t idx;4689 int64_t max_idx = 0;4690 4691 if (tok_interval)4692 ws_strtou32(tok_interval, NULL((void*)0), &interval_ms); // already validated4693 4694 if (tok_filter)4695 {4696 const struct sharkd_filter_item *filter_item;4697 4698 filter_item = sharkd_session_filter_data(tok_filter);4699 if (!filter_item)4700 {4701 sharkd_json_error(4702 rpcid, -7001, NULL((void*)0),4703 "Invalid filter parameter: %s", tok_filter4704 );4705 return;4706 }4707 filter_data = filter_item->filtered;4708 }4709 4710 st_total.frames = 0;4711 st_total.bytes = 0;4712 4713 st.frames = 0;4714 st.bytes = 0;4715 4716 idx = 0;4717 4718 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);4719 sharkd_json_array_open("intervals");4720 4721 start_ts = (cfile.count >= 1) ? &(sharkd_get_frame(1)->abs_ts) : NULL((void*)0);4722 4723 for (uint32_t framenum = 1; framenum <= cfile.count; framenum++)4724 {4725 frame_data *fdata;4726 int64_t msec_rel;4727 int64_t new_idx;4728 4729 if (filter_data && !(filter_data[framenum / 8] & (1 << (framenum % 8))))4730 continue;4731 4732 fdata = sharkd_get_frame(framenum);4733 4734 msec_rel = (fdata->abs_ts.secs - start_ts->secs) * (int64_t) 1000 + (fdata->abs_ts.nsecs - start_ts->nsecs) / 1000000;4735 new_idx = msec_rel / interval_ms;4736 4737 if (idx != new_idx)4738 {4739 if (st.frames != 0)4740 {4741 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "[%" PRId64"l" "d" ",%u,%" PRIu64"l" "u" "]", idx, st.frames, st.bytes);4742 }4743 4744 idx = new_idx;4745 if (idx > max_idx)4746 max_idx = idx;4747 4748 st.frames = 0;4749 st.bytes = 0;4750 }4751 4752 st.frames += 1;4753 st.bytes += fdata->pkt_len;4754 4755 st_total.frames += 1;4756 st_total.bytes += fdata->pkt_len;4757 }4758 4759 if (st.frames != 0)4760 {4761 sharkd_json_value_anyf(NULL((void*)0), "[%" PRId64"l" "d" ",%u,%" PRIu64"l" "u" "]", idx, st.frames, st.bytes);4762 }4763 sharkd_json_array_close();4764 4765 sharkd_json_value_anyf("last", "%" PRId64"l" "d", max_idx);4766 sharkd_json_value_anyf("frames", "%u", st_total.frames);4767 sharkd_json_value_anyf("bytes", "%" PRIu64"l" "u", st_total.bytes);4768 4769 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();4770}4771 4772/**4773 * sharkd_session_process_frame()4774 *4775 * Process frame request4776 *4777 * Input:4778 * (m) frame - requested frame number4779 * (o) ref_frame - time reference frame number4780 * (o) prev_frame - previously displayed frame number4781 * (o) proto - set if output frame tree4782 * (o) columns - set if output frame columns4783 * (o) color - set if output color-filter bg/fg4784 * (o) bytes - set if output frame bytes4785 * (o) hidden - set if output hidden tree fields4786 *4787 * Output object with attributes:4788 * (m) err - 0 if succeed4789 * (o) tree - array of frame nodes with attributes:4790 * l - label4791 * t: 'proto', 'framenum', 'url' - type of node4792 * f - filter string4793 * fn - field name4794 * s - severity4795 * e - subtree ett index4796 * n - array of subtree nodes4797 * h - two item array: (item start, item length)4798 * i - two item array: (appendix start, appendix length)4799 * p - [RESERVED] two item array: (protocol start, protocol length)4800 * ds- data src index4801 * url - only for t:'url', url4802 * fnum - only for t:'framenum', frame number4803 * g - if field is generated by Wireshark4804 * v - if field is hidden4805 *4806 * (o) col - array of column data4807 * (o) bytes - base64 of frame bytes4808 * (o) ds - array of other data srcs4809 * (o) comment - frame comment4810 * (o) fol - array of follow filters:4811 * [0] - protocol4812 * [1] - filter string4813 * (o) followers - array of followers with attributes:4814 * protocol - protocol string4815 * filter - filter string4816 * stream - stream index number4817 * sub_stream - sub-stream index number (optional, e.g. for HTTP/2 and QUIC streams)4818 * (o) i - if frame is ignored4819 * (o) m - if frame is marked4820 * (o) bg - color filter - background color in hex4821 * (o) fg - color filter - foreground color in hex4822 */4823static void4824sharkd_session_process_frame(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)4825{4826 const char *tok_frame = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "frame");4827 const char *tok_ref_frame = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "ref_frame");4828 const char *tok_prev_frame = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "prev_frame");4829 column_info *cinfo = NULL((void*)0);4830 4831 uint32_t framenum, ref_frame_num, prev_dis_num;4832 uint32_t dissect_flags = SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_NULL0x00u;4833 struct sharkd_frame_request_data req_data;4834 wtap_rec rec; /* Record metadata */4835 Buffer rec_buf; /* Record data */4836 enum dissect_request_status status;4837 int err;4838 char *err_info;4839 4840 ws_strtou32(tok_frame, NULL((void*)0), &framenum); // we have already validated this4841 4842 ref_frame_num = (framenum != 1) ? 1 : 0;4843 if (tok_ref_frame)4844 {4845 ws_strtou32(tok_ref_frame, NULL((void*)0), &ref_frame_num);4846 if (ref_frame_num > framenum)4847 {4848 sharkd_json_error(4849 rpcid, -8001, NULL((void*)0),4850 "Invalid ref_frame - The ref_frame occurs after the frame specified"4851 );4852 return;4853 }4854 }4855 4856 prev_dis_num = framenum - 1;4857 if (tok_prev_frame)4858 {4859 ws_strtou32(tok_prev_frame, NULL((void*)0), &prev_dis_num);4860 if (prev_dis_num >= framenum)4861 {4862 sharkd_json_error(4863 rpcid, -8002, NULL((void*)0),4864 "Invalid prev_frame - The prev_frame occurs on or after the frame specified"4865 );4866 return;4867 }4868 }4869 4870 if (json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "proto") != NULL((void*)0))4871 dissect_flags |= SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_PROTO_TREE0x04u;4872 if (json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "bytes") != NULL((void*)0))4873 dissect_flags |= SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_BYTES0x01u;4874 if (json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "columns") != NULL((void*)0)) {4875 dissect_flags |= SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_COLUMNS0x02u;4876 cinfo = &cfile.cinfo;4877 }4878 if (json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "color") != NULL((void*)0))4879 dissect_flags |= SHARKD_DISSECT_FLAG_COLOR0x08u;4880 4881 req_data.display_hidden = (json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "v") != NULL((void*)0));4882 4883 wtap_rec_init(&rec);4884 ws_buffer_init(&rec_buf, 1514);4885 4886 status = sharkd_dissect_request(framenum, ref_frame_num, prev_dis_num,4887 &rec, &rec_buf, cinfo, dissect_flags,4888 &sharkd_session_process_frame_cb, &req_data, &err, &err_info);4889 switch (status) {4890 4891 case DISSECT_REQUEST_SUCCESS:4892 /* success */4893 break;4894 4895 case DISSECT_REQUEST_NO_SUCH_FRAME:4896 sharkd_json_error(4897 rpcid, -8003, NULL((void*)0),4898 "Invalid frame - The frame number requested is out of range"4899 );4900 break;4901 4902 case DISSECT_REQUEST_READ_ERROR:4903 sharkd_json_error(4904 rpcid, -8003, NULL((void*)0),4905 /* XXX - show the error details */4906 "Read error - The frame could not be read from the file"4907 );4908 g_free(err_info);4909 break;4910 }4911 4912 wtap_rec_cleanup(&rec);4913 ws_buffer_free(&rec_buf);4914}4915 4916/**4917 * sharkd_session_process_check()4918 *4919 * Process check request.4920 *4921 * Input:4922 * (o) filter - filter to be checked4923 * (o) field - field to be checked4924 *4925 * Output object with attributes:4926 * (m) err - always 04927 * (o) filter - 'ok', 'warn' or error message4928 * (o) field - 'ok', or 'notfound'4929 */4930static int4931sharkd_session_process_check(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)4932{4933 const char *tok_filter = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "filter");4934 const char *tok_field = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "field");4935 4936 if (tok_filter != NULL((void*)0))4937 {4938 dfilter_t *dfp;4939 df_error_t *df_err = NULL((void*)0);4940 4941 if (dfilter_compile(tok_filter, &dfp, &df_err)dfilter_compile_full(tok_filter, &dfp, &df_err, (1U <<
1)|(1U << 2), __func__)
)4942 {4943 if (dfp && dfilter_deprecated_tokens(dfp))4944 sharkd_json_warning(rpcid, "Filter contains deprecated tokens");4945 else4946 sharkd_json_simple_ok(rpcid);4947 4948 dfilter_free(dfp);4949 df_error_free(&df_err);4950 return 0;4951 }4952 else4953 {4954 sharkd_json_error(4955 rpcid, -5001, NULL((void*)0),4956 "Filter invalid - %s", df_err->msg4957 );4958 df_error_free(&df_err);4959 return -5001;4960 }4961 }4962 4963 if (tok_field != NULL((void*)0))4964 {4965 header_field_info *hfi = proto_registrar_get_byname(tok_field);4966 4967 if (!hfi)4968 {4969 sharkd_json_error(4970 rpcid, -5002, NULL((void*)0),4971 "Field %s not found", tok_field4972 );4973 return -5002;4974 }4975 else4976 {4977 sharkd_json_simple_ok(rpcid);4978 return 0;4979 }4980 }4981 4982 sharkd_json_simple_ok(rpcid);4983 return 0;4984}4985 4986struct sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_data4987{4988 const char *module;4989 const char *pref;4990};4991 4992static unsigned4993sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_cb(module_t *module, void *d)4994{4995 struct sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_data *data = (struct sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_data *) d;4996 4997 if (strncmp(data->pref, module->name, strlen(data->pref)) != 0)4998 return 0;4999 5000 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);5001 sharkd_json_value_string("f", module->name);5002 sharkd_json_value_string("d", module->title);5003 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);5004 5005 return 0;5006}5007 5008static unsigned5009sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_option_cb(pref_t *pref, void *d)5010{5011 struct sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_data *data = (struct sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_data *) d;5012 const char *pref_name = prefs_get_name(pref);5013 const char *pref_title = prefs_get_title(pref);5014 5015 if (strncmp(data->pref, pref_name, strlen(data->pref)) != 0)5016 return 0;5017 5018 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);5019 sharkd_json_value_stringf("f", "%s.%s", data->module, pref_name);5020 sharkd_json_value_string("d", pref_title);5021 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);5022 5023 return 0; /* continue */5024}5025 5026/**5027 * sharkd_session_process_complete()5028 *5029 * Process complete request5030 *5031 * Input:5032 * (o) field - field to be completed5033 * (o) pref - preference to be completed5034 *5035 * Output object with attributes:5036 * (m) err - always 05037 * (o) field - array of object with attributes:5038 * (m) f - field text5039 * (o) t - field type (FT_ number)5040 * (o) n - field name5041 * (o) pref - array of object with attributes:5042 * (m) f - pref name5043 * (o) d - pref description5044 */5045static int5046sharkd_session_process_complete(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)5047{5048 const char *tok_field = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "field");5049 const char *tok_pref = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "pref");5050 5051 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5052 5053 if (tok_field != NULL((void*)0) && tok_field[0])5054 {5055 const size_t filter_length = strlen(tok_field);5056 const int filter_with_dot = !!strchr(tok_field, '.');5057 5058 void *proto_cookie;5059 void *field_cookie;5060 int proto_id;5061 5062 sharkd_json_array_open("field");5063 5064 for (proto_id = proto_get_first_protocol(&proto_cookie); proto_id != -1; proto_id = proto_get_next_protocol(&proto_cookie))5065 {5066 protocol_t *protocol = find_protocol_by_id(proto_id);5067 const char *protocol_filter;5068 const char *protocol_name;5069 header_field_info *hfinfo;5070 5071 if (!proto_is_protocol_enabled(protocol))5072 continue;5073 5074 protocol_name = proto_get_protocol_long_name(protocol);5075 protocol_filter = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(proto_id);5076 5077 if (strlen(protocol_filter) >= filter_length && !g_ascii_strncasecmp(tok_field, protocol_filter, filter_length))5078 {5079 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);5080 {5081 sharkd_json_value_string("f", protocol_filter);5082 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", FT_PROTOCOL);5083 sharkd_json_value_string("n", protocol_name);5084 }5085 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);5086 }5087 5088 if (!filter_with_dot)5089 continue;5090 5091 for (hfinfo = proto_get_first_protocol_field(proto_id, &field_cookie); hfinfo != NULL((void*)0); hfinfo = proto_get_next_protocol_field(proto_id, &field_cookie))5092 {5093 if (hfinfo->same_name_prev_id != -1) /* ignore duplicate names */5094 continue;5095 5096 if (strlen(hfinfo->abbrev) >= filter_length && !g_ascii_strncasecmp(tok_field, hfinfo->abbrev, filter_length))5097 {5098 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);5099 {5100 sharkd_json_value_string("f", hfinfo->abbrev);5101 5102 /* XXX, skip displaying name, if there are multiple (to not confuse user) */5103 if (hfinfo->same_name_next == NULL((void*)0))5104 {5105 sharkd_json_value_anyf("t", "%d", hfinfo->type);5106 sharkd_json_value_string("n", hfinfo->name);5107 }5108 }5109 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);5110 }5111 }5112 }5113 5114 sharkd_json_array_close();5115 }5116 5117 if (tok_pref != NULL((void*)0) && tok_pref[0])5118 {5119 struct sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_data data;5120 char *dot_sepa;5121 5122 data.module = tok_pref;5123 data.pref = tok_pref;5124 5125 sharkd_json_array_open("pref");5126 if ((dot_sepa = strchr(tok_pref, '.')))5127 {5128 module_t *pref_mod;5129 5130 *dot_sepa = '\0'; /* XXX, C abuse: discarding-const */5131 data.pref = dot_sepa + 1;5132 5133 pref_mod = prefs_find_module(data.module);5134 if (pref_mod)5135 prefs_pref_foreach(pref_mod, sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_option_cb, &data);5136 5137 *dot_sepa = '.';5138 }5139 else5140 {5141 prefs_modules_foreach(sharkd_session_process_complete_pref_cb, &data);5142 }5143 sharkd_json_array_close();5144 }5145 5146 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5147 5148 return 0;5149}5150 5151/**5152 * sharkd_session_process_setcomment()5153 *5154 * Process setcomment request5155 *5156 * Input:5157 * (m) frame - frame number5158 * (o) comment - user comment5159 *5160 * Output object with attributes:5161 * (m) err - error code: 0 succeed5162 *5163 * Note:5164 * For now, adds comments, doesn't remove or replace them.5165 */5166static void5167sharkd_session_process_setcomment(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)5168{5169 const char *tok_frame = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "frame");5170 const char *tok_comment = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "comment");5171 5172 uint32_t framenum;5173 frame_data *fdata;5174 wtap_opttype_return_val ret;5175 wtap_block_t pkt_block = NULL((void*)0);5176 5177 if (!tok_frame || !ws_strtou32(tok_frame, NULL((void*)0), &framenum) || framenum == 0)5178 {5179 sharkd_json_error(5180 rpcid, -3001, NULL((void*)0),5181 "Frame number must be a positive integer"5182 );5183 return;5184 }5185 5186 fdata = sharkd_get_frame(framenum); // BUG HERE - If no file loaded you get a crash5187 if (!fdata)5188 {5189 sharkd_json_error(5190 rpcid, -3002, NULL((void*)0),5191 "Frame number is out of range"5192 );5193 return;5194 }5195 5196 pkt_block = sharkd_get_packet_block(fdata);5197 5198 ret = wtap_block_add_string_option(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT1, tok_comment, strlen(tok_comment));5199 5200 if (ret != WTAP_OPTTYPE_SUCCESS)5201 {5202 sharkd_json_error(5203 rpcid, -3003, NULL((void*)0),5204 "Unable to set the comment"5205 );5206 }5207 else5208 {5209 sharkd_set_modified_block(fdata, pkt_block);5210 sharkd_json_simple_ok(rpcid);5211 }5212}5213 5214/**5215 * sharkd_session_process_setconf()5216 *5217 * Process setconf request5218 *5219 * Input:5220 * (m) name - preference name5221 * (m) value - preference value5222 *5223 * Output object with attributes:5224 * (m) err - error code: 0 succeed5225 */5226static void5227sharkd_session_process_setconf(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)5228{5229 const char *tok_name = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "name");5230 const char *tok_value = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "value");5231 char pref[4096];5232 char *errmsg = NULL((void*)0);5233 5234 prefs_set_pref_e ret;5235 5236 if (!tok_name || tok_name[0] == '\0')5237 {5238 sharkd_json_error(5239 rpcid, -4001, NULL((void*)0),5240 "Preference name missing"5241 );5242 return;5243 }5244 5245 if (!tok_value)5246 {5247 sharkd_json_error(5248 rpcid, -4002, NULL((void*)0),5249 "Preference value missing"5250 );5251 return;5252 }5253 5254 snprintf(pref, sizeof(pref), "%s:%s", tok_name, tok_value);5255 5256 ret = prefs_set_pref(pref, &errmsg);5257 5258 switch (ret)5259 {5260 case PREFS_SET_OK:5261 sharkd_json_simple_ok(rpcid);5262 break;5263 5264 case PREFS_SET_OBSOLETE:5265 sharkd_json_error(5266 rpcid, -4003, NULL((void*)0),5267 "The preference specified is obsolete"5268 );5269 break;5270 5271 case PREFS_SET_NO_SUCH_PREF:5272 sharkd_json_error(5273 rpcid, -4004, NULL((void*)0),5274 "No such preference exists"5275 );5276 break;5277 5278 default:5279 sharkd_json_error(5280 rpcid, -4005, NULL((void*)0),5281 "Unable to set the preference"5282 );5283 }5284 5285 g_free(errmsg);5286}5287 5288struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data5289{5290 module_t *module;5291};5292 5293static unsigned5294sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_cb(pref_t *pref, void *d)5295{5296 struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data *data = (struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data *) d;5297 const char *pref_name = prefs_get_name(pref);5298 5299 char json_pref_key[512];5300 5301 snprintf(json_pref_key, sizeof(json_pref_key), "%s.%s", data->module->name, pref_name);5302 sharkd_json_object_open(json_pref_key);5303 5304 switch (prefs_get_type(pref))5305 {5306 case PREF_UINT(1u << 0):5307 sharkd_json_value_anyf("u", "%u", prefs_get_uint_value_real(pref, pref_current));5308 if (prefs_get_uint_base(pref) != 10)5309 sharkd_json_value_anyf("ub", "%u", prefs_get_uint_base(pref));5310 break;5311 5312 case PREF_BOOL(1u << 1):5313 sharkd_json_value_anyf("b", prefs_get_bool_value(pref, pref_current) ? "1" : "0");5314 break;5315 5316 case PREF_STRING(1u << 3):5317 case PREF_SAVE_FILENAME(1u << 7):5318 case PREF_OPEN_FILENAME(1u << 14):5319 case PREF_DIRNAME(1u << 11):5320 case PREF_PASSWORD(1u << 15):5321 case PREF_DISSECTOR(1u << 17):5322 sharkd_json_value_string("s", prefs_get_string_value(pref, pref_current));5323 break;5324 5325 case PREF_ENUM(1u << 2):5326 {5327 const enum_val_t *enums;5328 5329 sharkd_json_array_open("e");5330 for (enums = prefs_get_enumvals(pref); enums->name; enums++)5331 {5332 json_dumper_begin_object(&dumper);5333 5334 sharkd_json_value_anyf("v", "%d", enums->value);5335 5336 if (enums->value == prefs_get_enum_value(pref, pref_current))5337 sharkd_json_value_anyf("s", "1");5338 5339 sharkd_json_value_string("d", enums->description);5340 5341 json_dumper_end_object(&dumper);5342 }5343 sharkd_json_array_close();5344 break;5345 }5346 5347 case PREF_RANGE(1u << 4):5348 case PREF_DECODE_AS_RANGE(1u << 13):5349 {5350 char *range_str = range_convert_range(NULL((void*)0), prefs_get_range_value_real(pref, pref_current));5351 sharkd_json_value_string("r", range_str);5352 wmem_free(NULL((void*)0), range_str);5353 break;5354 }5355 5356 case PREF_UAT(1u << 6):5357 {5358 uat_t *uat = prefs_get_uat_value(pref);5359 unsigned idx;5360 5361 sharkd_json_array_open("t");5362 for (idx = 0; idx < uat->raw_data->len; idx++)5363 {5364 void *rec = UAT_INDEX_PTR(uat, idx)(uat->raw_data->data + (uat->record_size * (idx)));5365 unsigned colnum;5366 5367 sharkd_json_array_open(NULL((void*)0));5368 for (colnum = 0; colnum < uat->ncols; colnum++)5369 {5370 char *str = uat_fld_tostr(rec, &(uat->fields[colnum]));5371 5372 sharkd_json_value_string(NULL((void*)0), str);5373 g_free(str);5374 }5375 5376 sharkd_json_array_close();5377 }5378 5379 sharkd_json_array_close();5380 break;5381 }5382 5383 case PREF_COLOR(1u << 8):5384 case PREF_CUSTOM(1u << 9):5385 case PREF_STATIC_TEXT(1u << 5):5386 case PREF_OBSOLETE(1u << 10):5387 /* TODO */5388 break;5389 }5390 5391#if 05392 sharkd_json_value_string("t", prefs_get_title(pref));5393#endif5394 5395 sharkd_json_object_close();5396 5397 return 0; /* continue */5398}5399 5400static unsigned5401sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_mod_cb(module_t *module, void *d)5402{5403 struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data *data = (struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data *) d;5404 5405 data->module = module;5406 prefs_pref_foreach(module, sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_cb, data);5407 5408 return 0;5409}5410 5411/**5412 * sharkd_session_process_dumpconf()5413 *5414 * Process dumpconf request5415 *5416 * Input:5417 * (o) pref - module, or preference, NULL for all5418 *5419 * Output object with attributes:5420 * (o) prefs - object with module preferences5421 * (m) [KEY] - preference name5422 * (o) u - preference value (for PREF_UINT)5423 * (o) ub - preference value suggested base for display (for PREF_UINT) and if different than 105424 * (o) b - preference value (only for PREF_BOOL) (1 true, 0 false)5425 * (o) s - preference value (for PREF_STRING, PREF_SAVE_FILENAME, PREF_OPEN_FILENAME, PREF_DIRNAME, PREF_PASSWORD, PREF_DISSECTOR)5426 * (o) e - preference possible values (only for PREF_ENUM)5427 * (o) r - preference value (for PREF_RANGE, PREF_DECODE_AS_RANGE)5428 * (o) t - preference value (only for PREF_UAT)5429 */5430static void5431sharkd_session_process_dumpconf(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)5432{5433 const char *tok_pref = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "pref");5434 module_t *pref_mod;5435 char *dot_sepa;5436 5437 if (!tok_pref)5438 {5439 struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data data;5440 5441 data.module = NULL((void*)0);5442 5443 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5444 5445 sharkd_json_object_open("prefs");5446 prefs_modules_foreach(sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_mod_cb, &data);5447 sharkd_json_object_close();5448 5449 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5450 return;5451 }5452 5453 if ((dot_sepa = strchr(tok_pref, '.')))5454 {5455 pref_t *pref = NULL((void*)0);5456 5457 *dot_sepa = '\0'; /* XXX, C abuse: discarding-const */5458 pref_mod = prefs_find_module(tok_pref);5459 if (pref_mod)5460 pref = prefs_find_preference(pref_mod, dot_sepa + 1);5461 *dot_sepa = '.';5462 5463 if (pref)5464 {5465 struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data data;5466 5467 data.module = pref_mod;5468 5469 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5470 5471 sharkd_json_object_open("prefs");5472 sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_cb(pref, &data);5473 sharkd_json_object_close();5474 5475 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5476 return;5477 }5478 else5479 {5480 sharkd_json_error(5481 rpcid, -9001, NULL((void*)0),5482 "Invalid pref %s.", tok_pref5483 );5484 return;5485 }5486 5487 }5488 5489 pref_mod = prefs_find_module(tok_pref);5490 if (pref_mod)5491 {5492 struct sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_data data;5493 5494 data.module = pref_mod;5495 5496 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5497 5498 sharkd_json_object_open("prefs");5499 prefs_pref_foreach(pref_mod, sharkd_session_process_dumpconf_cb, &data);5500 sharkd_json_object_close();5501 5502 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5503 }5504 else5505 {5506 sharkd_json_error(5507 rpcid, -9002, NULL((void*)0),5508 "Invalid pref %s.", tok_pref5509 );5510 }5511}5512 5513struct sharkd_download_rtp5514{5515 rtpstream_id_t id;5516 GSList *packets;5517 double start_time;5518};5519 5520static void5521sharkd_rtp_download_free_items(void *ptr)5522{5523 rtp_packet_t *rtp_packet = (rtp_packet_t *) ptr;5524 5525 g_free(rtp_packet->info);5526 g_free(rtp_packet->payload_data);5527 g_free(rtp_packet);5528}5529 5530static void5531sharkd_rtp_download_decode(struct sharkd_download_rtp *req)5532{5533 /* based on RtpAudioStream::decode() 6e29d874f8b5e6ebc59f661a0bb0dab8e56f122a */5534 /* TODO, for now only without silence (timing_mode_ = Uninterrupted) */5535 5536 static const int sample_bytes_ = sizeof(SAMPLE) / sizeof(char);5537 5538 uint32_t audio_out_rate_ = 0;5539 struct _GHashTable *decoders_hash_ = rtp_decoder_hash_table_new();5540 struct SpeexResamplerState_ *audio_resampler_ = NULL((void*)0);5541 5542 size_t resample_buff_len = 0x1000;5543 SAMPLE *resample_buff = (SAMPLE *) g_malloc(resample_buff_len);5544 spx_uint32_t cur_in_rate = 0;5545 char *write_buff = NULL((void*)0);5546 size_t write_bytes = 0;5547 unsigned channels = 0;5548 unsigned sample_rate = 0;5549 5550 GSList *l;5551 5552 for (l = req->packets; l; l = l->next)5553 {5554 rtp_packet_t *rtp_packet = (rtp_packet_t *) l->data;5555 5556 SAMPLE *decode_buff = NULL((void*)0);5557 size_t decoded_bytes;5558 5559 decoded_bytes = decode_rtp_packet(rtp_packet, &decode_buff, decoders_hash_, &channels, &sample_rate);5560 if (decoded_bytes == 0 || sample_rate == 0)5561 {5562 /* We didn't decode anything. Clean up and prep for the next packet. */5563 g_free(decode_buff);5564 continue;5565 }5566 5567 if (audio_out_rate_ == 0)5568 {5569 uint32_t tmp32;5570 uint16_t tmp16;5571 char wav_hdr[44];5572 5573 /* First non-zero wins */5574 audio_out_rate_ = sample_rate;5575 5576 RTP_STREAM_DEBUG("Audio sample rate is %u", audio_out_rate_);5577 5578 /* write WAVE header */5579 memset(&wav_hdr, 0, sizeof(wav_hdr));5580 memcpy(&wav_hdr[0], "RIFF", 4);5581 memcpy(&wav_hdr[4], "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 4); /* XXX, unknown */5582 memcpy(&wav_hdr[8], "WAVE", 4);5583 5584 memcpy(&wav_hdr[12], "fmt ", 4);5585 memcpy(&wav_hdr[16], "\x10\x00\x00\x00", 4); /* PCM */5586 memcpy(&wav_hdr[20], "\x01\x00", 2); /* PCM */5587 /* # channels */5588 tmp16 = channels;5589 memcpy(&wav_hdr[22], &tmp16, 2);5590 /* sample rate */5591 tmp32 = sample_rate;5592 memcpy(&wav_hdr[24], &tmp32, 4);5593 /* byte rate */5594 tmp32 = sample_rate * channels * sample_bytes_;5595 memcpy(&wav_hdr[28], &tmp32, 4);5596 /* block align */5597 tmp16 = channels * sample_bytes_;5598 memcpy(&wav_hdr[32], &tmp16, 2);5599 /* bits per sample */5600 tmp16 = 8 * sample_bytes_;5601 memcpy(&wav_hdr[34], &tmp16, 2);5602 5603 memcpy(&wav_hdr[36], "data", 4);5604 memcpy(&wav_hdr[40], "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 4); /* XXX, unknown */5605 5606 json_dumper_write_base64(&dumper, wav_hdr, sizeof(wav_hdr));5607 }5608 5609 // Write samples to our file.5610 write_buff = (char *) decode_buff;5611 write_bytes = decoded_bytes;5612 5613 if (audio_out_rate_ != sample_rate)5614 {5615 spx_uint32_t in_len, out_len;5616 5617 /* Resample the audio to match our previous output rate. */5618 if (!audio_resampler_)5619 {5620 audio_resampler_ = speex_resampler_init(1, sample_rate, audio_out_rate_, 10, NULL((void*)0));5621 speex_resampler_skip_zeros(audio_resampler_);5622 RTP_STREAM_DEBUG("Started resampling from %u to (out) %u Hz.", sample_rate, audio_out_rate_);5623 }5624 else5625 {5626 spx_uint32_t audio_out_rate;5627 speex_resampler_get_rate(audio_resampler_, &cur_in_rate, &audio_out_rate);5628 5629 if (sample_rate != cur_in_rate)5630 {5631 speex_resampler_set_rate(audio_resampler_, sample_rate, audio_out_rate);5632 RTP_STREAM_DEBUG("Changed input rate from %u to %u Hz. Out is %u.", cur_in_rate, sample_rate, audio_out_rate_);5633 }5634 }5635 in_len = (spx_uint32_t)rtp_packet->info->info_payload_len;5636 out_len = (audio_out_rate_ * (spx_uint32_t)rtp_packet->info->info_payload_len / sample_rate) + (audio_out_rate_ % sample_rate != 0);5637 if (out_len * sample_bytes_ > resample_buff_len)5638 {5639 while ((out_len * sample_bytes_ > resample_buff_len))5640 resample_buff_len *= 2;5641 resample_buff = (SAMPLE *) g_realloc(resample_buff, resample_buff_len);5642 }5643 5644 speex_resampler_process_int(audio_resampler_, 0, decode_buff, &in_len, resample_buff, &out_len);5645 write_buff = (char *) resample_buff;5646 write_bytes = out_len * sample_bytes_;5647 }5648 5649 /* Write the decoded, possibly-resampled audio */5650 json_dumper_write_base64(&dumper, write_buff, write_bytes);5651 5652 g_free(decode_buff);5653 }5654 5655 g_free(resample_buff);5656 g_hash_table_destroy(decoders_hash_);5657}5658 5659static tap_packet_status5660sharkd_session_packet_download_tap_rtp_cb(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U___attribute__((unused)), const void *data, tap_flags_t flags _U___attribute__((unused)))5661{5662 const struct _rtp_info *rtp_info = (const struct _rtp_info *) data;5663 struct sharkd_download_rtp *req_rtp = (struct sharkd_download_rtp *) tapdata;5664 5665 /* do not consider RTP packets without a setup frame */5666 if (rtp_info->info_setup_frame_num == 0)5667 return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW;5668 5669 if (rtpstream_id_equal_pinfo_rtp_info(&req_rtp->id, pinfo, rtp_info))5670 {5671 rtp_packet_t *rtp_packet;5672 5673 rtp_packet = g_new0(rtp_packet_t, 1)((rtp_packet_t *) g_malloc0_n ((1), sizeof (rtp_packet_t)));5674 rtp_packet->info = (struct _rtp_info *) g_memdup2(rtp_info, sizeof(struct _rtp_info));5675 5676 if (rtp_info->info_all_data_present && rtp_info->info_payload_len != 0)5677 rtp_packet->payload_data = (uint8_t *) g_memdup2(&(rtp_info->info_data[rtp_info->info_payload_offset]), rtp_info->info_payload_len);5678 5679 if (!req_rtp->packets)5680 req_rtp->start_time = nstime_to_sec(&pinfo->abs_ts);5681 5682 rtp_packet->frame_num = pinfo->num;5683 rtp_packet->arrive_offset = nstime_to_sec(&pinfo->abs_ts) - req_rtp->start_time;5684 5685 /* XXX, O(n) optimize */5686 req_rtp->packets = g_slist_append(req_rtp->packets, rtp_packet);5687 }5688 5689 return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW;5690}5691 5692static bool_Bool5693sharkd_session_eo_retap_listener(const char *tap_type) {5694 bool_Bool ok = true1;5695 register_eo_t *eo = NULL((void*)0);5696 GString *tap_error = NULL((void*)0);5697 void *tap_data = NULL((void*)0);5698 GFreeFunc tap_free = NULL((void*)0);5699 5700 // get <name> from eo:<name>, get_eo_by_name only needs the name (http etc.)5701 eo = get_eo_by_name(tap_type + 3);5702 if (!eo)5703 {5704 ok = false0;5705 sharkd_json_error(5706 rpcid, -11011, NULL((void*)0),5707 "sharkd_session_eo_retap_listener() eo=%s not found", tap_type + 35708 );5709 }5710 5711 if (ok)5712 {5713 tap_error = sharkd_session_eo_register_tap_listener(eo, tap_type, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0), &tap_data, &tap_free);5714 if (tap_error)5715 {5716 ok = false0;5717 sharkd_json_error(5718 rpcid, -10002, NULL((void*)0),5719 "sharkd_session_eo_retap_listener() sharkd_session_eo_register_tap_listener error %s",5720 tap_error->str);5721 g_string_free(tap_error, TRUE)(__builtin_constant_p ((!(0))) ? (((!(0))) ? (g_string_free) (
(tap_error), ((!(0)))) : g_string_free_and_steal (tap_error))
: (g_string_free) ((tap_error), ((!(0)))))
;5722 }5723 }5724 5725 if (ok)5726 sharkd_retap();5727 5728 if (!tap_error)5729 remove_tap_listener(tap_data);5730 5731 if (tap_free)5732 tap_free(tap_data);5733 5734 return ok;5735}5736 5737/**5738 * sharkd_session_process_download()5739 *5740 * Process download request5741 *5742 * Input:5743 * (m) token - token to download5744 *5745 * Output object with attributes:5746 * (o) file - suggested name of file5747 * (o) mime - suggested content type5748 * (o) data - payload base64 encoded5749 */5750static void5751sharkd_session_process_download(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)5752{5753 const char *tok_token = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "token");5754 5755 if (!tok_token)5756 {5757 sharkd_json_error(5758 rpcid, -10005, NULL((void*)0),5759 "missing token"5760 );5761 return;5762 }5763 5764 if (!strncmp(tok_token, "eo:", 3))5765 {5766 // get eo:<name> from eo:<name>_<row>5767 char *tap_type = g_strdup(tok_token)g_strdup_inline (tok_token);5768 char *tmp = strrchr(tap_type, '_');5769 if (tmp)5770 *tmp = '\0';5771 5772 // if eo:<name> not in sharkd_eo_list, retap5773 if (!sharkd_eo_object_list_get_entry_by_type(sharkd_eo_list, tap_type) &&5774 !sharkd_session_eo_retap_listener(tap_type))5775 {5776 g_free(tap_type);5777 // sharkd_json_error called in sharkd_session_eo_retap_listener5778 return;5779 }5780 5781 g_free(tap_type);5782 5783 struct sharkd_export_object_list *object_list;5784 const export_object_entry_t *eo_entry = NULL((void*)0);5785 5786 for (object_list = sharkd_eo_list; object_list; object_list = object_list->next)5787 {5788 size_t eo_type_len = strlen(object_list->type);5789 5790 if (!strncmp(tok_token, object_list->type, eo_type_len) && tok_token[eo_type_len] == '_')5791 {5792 int row;5793 5794 if (sscanf(&tok_token[eo_type_len + 1], "%d", &row) != 1)5795 break;5796 5797 eo_entry = (export_object_entry_t *) g_slist_nth_data(object_list->entries, row);5798 break;5799 }5800 }5801 5802 if (eo_entry)5803 {5804 const char *mime = (eo_entry->content_type) ? eo_entry->content_type : "application/octet-stream";5805 const char *filename = (eo_entry->filename) ? eo_entry->filename : tok_token;5806 5807 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5808 sharkd_json_value_string("file", filename);5809 sharkd_json_value_string("mime", mime);5810 sharkd_json_value_base64("data", eo_entry->payload_data, eo_entry->payload_len);5811 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5812 }5813 else5814 {5815 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5816 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5817 }5818 }5819 else if (!strcmp(tok_token, "ssl-secrets"))5820 {5821 size_t str_len;5822 char *str = ssl_export_sessions(&str_len);5823 5824 if (str)5825 {5826 const char *mime = "text/plain";5827 const char *filename = "keylog.txt";5828 5829 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5830 sharkd_json_value_string("file", filename);5831 sharkd_json_value_string("mime", mime);5832 sharkd_json_value_base64("data", str, str_len);5833 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5834 }5835 g_free(str);5836 }5837 else if (!strncmp(tok_token, "rtp:", 4))5838 {5839 struct sharkd_download_rtp rtp_req;5840 GString *tap_error;5841 5842 memset(&rtp_req, 0, sizeof(rtp_req));5843 if (!sharkd_rtp_match_init(&rtp_req.id, tok_token + 4))5844 {5845 sharkd_json_error(5846 rpcid, -10001, NULL((void*)0),5847 "sharkd_session_process_download() rtp tokenizing error %s", tok_token5848 );5849 return;5850 }5851 5852 tap_error = register_tap_listener("rtp", &rtp_req, NULL((void*)0), 0, NULL((void*)0), sharkd_session_packet_download_tap_rtp_cb, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0));5853 if (tap_error)5854 {5855 sharkd_json_error(5856 rpcid, -10002, NULL((void*)0),5857 "sharkd_session_process_download() rtp error %s", tap_error->str5858 );5859 g_string_free(tap_error, TRUE)(__builtin_constant_p ((!(0))) ? (((!(0))) ? (g_string_free) (
(tap_error), ((!(0)))) : g_string_free_and_steal (tap_error))
: (g_string_free) ((tap_error), ((!(0)))))
;5860 return;5861 }5862 5863 sharkd_retap();5864 remove_tap_listener(&rtp_req);5865 5866 if (rtp_req.packets)5867 {5868 const char *mime = "audio/x-wav";5869 const char *filename = tok_token;5870 5871 sharkd_json_result_prologue(rpcid);5872 sharkd_json_value_string("file", filename);5873 sharkd_json_value_string("mime", mime);5874 5875 json_dumper_set_member_name(&dumper, "data");5876 json_dumper_begin_base64(&dumper);5877 sharkd_rtp_download_decode(&rtp_req);5878 json_dumper_end_base64(&dumper);5879 5880 sharkd_json_result_epilogue();5881 5882 g_slist_free_full(rtp_req.packets, sharkd_rtp_download_free_items);5883 }5884 else5885 {5886 sharkd_json_error(5887 rpcid, -10003, NULL((void*)0),5888 "no rtp data available"5889 );5890 }5891 }5892 else5893 {5894 sharkd_json_error(5895 rpcid, -10004, NULL((void*)0),5896 "unrecognized token"5897 );5898 }5899}5900 5901static void5902sharkd_session_process(char *buf, const jsmntok_t *tokens, int count)5903{5904 if (json_prep(buf, tokens, count))5905 {5906 /* don't need [0] token */5907 tokens++;5908 count--;5909 5910 const char* tok_method = json_find_attr(buf, tokens, count, "method");5911 5912 if (!tok_method) {5913 sharkd_json_error(5914 rpcid, -32601, NULL((void*)0),5915 "No method found");5916 return;5917 }5918 if (!strcmp(tok_method, "load"))5919 sharkd_session_process_load(buf, tokens, count);5920 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "status"))5921 sharkd_session_process_status();5922 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "analyse"))5923 sharkd_session_process_analyse();5924 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "info"))5925 sharkd_session_process_info();5926 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "check"))5927 sharkd_session_process_check(buf, tokens, count);5928 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "complete"))5929 sharkd_session_process_complete(buf, tokens, count);5930 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "frames"))5931 sharkd_session_process_frames(buf, tokens, count);5932 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "tap"))5933 sharkd_session_process_tap(buf, tokens, count);5934 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "follow"))5935 sharkd_session_process_follow(buf, tokens, count);5936 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "iograph"))5937 sharkd_session_process_iograph(buf, tokens, count);5938 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "intervals"))5939 sharkd_session_process_intervals(buf, tokens, count);5940 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "frame"))5941 sharkd_session_process_frame(buf, tokens, count);5942 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "setcomment"))5943 sharkd_session_process_setcomment(buf, tokens, count);5944 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "setconf"))5945 sharkd_session_process_setconf(buf, tokens, count);5946 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "dumpconf"))5947 sharkd_session_process_dumpconf(buf, tokens, count);5948 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "download"))5949 sharkd_session_process_download(buf, tokens, count);5950 else if (!strcmp(tok_method, "bye"))5951 {5952 sharkd_json_simple_ok(rpcid);5953 exit(0);5954 }5955 else5956 {5957 sharkd_json_error(5958 rpcid, -32601, NULL((void*)0),5959 "The method \"%s\" is unknown", tok_method5960 );5961 }5962 }5963}5964 5965int5966sharkd_session_main(int mode_setting)5967{5968 char buf[8 * 1024];5969 jsmntok_t *tokens = NULL((void*)0);5970 int tokens_max = -1;5971 5972 mode = mode_setting;5973 5974 fprintf(stderrstderr, "Hello in child.\n");5975 5976 dumper.output_file = stdoutstdout;5977 5978 filter_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, sharkd_session_filter_free);5979 5980#ifdef HAVE_MAXMINDDB15981 /* mmdbresolve was stopped before fork(), force starting it */5982 uat_get_table_by_name("MaxMind Database Paths")->post_update_cb();5983#endif5984 5985 set_resolution_synchrony(true1);5986 5987 while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdinstdin))5988 {5989 /* every command is line separated JSON */5990 int ret;5991 5992 ret = json_parse(buf, NULL((void*)0), 0);5993 if (ret <= 0)5994 {5995 sharkd_json_error(5996 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),5997 "Invalid JSON(1)"5998 );5999 continue;6000 }6001 6002 /* fprintf(stderr, "JSON: %d tokens\n", ret); */6003 ret += 1;6004 6005 if (tokens == NULL((void*)0) || tokens_max < ret)6006 {6007 tokens_max = ret;6008 tokens = (jsmntok_t *) g_realloc(tokens, sizeof(jsmntok_t) * tokens_max);6009 }6010 6011 memset(tokens, 0, ret * sizeof(jsmntok_t));6012 6013 ret = json_parse(buf, tokens, ret);6014 if (ret <= 0)6015 {6016 sharkd_json_error(6017 rpcid, -32600, NULL((void*)0),6018 "Invalid JSON(2)"6019 );6020 continue;6021 }6022 6023 host_name_lookup_process();6024 6025 sharkd_session_process(buf, tokens, ret);6026 }6027 6028 g_hash_table_destroy(filter_table);6029 g_free(tokens);6030 6031 return 0;6032}
1/** @file2 *3 * Definitions and functions for I/O graph items4 *5 * Copied from gtk/io_stat.c, (c) 2002 Ronnie Sahlberg6 *7 * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer8 * By Gerald Combs <[emailprotected]>9 * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs10 *11 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later12 */13 14#ifndef __IO_GRAPH_ITEM_H__15#define __IO_GRAPH_ITEM_H__16 17#include "cfile.h"18#include <wsutil/ws_assert.h>19 20#include <epan/epan_dissect.h>21 22#ifdef __cplusplus23extern "C" {24#endif /* __cplusplus */25 26typedef enum {27 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_FIRST,28 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_PACKETS = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_FIRST,29 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_BYTES,30 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_BITS,31 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_SUM,32 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_FRAMES,33 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_FIELDS,34 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_MAX,35 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_MIN,36 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_AVERAGE,37 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_THROUGHPUT,38 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_LOAD,39 IOG_ITEM_UNIT_LAST = IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_LOAD,40 NUM_IOG_ITEM_UNITS41} io_graph_item_unit_t;42 43typedef struct _io_graph_item_t {44 uint32_t frames; /* always calculated, will hold number of frames*/45 uint64_t bytes; /* always calculated, will hold number of bytes*/46 uint64_t fields;47 /* We use a double for totals because of overflow. For min and max,48 * unsigned 64 bit integers larger than 2^53 cannot all be represented49 * in a double, and this is useful for determining the frame with the50 * min or max value, even though for plotting it will be converted to a51 * double.52 */53 union {54 nstime_t time_max;55 double double_max;56 int64_t int_max;57 uint64_t uint_max;58 };59 union {60 nstime_t time_min;61 double double_min;62 int64_t int_min;63 uint64_t uint_min;64 };65 union {66 nstime_t time_tot;67 double double_tot;68 };69 uint32_t first_frame_in_invl;70 uint32_t min_frame_in_invl;71 uint32_t max_frame_in_invl;72 uint32_t last_frame_in_invl;73} io_graph_item_t;74 75/** Reset (zero) an io_graph_item_t.76 *77 * @param items [in,out] Array containing the items to reset.78 * @param count [in] The number of items in the array.79 */80static inline void81reset_io_graph_items(io_graph_item_t *items, size_t count, int hf_index _U___attribute__((unused))) {82 io_graph_item_t *item;83 size_t i;84 85 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {


Assuming 'i' is >= 'count'


Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 85

86 item = &items[i];87 88 item->frames = 0;89 item->bytes = 0;90 item->fields = 0;91 item->first_frame_in_invl = 0;92 item->min_frame_in_invl = 0;93 item->max_frame_in_invl = 0;94 item->last_frame_in_invl = 0;95 96 nstime_set_zero(&item->time_max);97 nstime_set_zero(&item->time_min);98 nstime_set_zero(&item->time_tot);99 100#if 0101 /* XXX - On C, type punning is explicitly allowed since C99 so102 * setting the nstime_t values to 0 is always sufficient.103 * On C++ that appears technically to be undefined behavior (though104 * I don't know of any compilers for which it doesn't work and I105 * can't get UBSAN to complain about it) and this would be safer.106 */107 if (hf_index > 0) {108 109 switch (proto_registrar_get_ftype(hf_index)) {110 111 case FT_INT8:112 case FT_INT16:113 case FT_INT24:114 case FT_INT32:115 case FT_INT40:116 case FT_INT48:117 case FT_INT56:118 case FT_INT64:119 item->int_max = 0;120 item->int_min = 0;121 item->double_tot = 0;122 break;123 124 case FT_UINT8:125 case FT_UINT16:126 case FT_UINT24:127 case FT_UINT32:128 case FT_UINT40:129 case FT_UINT48:130 case FT_UINT56:131 case FT_UINT64:132 item->uint_max = 0;133 item->uint_min = 0;134 item->double_tot = 0;135 break;136 137 case FT_DOUBLE:138 case FT_FLOAT:139 item->double_max = 0;140 item->double_min = 0;141 item->double_tot = 0;142 break;143 144 case FT_RELATIVE_TIME:145 nstime_set_zero(&item->time_max);146 nstime_set_zero(&item->time_min);147 nstime_set_zero(&item->time_tot);148 break;149 150 default:151 break;152 }153 }154#endif155 }156}157 158/** Get the interval (array index) for a packet159 *160 * It is up to the caller to determine if the return value is valid.161 *162 * @param [in] pinfo Packet of interest.163 * @param [in] interval Time interval in microseconds164 * @return Array index on success, -1 on failure.165 *166 * @note pinfo->rel_ts, and hence the index, is not affected by ignoring167 * frames, but is affected by time references. (Ignoring frames before168 * a time reference can be useful, though.)169 */170int64_t get_io_graph_index(packet_info *pinfo, int interval);171 172/** Check field and item unit compatibility173 *174 * @param field_name [in] Header field name to check175 * @param hf_index [out] Assigned the header field index corresponding to field_name if valid.176 * Can be NULL.177 * @param item_unit [in] The type of unit to calculate. From IOG_ITEM_UNITS.178 * @return NULL if compatible, otherwise an error string. The string must179 * be freed by the caller.180 */181GString *check_field_unit(const char *field_name, int *hf_index, io_graph_item_unit_t item_unit);182 183/** Get the value at the given interval (idx) for the current value unit.184 *185 * @param items [in] Array containing the item to get.186 * @param val_units [in] The type of unit to calculate. From IOG_ITEM_UNITS.187 * @param idx [in] Index of the item to get.188 * @param hf_index [in] Header field index for advanced statistics.189 * @param cap_file [in] Capture file.190 * @param interval [in] Timing interval in ms.191 * @param cur_idx [in] Current index.192 */193double get_io_graph_item(const io_graph_item_t *items, io_graph_item_unit_t val_units, int idx, int hf_index, const capture_file *cap_file, int interval, int cur_idx);194 195/** Update the values of an io_graph_item_t.196 *197 * Frame and byte counts are always calculated. If edt is non-NULL advanced198 * statistics are calculated using hfindex.199 *200 * @param items [in,out] Array containing the item to update.201 * @param idx [in] Index of the item to update.202 * @param pinfo [in] Packet containing update information.203 * @param edt [in] Dissection information for advanced statistics. May be NULL.204 * @param hf_index [in] Header field index for advanced statistics.205 * @param item_unit [in] The type of unit to calculate. From IOG_ITEM_UNITS.206 * @param interval [in] Timing interval in μs.207 * @return true if the update was successful, otherwise false.208 */209static inline bool_Bool210update_io_graph_item(io_graph_item_t *items, int idx, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt, int hf_index, int item_unit, uint32_t interval) {211 io_graph_item_t *item = &items[idx];212 213 /* Set the first and last frame num in current interval matching the target field+filter */214 if (item->first_frame_in_invl == 0) {


The left operand of '==' is a garbage value
215 item->first_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;216 }217 item->last_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;218 219 if (edt && hf_index >= 0) {220 GPtrArray *gp;221 unsigned i;222 223 gp = proto_get_finfo_ptr_array(edt->tree, hf_index);224 if (!gp) {225 return false0;226 }227 228 /* Update the appropriate counters. If fields == 0, this is the first seen229 * value so set any min/max values accordingly. */230 for (i=0; i < gp->len; i++) {231 int64_t new_int64;232 uint64_t new_uint64;233 float new_float;234 double new_double;235 const nstime_t *new_time;236 237 switch (proto_registrar_get_ftype(hf_index)) {238 case FT_UINT8:239 case FT_UINT16:240 case FT_UINT24:241 case FT_UINT32:242 new_uint64 = fvalue_get_uinteger(((field_info *)gp->pdata[i])->value);243 244 if ((new_uint64 > item->uint_max) || (item->fields == 0)) {245 item->uint_max = new_uint64;246 item->max_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;247 }248 if ((new_uint64 < item->uint_min) || (item->fields == 0)) {249 item->uint_min = new_uint64;250 item->min_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;251 }252 item->double_tot += (double)new_uint64;253 item->fields++;254 break;255 case FT_INT8:256 case FT_INT16:257 case FT_INT24:258 case FT_INT32:259 new_int64 = fvalue_get_sinteger(((field_info *)gp->pdata[i])->value);260 if ((new_int64 > item->int_max) || (item->fields == 0)) {261 item->int_max = new_int64;262 item->max_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;263 }264 if ((new_int64 < item->int_min) || (item->fields == 0)) {265 item->int_min = new_int64;266 item->min_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;267 }268 item->double_tot += (double)new_int64;269 item->fields++;270 break;271 case FT_UINT40:272 case FT_UINT48:273 case FT_UINT56:274 case FT_UINT64:275 new_uint64 = fvalue_get_uinteger64(((field_info *)gp->pdata[i])->value);276 if ((new_uint64 > item->uint_max) || (item->fields == 0)) {277 item->uint_max = new_uint64;278 item->max_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;279 }280 if ((new_uint64 < item->uint_min) || (item->fields == 0)) {281 item->uint_min = new_uint64;282 item->min_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;283 }284 item->double_tot += (double)new_uint64;285 item->fields++;286 break;287 case FT_INT40:288 case FT_INT48:289 case FT_INT56:290 case FT_INT64:291 new_int64 = fvalue_get_sinteger64(((field_info *)gp->pdata[i])->value);292 if ((new_int64 > item->int_max) || (item->fields == 0)) {293 item->int_max = new_int64;294 item->max_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;295 }296 if ((new_int64 < item->int_min) || (item->fields == 0)) {297 item->int_min = new_int64;298 item->min_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;299 }300 item->double_tot += (double)new_int64;301 item->fields++;302 break;303 case FT_FLOAT:304 new_float = (float)fvalue_get_floating(((field_info *)gp->pdata[i])->value);305 if ((new_float > item->double_max) || (item->fields == 0)) {306 item->double_max = new_float;307 item->max_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;308 }309 if ((new_float < item->double_min) || (item->fields == 0)) {310 item->double_min = new_float;311 item->min_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;312 }313 item->double_tot += new_float;314 item->fields++;315 break;316 case FT_DOUBLE:317 new_double = fvalue_get_floating(((field_info *)gp->pdata[i])->value);318 if ((new_double > item->double_max) || (item->fields == 0)) {319 item->double_max = new_double;320 item->max_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;321 }322 if ((new_double < item->double_min) || (item->fields == 0)) {323 item->double_min = new_double;324 item->min_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;325 }326 item->double_tot += new_double;327 item->fields++;328 break;329 case FT_RELATIVE_TIME:330 new_time = fvalue_get_time(((field_info *)gp->pdata[i])->value);331 332 switch (item_unit) {333 case IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_LOAD:334 {335 uint64_t t, pt; /* time in us */336 int j;337 /*338 * Add the time this call spanned each interval according to339 * its contribution to that interval.340 * If the call time is negative (unlikely, requires both an341 * out of order capture file plus retransmission), ignore.342 */343 const nstime_t time_zero = NSTIME_INIT_ZERO{0, 0};344 if (nstime_cmp(new_time, &time_zero) < 0) {345 break;346 }347 t = new_time->secs;348 t = t * 1000000 + new_time->nsecs / 1000;349 j = idx;350 /*351 * Handle current interval352 * This cannot be negative, because get_io_graph_index353 * returns an invalid interval if so.354 */355 pt = pinfo->rel_ts.secs * 1000000 + pinfo->rel_ts.nsecs / 1000;356 pt = pt % interval;357 if (pt > t) {358 pt = t;359 }360 while (t) {361 io_graph_item_t *load_item;362 363 load_item = &items[j];364 load_item->time_tot.nsecs += (int) (pt * 1000);365 if (load_item->time_tot.nsecs > 1000000000) {366 load_item->time_tot.secs++;367 load_item->time_tot.nsecs -= 1000000000;368 }369 load_item->fields++;370 371 if (j == 0) {372 break;373 }374 j--;375 t -= pt;376 if (t > (uint64_t) interval) {377 pt = (uint64_t) interval;378 } else {379 pt = t;380 }381 }382 break;383 }384 default:385 if ( (nstime_cmp(new_time, &item->time_max) > 0)386 || (item->fields == 0)) {387 item->time_max = *new_time;388 item->max_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;389 }390 if ( (nstime_cmp(new_time, &item->time_min) < 0)391 || (item->fields == 0)) {392 item->time_min = *new_time;393 item->min_frame_in_invl = pinfo->num;394 }395 nstime_add(&item->time_tot, new_time)nstime_sum(&item->time_tot, &item->time_tot, new_time
;396 item->fields++;397 }398 break;399 default:400 if ((item_unit == IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_FRAMES) ||401 (item_unit == IOG_ITEM_UNIT_CALC_FIELDS)) {402 /*403 * It's not an integeresque type, but404 * all we want to do is count it, so405 * that's all right.406 */407 item->fields++;408 }409 else {410 /*411 * "Can't happen"; see the "check that the412 * type is compatible" check in413 * filter_callback().414 */415 ws_assert_not_reached()ws_log_fatal_full("", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "ui/io_graph_item.h", 415
, __func__, "assertion \"not reached\" failed")
;416 }417 break;418 }419 }420 }421 422 item->frames++;423 item->bytes += pinfo->fd->pkt_len;424 425 return true1;426}427 428 429#ifdef __cplusplus430}431#endif /* __cplusplus */432 433#endif /* __IO_GRAPH_ITEM_H__ */
/builds/wireshark/wireshark/ui/io_graph_item.h (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.