Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1... · 2012-10-25 · Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Introduction to Cryptography


Dr. Orr Dunkelman

Computer Science DepartmentFaculty of Social Sciences

University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel

October 25, 2012

c© Eli Biham

Use and distribution (without modification) of this material are allowed as long as the copyright notices and this permission

are maintained, and as long as the full set of slides remains complete.

Shimon Even, Dror Rawitz, Moni Shachar, Orr Dunkelman, Elad Barkan and Benny Applebaum made major contributions to

these slides.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (2)

Cryptology Course

Points: 3.0

Lecturer: Orr Dunkelman

Class: Sunday 14:00–17:00, Education 408

Prerequisites: 203.2480 Probabilistic Methods

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (3)

Cryptology Course (cont.)

Grade: 70% exam, 30% homeworkThe exercises are Magen.Exam grades below 46 will not be combined with the grades of the exer-cises!

Homework: 5 exercise pagesTwo-Three weeks for finishing them.Submission: singles/pairs.Cheating will be severely frowned upon.

WWW page:

Mailing List: Please make sure you check your email accounts, as announce-ments will be sent there.

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Lecturer Contact Information

Lecturer: Orr Dunkelman

Office: Jacobs 408

Office Hour: Sun. 10:00–11:00

Phone: 8447

Email: [emailprotected]


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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (5)


Introduction to CryptologySubstitution CiphersShannon’s Theory of Secrecy SystemsBlockciphers

Data Encryption Standard (DES)Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)Modes of Operation

Hashing and One-Time SignaturesIntroduction to Number TheoryPublic Key Cryptography

Diffie-Hellman Key ExchangeRSARabin’s VariantRelated algorithmsDLOG based signature schemes

Zero-Knowledge ProtocolsFiat-Shamir identification scheme

Secret Sharing

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (6)

What is Cryptology

• cryptography: The act or art of writing in secret characters.

• cryptanalysis: The analysis and deciphering of secret writings.

• cryptology: (Webster’s) the scientific study of cryptography and crypt-analysis.

In our context cryptology is the scientific study of protection of information.

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Cryptographic Services

Cryptography supports the following services:

1. Confidentiality

2. Integrity

3. Authentication

4. Identity

5. Timeliness

6. Proof of ownership

Each has various different requirements in different circ*mstances, and each issupported by a wide variety of schemes.

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1. Communications (encryption or authentication)

2. File and data base security

3. Electronic funds transfer

4. Electronic Commerce

5. Digital cash

6. Contract signing

7. Electronic mail

8. Authentication: Passwords, PINs

9. Secure identification, Access control

10. Secure protocols

11. Proof of knowledge

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Applications (cont.)

12. Construction by collaborating parties (secret sharing)

13. Copyright protection

14. etc.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (10)

Recommended Books

Textbook:Paar, Pelzl, Understanding Cryptography, Springer, 2008.Some might prefer to take a look at:Stinson, Cryptography, Theory and Practice, CRC press, 1995.orStinson, Cryptography, Theory and Practice, second edition,Chapman Hall/CRC, 2002.orStinson, Cryptography, Theory and Practice, third edition,Chapman Hall/CRC, 2006.1

1The second edition presents new schemes, e.g., SHA-1 and AES, but lacks various other topics presented in the first edition

(secret sharing, ZK, Diffie-Hellman, etc.). The third edition adds additional material, including some of the metarial that was

in the first edition. The presentation of DES in this course is closer to the presentation in the first edition, than to the newereditions.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (11)

Recommended Books (cont.)

Reference Books:Menezes, van Oorschot, Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRCpress, 1997.Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, third edition,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (12)

History of Cryptography

1. Steganography: Hiding information by non-cryptographic methods.

(a) Writing with an invisible ink.

(b) Writing in an hidden place (such as the least significant bits of thegray levels of pixels in a scanned picture).

2. An Assyrian king wrote on the head of a slave, and sent him through theenemy’s lines, after the hair was grown.

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History of Cryptography (cont.)

3. First cryptographic attempts: Jeremiah:

(a) Jeremiah, 25, 26

(b) Jeremiah, 51, 41

(c) Jeremiah, 51, 1

4. First cryptographic attempts: Daniel: A hand written cipher for the kingof Assyria, but nobody could reveal the meaning, till Daniel translatedthe cipher.

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History of Cryptography (cont.)

5. Caesar cipher.

“Exstant et ad Ciceronem, item ad familiares domesticis derebus, in quibus, si qua occultius perterenda erant, per notasscripsit, id est sic structo litterarum ordine, ut nullam verbumeffici posset; quae si qui investigare et persequi velit, quartemelementorum litteram, id est D pro A et perinde reliquas com-mutet.”

“There are also letters of his [Julius Caesar’s] to Cicero, as wellas to his intimates on private affairs, and in the latter, if he hadanything confidential to say, he wrote it in cipher, that is, byso changing the order of the letters of the alphabet, that not aword could be made out. If anyone wishes to decipher these,and get at their meaning, he must substitute the fourth letterof the alphabet, namely D, for A, and so with the others.”

- Suetonius, ”De Vita Caesarum”, ∼ 150 A.D.

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History of Cryptography (cont.)

6. 19’th century and beginning of 20’th century: The wide use of telegraph(and semaphores) made encryption necessary; transposition and substi-tution ciphers.

7. World war I: wide use of cryptography. Cryptanalysis (also lack of crypt-analysis) widely affected the war. The Zimmermann telegram.

8. 1930’s: Enigma and other rotor machines.

9. World war II: Even wider use of cryptography and cryptanalysis.

10. Till 1970’s: Usually used by governments and armies. Very limited publicresearch and development. Used by the public primarily for quizzes.

11. 1970’s: Lucifer and DES (by IBM).

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History of Cryptography (cont.)

12. 1976: A turn point:

(a) Merkle’s puzzles.

(b) One-time signatures.

(c) Diffie and Hellman’s public key cryptography.

(d) The RSA cryptosystem.

13. Since then, a huge development was done in the field, including

(a) zero-knowledge schemes,

(b) quantum cryptography,

(c) differential and linear cryptanalysis,

(d) secure smartcard applications,

(e) AES,

(f) and many others.

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History of Cryptography (cont.)

14. Since the 1990’s: Widely used

(a) Protecting cellular phone conversations and messages

(b) Browsing the Internet: access to your bank account, secure email,browsing with https

(c) Internet protocols: SSL, IPSEC

(d) Wireless (802.11b/g/i, WEP), Bluetooth

(e) Internet applications: ssh

(f) Other applications: disk encryption

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Introduction to Cryptology

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Alice and Bob: two parties who want to communicate securely.Eve: an eavesdropper who wants to listen/modify their communication.

Alice Bob


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Participants (cont.)

Alice and Bob want to communicate:

• To authenticate the party they speak with.

• Eve cannot understand their messages or modify them to her advantage.

Eve wants:

• To understand or modify Alice and Bob’s messages, or

• Send her own messages on their behalf.

• Eve might apply any operation that might help her.

Eve trials are called attacks.

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The information (data) Alice and Bob send is called plaintext (or cleartext),and denoted by P .The information transferred over the channel to which Eve can listen is calledciphertext (or cryptogram), and denoted by C.The algorithm that transforms the plaintext to the ciphertext (and back) iscalled a cipher or a cryptosystem. The transformations of the cipher arecalled encryption and decryption.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (22)

Kerckhoff’s Principle

We do not wish to rely only on the obscurity of the cipher being used: ourcommunication should remain secure even if Eve knows the cipher, or found away to steal its definition.Therefore, in all the analysis, we assume that Eve knows the details of thecipher. The cipher has to be secure even in this case.The only secret is assumed to be the key (denoted by K) which selects theexact transformation of the cipher.Therefore, a cipher can viewed as a set of many (unkeyed) transformationswhich have similar structures (e.g., source code) but different in many details,and the key selects the particular instance of the transformation.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (23)

Requirements From Ciphers

1. For the legitimate users: Easy to encrypt/decrypt when the key is known.

2. For an attacker: Difficult to

(a) encrypt/decrypt when the key is unknown,

(b) recover the key,

(c) get any information on the encrypted text,

even if a lot of encrypted samples are given.

3. The above hold even if the algorithm is publicly known.

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Requirements From Ciphers (cont.)

Cryptography relies on one-way functions, which are publicly known andeasy to compute, but difficult to invert.In particular, ciphers are designed to be easy to encrypt and decrypt when thekey is known, but to be one-way when the key is the unknown input.

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Passive and Active Eavesdropping

Attackers can try to get the information they need in various ways.Passive eavesdropping: The attacker can only listen to the communication:

Alice Bob


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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (26)

Passive and Active Eavesdropping (cont.)

Active eavesdropping: The attacker can modify the communication:

Alice Bob


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Types of Cryptanalytic Attacks

Such abilities of the attackers affect the types of attacks they can mount:

Ciphertext only attack Requires only the ciphertext, and assumes knowl-edge of some statistics on the plaintext (such as it is an English text).Finds either the key or the plaintext.

Known plaintext attack Finds the key using the knowledge of both theplaintext and the ciphertext.

Exhaustive search attack are a simple example of known plaintextattacks, applicable (in theory) to any cipher. They encrypt a plaintextunder all the possible keys, and compare the results to the expected ci-phertext. When the key space is too large, exhaustive search becomesinfeasible.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (28)

Types of Cryptanalytic Attacks (cont.)

Chosen plaintext attack The attacker not only knows the plaintext, shecan choose it to her advantage and receive the corresponding ciphertext.

Adaptive chosen plaintext attack A chosen plaintext attack in whichthe attacker can choose the next plaintext block depending on the cipher-text received for the previous blocks.

Chosen key attack, etc... Other more powerful, but less practical typesof attacks.

As we proceed in the attacks above, the attacker receives more information,and thus can more easily find the key. However, it becomes less practical toreceive the required information.

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The Secret Key

We always assume that the cipher is known to the attacker, and that the securitydepends only on the secrecy of the key.Each time we encrypt, the secret key is selected uniformly at random to ensurethat nobody else knows it.The keys should be selected from a large set of possible keys in order to decreasethe probability of guessing the secret key, and to increase the time required foran attacker to try all keys in the set (i.e., to increase the complexity of exhaustivesearch).

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (30)

Used Key Sizes

• 40 bits (240 = 1012 possible keys): is very common in old Internet appli-cations due to (obsolete) export controls from the US. Totally insecure.

• 56 bits (256 = 7 · 1016 possible keys): DES. Good enough in the 1970’s,but insecure today.

• 64-bit keys: better, but new applications better have larger keys.

• 80-bit keys: Used in Clipper (Skipjack).

• 128-bit keys: The new standard for symmetric encryption.

• The AES (successor of DES) supports key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (31)

Difficulty of Cryptanalysis

• Cryptanalysis is the techniques used to recover (or forge) the secret in-formation (or a fraction of the secret information) hidden by the crypto-graphic algorithms.

• We usually assume that the goal of cryptanalysis is finding the secret key(although in some cases it is possible to find the plaintext but not thekey).

• Theoretically, the information on the key is included even in a relativelyshort ciphertext, as the attacker can always perform exhaustive search tofind it. However, this method might be very slow.

• The cryptanalyst may develop attacks that require long ciphertexts toreduce the time required for cryptanalysis.

• However, the main goal of ciphers are to inhibit cryptanalysis, so thecryptanalyst’s job should be very difficult, if the ciphers are well devel-oped.

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Difficulty of Cryptanalysis (cont.)

Unfortunately, there are many insecure ciphers used in the industry.Moreover, using good ciphers is not the whole solution: the developer of asystem should understand how the ciphers should be used, and what are thelimitations of ciphers.For example, there are commercial applications that provide encryption:

• Some use unpublished proprietary algorithms: many of those are veryweak, and can be broken instantly. In many cases, the algorithms are sosimple that they can be recognized by looking at the encrypted file, andthe cryptanalysis can be done without any complex computation.

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Difficulty of Cryptanalysis (cont.)

• Some use standard secure ciphers, but in order to protect the user duringdecryption, they store a copy of the key in the beginning of the encryptedfile, and they compare the copy of the key to the key the user supplies,giving an error message if they are different. Of course, just by looking inthe file the key can be identified.

• Many other errors in using ciphers appear in real systems.

Therefore, in cryptography it is not sufficient to use secure algorithms. Thewhole system should be designed with security in mind.

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Cryptographic Assumptions

The cryptographic security can rely on either

1. Complexity theory: The cryptographic problem may be solvable, butit takes a very long time to solve (e.g., millions of years) — the cryptosys-tem is computationally secure

2. Information theory: The cryptographic problem cannot be solvedwithout additional information (even in unlimited time and space) — thecryptosystem is unconditionally secure

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Substitution Ciphers and One-Time Pad

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Caesar’s Cipher

The first known algorithmic encryption.

Julius Caesar encrypted his messages by substituting each letter in the text bythe third letter thereafter (cyclically):

a → D w → Zb → E . . . x → Ac → F y → Bd → G z → C

(notation: capital letters are used to denote ciphertext)Thus, caesar is encrypted to FDHVDU.

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Caesar’s Cipher (cont.)

Weakness: Everyone who knows the encryption scheme can decrypt any mes-sage.

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Caesar’s Cipher (cont.)

When Augustus came to power the imperial cipher was changed to a shift oftwo letters.Define a key known only to the sender and the receiver. The key is usedas an additional input to the encryption/decryption functions C = EK(P ),P = DK(C).In Caesar’s cipher 0 ≤ K ≤ 25 can denote the shift of the letters (rather thanK = 3 always).This example is still weak, since the key space is too small.

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Transposition Ciphers

Transposition ciphers are ciphers in which the order of the letters is permutedby some rule (which depends on a key).Such ciphers were used extensively at the 19’th century and the beginning ofthe 20’th century.

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Monoalphabetic Substitution Ciphers

Caesar’s cipher have a set of 26 possible keys, which can be easily guessed andverified by attackers. The problem of Caesar’s cipher is the small set of keys,and the simple permutations (cyclic rotation of letters) they use.A major improvement is the replacement of the simple permutation by a randompermutation, such that any permutation of the 26 letters is possible. Thenumber of such permutations is enormous (26! = 4 · 1026).Such ciphers are called (Monoalphabetic) Substitution Ciphers.The key is a permutation. The cipher substitutes any letter by the correspond-ing letter given by the permutation. Decryption is performed similarly usingthe inverse permutation.

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Monoalphabetic Substitution Ciphers (cont.)

Example: The key is the permutation:




Plaintext: monoalphabeticsubstitution




Plaintext: monoalphabeticsubstitution

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The number of possible keys is 26! = 4 · 1026 = 1.3 · 288. Therefore, the key canbe represented with 89 bits.Clearly, it is impractical to search all the key space exhaustively, and the prob-ability of guessing the key is very low.Therefore, it seems that this cipher is secure.

Are there some algorithmic shortcuts that can help the attacker?

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A Simple Ciphertext-Only Attack

Clearly, this kind of ciphers cannot protect against known plaintext and cho-sen plaintext attacks. Therefore, we restrict our discussion to ciphertext-onlyattacks, and try to prove that even in such environments they are insecure.However, there are algorithmic shortcuts that help the attacker using additionalinformation.Monoalphabetic substitution ciphers are vulnerable to ciphertext only attacksif the ciphertext and the distribution of the plaintext letters (i.e., in an Englishtext) are known to the attacker.The main observation is that the distribution of the letters is invariant to thepermutation, and that each letter is permuted to another which get the samefrequency as the original letter in the original text.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (44)

A Simple Ciphertext-Only Attack (cont.)

For example, the most frequent letter in an English text is e:

Letter Frequency Letter Frequency Letter Frequency

e 12.31% l 4.03% b 1.62%t 9.59% d 3.65% g 1.61%a 8.05% c 3.20% v 0.93%o 7.94% u 3.10% k 0.52%n 7.19% p 2.29% q 0.20%i 7.18% f 2.28% x 0.20%s 6.59% m 2.25% j 0.10%r 6.03% w 2.03% z 0.09%h 5.14% y 1.88%

c© Eli Biham - October 25, 2012 44 Substitution Ciphers and One-Time Pad

Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (45)

A Simple Ciphertext-Only Attack (cont.)

The most frequent English word is the:

Word Frequency Word Frequency Word Frequency

the 6.421% a 2.092% i 0.945%of 4.028% in 1.778% it 0.930%and 3.150% that 1.244% for 0.770%to 2.367% is 1.034% as 0.764%

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (46)

Breaking Monoalphabetic Substitutions








The frequency of the letters in this ciphertext:

Letter A B C D E F G H I J K L MOccurs 1 5 7 0 8 0 0 2 1 10 8 0 19

Letter N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZOccurs 3 11 3 1 6 9 6 2 15 0 0 3 7

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (47)

Vigenere Cipher

Uses Caesar’s cipher with various different shifts, in order to hide the distri-bution of the letters. The key defines the shift used in each letter in the text.

A key word is repeated as many times as required to become the same lengthas the plaintext. The result is added to the plaintext as follows:

Plaintext: vigenerescipher

Key: keykeykeykeykey


(a=0, b=1, . . . , z=25, mod 26).This cipher was considered very secure in the 19’th century, and was still usedin the first world war...

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (48)

Vigenere Cipher (cont.)

But in 1863 Kasiski found a method to break it:

1. Find the keyword length:

(a) If short, try 1, 2, 3, . . . , or

(b) Find repeated strings in the ciphertext. Their distance is expectedto be a multiple of the length. Compute the gcd of (most) distances.

2. Find the key letters one by one (just as in Caesar’s cipher).

Exercise: Solve







Distances between the triplets: 4, 8, 32, 36.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (49)

Vigenere Cipher (cont.)

We now repartition the text into quartets. This way, in each quartet, the firstletter is encrypted by the same key, the second letter is encrypted by the same(but not necessarily the same as the first) key, etc.









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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (50)

Vigenere Cipher (cont.)

The frequency of the letters in this ciphertext in the first column:

Letter A C F G H I J K N P Q R T U V X YOccurs 1 4 1 6 2 1 6 3 3 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 1

The frequency of the letters in this ciphertext in the second column:

Letter A B C E G I M N O P Q T U V W ZOccurs 3 4 1 3 1 1 10 2 2 1 4 3 1 3 3 3

We can guess that in the second column e → M (i.e., the second letter of theVigenere key is I).In the first column, we might suspect that e → G/J (i.e., the first letter of theVigenere key is either C or F ).

c© Eli Biham - October 25, 2012 50 Substitution Ciphers and One-Time Pad

Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (51)

Vigenere Cipher (cont.)

Problem:Given two finite distribution vectors V and U of n elements how can we de-termine the shift of U with respect to V ? Given the distribution vector of theplaintext (V ), and the distribution vector of the letter in some column (U ),how we can determine the shift of U with respect to V (i.e., the key)?Solution:We score each shift of the vectors. The distance between V and U can bemeasured by d(V, U ) = ∑n−1

i=0 (Vi−Ui)2 = ∑V 2

i −2 ∑ViUi+∑U 2

i , where Vi is theprobability of the element i in the probability vector V . We would like a smallerdistance to have a larger score, so we take the minus of the distance. Moreover,as we are interested in the relative scores of the shifts, we can eliminate theconstants factors.We define the mutual index of coincidence of V and U as

MIc(V, U ) =n−1∑

i=0Vi · Ui

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (52)

Vigenere Cipher (cont.)

We compute the MIc between V and various shifts of U , and take into consid-eration only those with high enough MIc value.The difference between guessing which encrypted letter is e and checking MIc,is that guessing e is equivalent to matching the peaks of the probability vectors,while using MIc use more information (other entries) to find the true value.

c© Eli Biham - October 25, 2012 52 Substitution Ciphers and One-Time Pad

Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (53)

Vigenere Cipher (cont.)

Back to our example, we define V j to be the probability vector of the first col-umn shifted to the left by j places, and compute the variousMIc(Vplaintext, V

j).Where Vplaintext is the expected probability vector related to the plaintext.

Shift 0 1 2 3 4 5 6MIc(Vplaintext, V

j) 0.032 0.041 0.066 0.035 0.030 0.043 0.049

Shift 7 8 9 10 11 12 13MIc(Vplaintext, V

j) 0.031 0.031 0.045 0.027 0.028 0.031 0.047

Shift 14 15 16 17 18 19 20MIc(Vplaintext, V

j) 0.036 0.048 0.041 0.046 0.037 0.037 0.035

shift 21 22 23 24 25MIc(Vplaintext, V

j) 0.041 0.035 0.028 0.044 0.034

Thus, we conclude that the first letter of the key is c.

c© Eli Biham - October 25, 2012 53 Substitution Ciphers and One-Time Pad

Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (54)

Vigenere Cipher (cont.)

The described approach does not take into consideration biased texts, e.g., textswith “too many” z’s or only a few e’s.Another possible approach is to compute the MIc between pairs of columns(various positions in the key), and get the difference of their shifts. Then we cannormalize the text by adding the differences of the shifts, and get a ciphertextwhose all columns are shifted by the same number of letters, i.e., encrypted by asimple Caesar cipher. Finally, we solve the Caesar cipher (either by exhaustivesearch or using MIc) to get the plaintext.

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (55)

Finding the Key Length using the Index of Coincidence

Write the ciphertext, and below it write the ciphertext shifted by j locations;count the number of characters that are identical in the same location in bothlines. The peaks are expected to be when j is a multiplication of the key length.




For example in the above text:

Shift 0 1 2 3 4 5 6Index of Coincidence 180 6 4 7 18 6 5

Shift 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Index of Coincidence 8 12 4 13 7 11 6

Shift 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Index of Coincidence 9 2 10 7 5 4 7

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (56)

Vernam Cipher - One Time Pad

A Vigenere cipher in which each key has the same length as the plaintext, andeach key is uniformly selected at random and used only for one plaintext.The attack described on the Vigenere cipher is not applicable to Vernam (why?).

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (57)

One-Time Pad Over Binary Alphabets


One Time Key

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1...· 2012-10-25· Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (58)

One-Time Pad Over Binary Alphabets (cont.)

Example: Encrypting binary data using an one-time pad:

Plaintext: o n e t i

In binary: 01101111 01101110 01100101 01110100 01101001

Key: 01011100 01010001 11100000 01101001 01111010

Ciphertext: 00110011 00111111 10000101 00011101 00010011

Plaintext: m e p a d

In binary: 01101101 01100101 01110000 01100001 01100100

Key: 11111001 11000110 01011010 10110001 01110011

Ciphertext: 10010100 10100011 00101010 11010001 00010111

The key is randomly chosen, and is used for encryption of only one message.All the key bits are independent, and thus the ciphertext becomes random.The same ciphertext can be the encryption of any plaintext, thus an eavesdrop-per cannot even try to identify the correct plaintext!

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Introduction to Cryptography (203.3444/203.4444) Dr. Orr …orrd/IntroToCrypto/Lecture1... · 2012-10-25 · Stinson, Cryptography,TheoryandPractice, third edition, Chapman Hall/CRC, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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