THE DAILY INTER OCEAN WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1888- TWELVE PAGES. 11 RECORD OF THE COURTS. The Chicago Mutual Life Indemnity Association Ordered to Cease Doing Business. A Chapter of Divorce Stories- Paul Goettche and the Crocker Case. The Mount Hope Cemetery Suit on Trial- -A Sherman House LoIn Commission.
FRAUDULENT INSURANCE Judge Tuley yesterday rendered a decision holding that the Chicago Mutual Lito Insurance Association was doing an insurance business illegally, and must be wound up. The information in the case, filed by Attorney-General Hunt, contained forty charges. The most serious charge was that the association admitted infants to membership, Besides this there were other charges which placed the concern in the list of death-bed companies. The opinion finds the defendant company guitly of violating the insurance laws in admitting minors to membership; in using "advance mortuary assessments; in making false represeutations as to its tontine system; in organizing on a basis not authorized by law; in making false statements to the anditor; in altering policies after they were issued; in keeping the books so that nobody could understand them but experts; in issuing a deceptive certificate of membership, and for many other unlawful irregularities. The certificate of membership or policy of insurance, the court found, was a persoual contract between the member aid the corporation, and infants were incapacitated: from entering into such contracts.
The statute did not expressly permit infants to contract and no inference should be allowed to overturn the establisbed rule of the common law. The statute provided that no part of the funds collected for the payment of death benefits should be applied to any other, purpose, notwithstanding which advance mortuary assessments to pay the running expenses were issued by the association. The company was also guilty of fraud in representing that at the end of ten years the Tontine or guaranty fund, consisting of 25 per cent of death aspessments, would be distributed equally among the twenty-five members of the tontine class. The statute prohibited the paymant of any money to a member as profits, and this division of the tontine fund and its of interest among surviving membere was a direct violation of the statute. Again, the association was heid to have issued policies of higher numbers than the total number of policies actually issued.
In fact, it watered the policies and jumped numbers. Its statements to the auditor were also not true, as it used parts of both funds illegally and concealed from him the fact that it used its advance mortuary assessments to pay expenses. The cintion was also found to hare violated its charter in taking from the directors the power to elect managers and secretary and conferring it on members. In concision the Court said: "For these ressons and because the cireulars and literature of the corporation are so honeycombed with deception, untrue statements, and fraudulent suppressious of the truth, the Court feels compelled to order a decree of ouster, a dissolution of the corporation, and a distribution of its property among its members. The officers of the compauy will also be restrained from transacting any further business.
For the information of the public it may be stated that the company has been doing business for some time at room 65, No. 134 Van Buren street. E. J. Decker is president, James W.
Green secretary and treasurer, and H. P. Townsley manager. It was incorporated in 1885, and admitted members between 10 and 60 years of age Insurance to the amount of $7,555 was issued, but not over $1,800 could be collected on one assessment, though policies for $3,000 and $5,000 were issued. DIVORCE BUSINESS.
For the purpose of securing divorce M. Valentine d' Etchegoyen told Judge Colline that he was married to Sarah B. Doak at Compton, Canada, in 1878. Some four years later he was called to his parents near London, who were exceedingly ill. His wife accompanied him, and there they remained for two years.
During their stay his wife become infatuated with his youngest brother. M. d'Etchegoyen went to Canada on business, and while away his wife eloped with the brother. M. d' Etchegoyen got what he wanted Paul Goettche had made another affidavit to the effect that he has no knowledge of siguing a paper confessing that he had not sustained 1m- proper relations with Mra.
Alice Crocker as he testitied on the trial of the case. Ir he did, he says he must have been dragged or drunk. When the paper was alleged to have beon signed Goettche claims to have been sick, and, though he probably went to the office of Mrs. Crocker'8 attorney, he has no recollection of what he did. Judge Horton heard the contested divorce case of Sylvester L.
W. Kneppel, a Fort Wayne switenman, against his wife, Catharine A Knepper, and granted a decree to the husband on the ground of cruelty. He testified that his wife abused him with his cork leg, and then threw it out in the street. Again she tried to cut him with a butcher-knife, and on one occasion she threw a hatchet at him. A bill for separate maintenance was filed in the Circuit Court by Mra.
Isabella Coffman, of No. 1181 Howard street, against George A. Coffmau, a bailiff at the Desplaines Street Police Station. She charges him with cruelty and says hie makes $2,000 a year. IN GENERAL.
CEMETERY CASE The suit of Jacob Weideuman against the Mount Hope Cemetery Association was submitted to Judge Gary for trial In September. 1885, Weidenman made contract with the cemetery association, under which he was to devoto his entire services and skill as gardener, engineer, and superintendent of defendant's cemetery grounds, in the town of Worth, for five years from October 1, 1885, at a salary of 500 per annum. He came here from New York C.ty, and entered upon his duties Among other things, he made a general observation of the grounds, which covered 340 acres. He complained to the association that only thirtytwo acres was sand, and that the remaining acres were unfit for burial purposes, having a vein of blue clay about two feet from the surface. This state of affairs, he said, would pormit water to enter the coffins and keep the corpses afloat, and would ultimately result in dangerous decomposition and therefore very unhealthy odor would His objection.
however, was not welcomed by the association. and Weidenman claims that it resulted in his discharge June 15, 1886. Now he soeks to recover the full amount of the stipulated salary. which amounts to about $14,600. The case is still on trial SHERMAN HOUSE LOAN In a bill before Judge Collins, George B.
Johnson, a real estate dealer, is trying to recover a commission of $11,250 for securing a loan of $150,000 for the Sherman estate in 1882. George Taylor was then the trustee of the estate, and requested Johnson to make the loan for a commission of 21 per cent. Before the transaction actually occurred Taylor died and Henry W. Leman was appointed in his place. Leman repudiated the agreement and secured a loan from the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company and ignored Johnson's claim.
Hugh A. White followed Leman as trustee and both are included as defendanta. The court is asked to decide whether Johuson is entitled to a commission and whether a trustee can bind an estate INJURED IN THE TUNNEL. The North Chicago Street Railroad was made defendants in two suits- one brought Company by Edward Rule for $25,000, the other by Martin Fay for $5,000 damages. On May 12 plaintifte were riding in buggy up the north incline of the tunnel.
A grip car was behind, and to avoid any trouble they turnod the horse to south. the left Both and claim were struck by a cable car going to have received severe injuries. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ITEMS, Judge Williamson will hear submitted cases, will commencing have their July cases 9, for one week. Attorneys placed on a calendar. Judge Waterman has left for Martha's Vineyard, to spend his summer vacation.
He will retura until the ouarts open in September. Mrs. Margaretha Meyer, of No. 1526 Wolfram street, probated the will of her deceased bus- band, Henry Meyer. His estate is estimated at $20,000 and is bequeathed to the widow.
The libel suit of Dr. Charles A Puscheck in a against the Chicago for Tribune Company resulted judgment 1 cent. It was entered by agreement and satisfied. In an article published August 1, 1885, the Tribune referred to Puscheck as a no- pay" doctor. THE CALLS FOR TO-DAY UNITED STATES COURTS.
Judge Gresham- General business. Judge Blodgett- -The criminal jury is discharged. Call is general business. APPELLATE COURT. Motions and opinions.
SUPERIOR COURT. Judge Gary- -Nos. 5,966, 7,820, 5,900, 8,156, 6,858, 8,480, 7,547, 8,562, 626, 590, 316, 317, 318, 1,565, 4,784, 3,229, 6,454, 5.240, 6,894, 8,162, 3,428, 5,164, 1,884, 3,453, and 3,452. No case on trial. Judge -Anthony- -Nos.
6,375, 570, and cases from Judge Gary. No. 76 on trial. Judge Jamieson-Nos. 1, 4, 11, 16 and 35.
No cause on hearing. Judge Shepard- -Nos. 6, 15, 18, 19 and 20. No case on hearing. Judge Hawes- 8,188, 12,732, 12,732, 4,643, 8,237, 9,013, 9,031, 9,066 and 7,837.
No case on trial. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge Tuthill- General call of Nos. 2,001 to 3,250 inclusive. Judge Williamson -Nos.
8,718, 8,723, 8,724, 8,744, 8,749, 8,757, 8,763, 8.764. 8,765, and 8,768. No. 8,574, Rubel vs Statz on trial. Judge Baker- -Term Nos.
5,556, 5,871, 5,997, 6,999, 6,001, 6,033, 6,044, 4,382, 9,141, and 5,448. No. 6,985 6,001, 6,033, 6,044, 4,382, 9,141, and 5,448. No. 6,985 on trial.
Judge Clifford--Term Nos. 6,510, 7,434, 6,460, 7,668, 6,234, 7,292, 7,664, 7,725, 7,760, 7,700, 6,865, and 7,766. No. 6,509 on trial. Judge Horton- Nos.
4, 6, 7. 8, 9, and 10. No cause on hearing. Judge Collins- Term Nos. 1,117 and 2,311, and cases from Judge Tuloy.
No. 32 on hearing. Judge Tuley- -Term Nos. 47, 53, 54, 55, 07, 58, 59, 60, and 61. No, 46 on hearing.
COUNTY COURT. Judge -Nos. 6,704, 6,705, and general business, No. 7,215 on trial. CRIMINAL.
Judge Grinnell- -No further call. Judge Altgeld- Continuation of yesterday's call. PROBATE COURT. Judge Knickerbocker General business. THE COURTS U.S.
CIRCUIT. BEFORE JUDGE BLODGETT. Chancery-376, Bernard Frese vs Samuel Swartehild; by consent the interim decree made abaolute and final, compit waiving his damages 317, Same vs Simon Glickauf: same ord. UNITED STATES DISTRICT. BEFORE JUDGE BLODGETT.
George W. Weber; trial concluded and verdict not guilty. SUPERIOR. NEW SUITS. J.
V. Farwell Co. vs. Nicholas B. Kirby.
Asst. $1,000. Tenney, Bashford Tenney, attys. 116,806 -Fourth Ward Auxiliary Republican Club ya Charles Daft. Conf of judgt, $470.
Dupes, Judah Willard, attys. 116,807 -Herman Kirchof vs William Kolze. Appeal, 116,808 -John Buckrice Androw Routzong. Appeal. 116,800 Frank W.
Mix, trustee, Iver Doe. Conf of judgt, M. L. Wheeler, atty. 116,810 -F.
H. Beckwith and D. E. Teriere vs D. J.
Hubbard. Appeal. Schier, admr estate of Michael Jutrowski vs the L. S. and M.
8. By. Co. Case, $10,000. Wile Harpham, attys, Mortel vs Christian Mortel.
Bill for divorce for cruelty. John J. Coburn, solr. M. H.
Foster vs Frank M. Foster. Bill for divorce for drunkenness. J. E.
Rogers, soir. Suppressed. A. Bradley vs Thomas Roth. Attch $525.
R. P. Blanchard and W. W. Hoden, attys, LAW- JUDGE GARY.
Orders Storts va Pretty; appl dis dc and Schulze vs Reed; deft want plea13.286, Ripley vs Burt: dis Holtz Nixon: dis and Keep vs C. and N. W. By ly to file addd inty- 13,397, Wheeler V8 World dis 5,478, Lenke Deustche: to file plea set off City Dewar: dis c- Farwell vs Nilsson: demr to plea sustd, ly to deft. to ans to merits in Kell vs Griffith; deme to second plea Rosenbaum vs McCleary; dis c- 9,736, Keeler 76 Same: same Jayne vs ly to file and copy note Baldwin vs judgt for deft c.
LAW- -JUDGE HAWES. Judgments and Trials- 8,630, William Ristow vs Baumer Stomer judgt on ver $1,458 2,837, Pusheck vs Chicago Tribune; fdg deft guilty, das one cent, judg ord sat- 8,590. Bourgeois vs City of Lake View: ver for piff $200, mo by deft. CHANCERY- JUDGE SHEPARD. Orders- 6,134, Chrisholm vs to amd bill- 5,841, Schnadel va Lane; guardn apptd117, Valley Pulp Paper Co vs Marseilles Paper Co; recr's rept contd nisi 10 de 4,544, Geissler vs Hoffeina: ref to Noyes 5,472, Haase vs Baker; dis 6,010, Stein vs Stein; guardn apptd for minors.
Decrees 1,985, Bruhn a Voight: Jacobson vs Jacobson Reading V6 Reading; mas rept confd and dec. CHANCERY- JUDGE JAMIESON. Orders- Jenks vs Jackson: time to file cert of evd extd 30 ds. CIRCUIT. NEW SUITS.
67.163 John Freeman vs John B. and Elizabeth Leonard. Asst, $500. Henry M. Bacon, atty.
67.164 -J. William Eschenburg Va Cyrus D. Roys, Kate M. Roys, Albert Krohn, Betty Krohn, Franz Krohn, Lina Krohn, Herman Eschenburg, Frank M. Wilson, and Rosa H.
Wilson. Bill for accounting and partition. Smith Pence, solra. 67,165 August Teisieg vs Paul Muller. Appeal.
67.166-Anders Doe vs Iver Doe. Conf of judgt, $875. Charles F. White, atty. T.
Relling vs Same. Conf of judgt, $5,955. Same atty. 67,168 John C. Hammond and Leyman D.
Hammond va H. F. Billings, K. P. Sheldon, J.
M. Leyon, and Moore, Benjamin Co. Asst, $800. E. F.
Allen, atty. 67,169 Frank Field vs Carl Tieber and William Dreiske. Eject, $1,000. August Marx, atty. 67,170 -Bill Suppressed.
-George Schant vs Matthew Schaat. Appeal. Gas Co. Garden City Mill Furnishing Co. Asst, $760.
Johnson Herring, attys. Wolff Mtg Co. vs Albert J. Harms. Asst, $1,000.
Wile Harpham, attys. 67,174 Isabelle Coffman vs George A. Coffman. Bill for separate maintenance for cruelty. W.
P. Black, solr. 67,175 Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Co. Bank vs John Druecker. Asst, $5,000.
Willjams Thompson, attys. 67.176- Rosa Stronhal vs H. Clansermins Co. Appeal 67.177- Martin Fay vs North Chicago Street R. R.
Co. Case, $5,000. Windes Sullivan de Henry Browne, attys. 67,178 Edward Rule vs North Chicago Street R. R.
Co: Case, $25,000. Same attys. -Frank Czarkowski vs Ferdinand Loitz. Appeal. Carl Goldfass and Emily Goldfuss Mary and Robert Caut.
Trespass, $1,000. Geo. 8. Sanderco*ck, atty. Therese Hopner vs Robert Hepner.
Bill for divorce for adultery. Goldzier Rodgers, solrs. Charles H. Arnold vs E. T.
Brown. Michael R. Dremen et al. Bill to restrain forec'osure of chattel mortgage. E.
I. F. M. Williams, solrs. 67,183 F.
Drozdowitz vs Rosa Drozdo wits. Appeal. 67,184 -Richard Gill Frank Ryden Chas. Vigren. Appeal.
Suppressed Monday- Land and Loan Company vs John P. Munhoven, William K. Reed, and Frank Bennett. Ejectment, William R. Plum, atty.
LAW- JUDGE TUTHILL. Orders -533, Mullin vs Grennan: reinstdHanchett vs Pool: reinstd-319, White va Chi and Ry Co: same- 240, Monaghan Flood: reinstd-515, Joachim vs Will: same- 477, Steinborn vs Barnum: same 3,215, McKeon ve Keiss; death James McKeon sug, admrs sub- 9,572, Liester vs McCleary; dis o- 9,906, Schwartz vs Same; same. Cute vs Stanley: by defit $22.50 and appld. GENERAL CALL. Suits dismissed- 801, 811, 835, 836, 837, 839, 842, 844, 855, 865, 875, 878, 885, 886, 893.
902, 905, 021, 023, 924, 929, 945, 947, 064, 966. 1,000, 1,003, 1,006, 1,015, 1,024, 1,028, 1,092, 1,039. 1,072, 1,076, 1,077, 1,078, 1,032, 1,094, 1,100, 1,114, 1,118, 1,145, 1,146, 1,147, 1,148, 1,155, 1,160, 1,172, 1,173, 1,175, 1,178, 1,183, 1,189, 1,191, 1,210, 1,220, 1,225, 1,228, 1,229, 1,239, 1,212, 1,558, 1,559, 1,260, 1,261, 1.263, 1,264, 1,267, 1,275, 1,277, 1,280, 1,285, 1,291, 1.320, 1,322, 1,335, 1,336, 1,344, 1,355, 1,361, 1,363, 1,364, 1,365, 1.373, 1,382, 1,398, 1,421, 1,424, 1,437, 1,458, 1,458, 1,462, 1,463, 1,468, 1,470, 1,476, 1,485, 1,491, 1,495, 1,506, 1,500, 1.514, 1,519, 1,521, 1,526, 1,534, 1,536, 1,541, 1,543, 1,551, 1,552, 1,564, 1,566, 1,576, 1,579, 1,582. 1,583, 1,584, 1,589, 1,593, 1,660, 1,602, 1,610, 1,613, 16,18, 1,628, 1,632, 1,634, 1,652, 1,663, 1,683, 1,697. 1,703.
1,729, 1,736, 1,737, 1,742, 1,744, 1,758, 1,754, 1,764 1,766, 1,770, 1,771, 1,775, 1,786, 1,796, 1,827, 1,829, 1,835, 1,840, 1,847, 1,863, 1,869, 1,876, 1,877, 1,879, 1,880, 1,885, 917, 1,947. 1,951, 1,952, 1,058, 1,975, 1,976, 1,983. Appeals dismissed- 801, 819, 821, 855, 876, 897, 900, 910, 918, 922, 925, 949, 979, 1,005, 1,071, 1,123, 1,131, 1,141, 1,144, 1,174, 1,212, 1,219, 1,200, 1,389, 1,451, 1,458, 1,512, 1,553, 1,565, 1,578, 1,586, 1,898, 1,612, 1,622, 1,641, 1,681, 1,732, 1,734, 1,767, 1,779, 1,778, 1.784, 1,799, 1,909, 1,810, 1,812, 1,883, 1,896, 1,897, 1,902, 1,910, 1.934, 1,937, 1,940, 1,974, Stricken from docket: 807, 864, 1,157, 1,158. LAW- JUDGE CLIFFORD. Orders Brown vs Sperry Electric Light Do; sub to ct for July 3.
67,155, Meager Ta Popyers; exo stayed till further order. Judgments and Trials Jacob Strassheim va John P. Wuertel; by deft 6,764, John P. Altgeld va Mead de Coe: ver for piff $1,128.33, mo by Marshall J. Allen et al Michael C.
McDonald; judgt on 1dg $3,363.55 and appld. LAW- JUDGE WILLIAMSON. Orders 8,776, Krender vs Barker: appl dis 8.777. Sears vs Hunt; same 6,782, Murphy Burchell; 8,785, Lamb Furber; 8,786. Liebenheim ve.
Rabe: suit dis o- 8,800, Dailey appeal dis o- 8,825, Brown Sutherland: suit dis c- 8,831, Castello Howard: appl dis- 8,845, Waxham vs Oreagh: appl dis 8,859, Heegard vs McNeill: suit dis 8.705, Cleveland ya Matson; sub to ct on notice 5,554, Read va Pomeroy; sub to et for July Dockrill vs Schenek: suit dis c- 8,456, Haines Bros vs Mensch; ly to jury to seal verdict. Verdict 8,648, Wilson Guess; ver for, pli $170.50, mo by deft. LAW- JUDGE BAKER. Orders 5,971, Millomans Va Matson: 1v to piff to reply to plea or file, cause passed- 6,361, Osborn V8 Dowling: dis 6,362, Osborn Va Dowling: same. CHANCERY- JUDGE TULEY.
Orders- 4,028, Martinek vs Martinek: Chase vs Roney: contd generally- 1,854, Lord vs Simous: dis o- Carswell va Lord: dis 2,450, Hunt vs Chi I Assn: inj reste officers from exercising any of their powers until further order of court 3,646, Palmer vs Palmer: deft 3,932, Nat 8 Assu Va Kelly; deft all defts except Agues Kelly. CHANCERY -JUDGE COLLINS. McGrath vs Martin: Iv to make Charles S. Mauran and Met Nat Bk defts, rule on R. T.
Martin Co to ans in 20 de, ans Thos. H. Martin to stand- 3,729, Eastman vs Eastman; deft 3,790, D'Etchegoyen vs. D' Etchegoyne; deftet 2,002, al Wells Glass Co Bradshow: Iv to Meyers to withd bill- 655, Weuberg va. Hough: rel to Wait 2,416, Glenn V6 Marshall: deilt F.
T. Bunker 440, Van Buren vs Boon: deft and ref to Butler- 1,612, Schlott Schlott: ini dis. bill dis want pros- 3,598, Culhane va deft. CHANCERY- JUDGE HORTON. Orders 2,389, Norton Va Schmitz: deft Annie Braton- 4,042 Stone va Smith; Iv to make new Roderberg vs Samuels; Samuels Ohman vs Hegstrom; guarda Bargwaldt VS Bargwaldt: Tv to compit to open dep.
4,015, Bberman Sherman: deft- 2,191, Elston Loft: order on recr to pay out certain money to Life Ins Co- 2,435, Reich vs Berdel: ord that plea and ans of Berdel to orig bill to stand as plea sod ans to amu bill. COUNTY. NEW SUIT. 7.797-Reuben Miller et al vs Harry 0. Goodrich, Asst, $400, Martin M.
Gridiey, atty. BEFORE JUDGE GARY. Orders In re assigut George Dunoon: W. Hill Co; ord for div of 12 per cent City assg's acct apprd, assy In re assgut spl asst No. deft and cont.
CRIMINAL. BEFORE JUDGE GRINNELL. No. 1,597, Jennings, stricken off: 1,583, Frank Monahan, recognizance forfeited: 1,546, Michael Shannon, surety $500 day to day: 604, Charles Wilder, same: 1,350, Schett, on plea one year pen. BEFORE JUDGE ALTGELD.
No. 1,561, Thomas E. Murphy, plea guilty, 3 months County Jail: Richard 1,423, Arthur McQuirk, James Jamieson, and Manning, robbery. on trial. PROBATE.
BEFORE JUDGE KNICKERBOCKER. Guardianship- Estate Maud W. Comstock: lettors to David if. Baker, bond $2,000 apprd. Administrations Estate Israel Wilkinson; letters to Fred 8.
Smith, bond $500 apprd Estate Jacob Hradek: letters to Marie Hradek, bond $5,5 500 apprd- Estate Pietro Cardano; letters to John Cardano, bond $11,000, appl. Wills- state John Rapp: will proved and letters test to Andrews Rehm. bond $3,400, and pt heirsp -Estate Sarah 8. Perrin: will proved and letters adma with will annexed to Lewis B. Perbond $500 apprd- -Estato Henry Freutz: will proved and letters test to Augusta Freutz, boud, $600 apprd and pl heirsp Estate Henry Meyer: will proved and letters test to Margaretha Meyer, Mi.
ind Thomson: bond in $49,000 apprdEstate Eloria will proved and letters test to Alexander Thomson, bond. $3,000 apprd. Orders -Est Anna M. Seather: sale realty contd -Est William Rowen: same -Est Nicholas Ahr: same -Est Oscar Field: cims alid; M. F.
Klees. $515: John McPhee, 81,913.75 -Est William Cunningham: pE heirsp- -Est Belinda N. Chase pf heirsp Est Mary O'Reilly; firat acct apprd -Est B. Turner; acct apprd- Fist William Webb: sameEst George M. Cole: est settled- -Est Edward S.
Lowry: est -Est Mary Byrne: same -Est Frauk Tousley; est settled -Est James Shannon: dec sale- -Est Elizabeth A. Dugan; est settied- Martin spl bond -Est Silas Cobb Coleman: Ir to lease realty of wardEst Mary D. Latham; est settled- -Est Laurenzia Somers: tv to file des elms- -Est William Seeger: est settled -Est James Hood: extr excused Est Sylvester Dolph; dec sale -Est Alfred Stephani: final acct apprd and guardn disched- -Est Charles E. Hempstead: same Est Patrick Ryan; admr excused Eat Jacob Kirchner: Attch Vs Mead ret instr-Est A. W.
Briggs; cim T. Patterson alld for $13.95 Est Mary Briggs; clan A. B. Russ Co, alid for $09- -Est Eliza Janriet: inv and apprst apprd- Est George J. Koefold: same Est Herman Wiebking; elm Birren Bros.
alld for -Est William M. Dale: cim Charles O'Brien alid for Est Leander Stone: now warrant issue- Est Emma M. Joces: pt heirsp -Est Vinzenz Santer: Ir to sell per prop at private sale -Eat Wilhelm Damlos: acct per prop apprd -Est John A. Rice: clm Chapin Gore alid for $12,216.37 and cim T. H.
Curtis and C. H. Curtis alld for $2,899.71 -Est Michael McMahon: dec sale- Est William Klinger; extr to settle acct in 30 ds. MICHIGAN SUPREME, LANSING, June Special Telegram.The following Supreme Court cases were heard to-day: 95, Mary E. Quin vs Alexander Quin et al-94, The Gratwick, Smith, and Fryer Lumber Company vs Alexander Biland-91, 0.
E. McCutcheon vs Henry N. Land et al- 08. Benjamin F. Webster et al vs Isaac Bearinger-100, Roxie A.
Pentall vs Board of Supervisors of Eaton County. State cases will be on call to-morrow, by ment. The Legislature of 1887. passed a new fish and game law. A fisherman of Macomb County violated the provisions of section 1,835, which prohibits fishing with nets in Lake St.
Clair and was imprisoned. The case came to the Supreme Court on habeas corpus proceedings, and to-day his discharge was ordered, the Court declaring the law defective in its titles. ILLINOIS SUPREME. THIRD DISTRICT. SPRINGFIELD, June 26 Special Telegram.
-In the Appellate Court of the Third District the following proceedings administrator: were had to-day: Hunter vs Harris, motion by appellant to extend time for oral argument allowed Bailey 75 Standard Manufacturing Company: motion by plaintiff to set aside order of continuance allowed -Riley and others People: motion by appellee for leave to file briefs instanter- -Meidel Village of Blue Mound; mo by appelloe to disiniss on short record, and cross motion by appellant for leave to file complete record- German Insurance Co vs Vahl: suggestion of death of appellee and motion to revive suit in the name of administrator. Nos. 81 to 91 (except No. 84), and Nos. 04, 97, 98, 99, and 100 were taken on call.
THE GREATEST AMERICAN GUN. inch gun will next be attempted. RECEPTION TO A CHINESE BEAUTY. WASHINGTON, June 24. -New York Sun: The successful trial of the new 10-inch, rifled, breech-loading gun, the largest evor constructed in this country, is an event of more than ordinary importance.
With a projectile weighing 500 pounds, and powder charge of 200 pounds, an initial velocity of 2,000 feet was obtained for it at the Annapolis proving grounds during the past week. It is intended to have charge of 250 pounds of powder, which would doubtless incroase its muzzle velocity to the estimated 2,100 feet per second. With the latter chargo its 500-pound projectile could effect penetration of 231 inches in wrought iron. The weight of this gun is about 58,000 pounds, and that of its carriage 32,000. It was found that the turret carriage, which was in this instance designed for the Miantonomoh, also worked in very satisfactory way.
The addition of this calibre to the 6-inch guns and 8-inch guns already introduced must be regarded as a great step forward in American heavy guu manufacture. Of the vessels thus far constructed, none would be able to carry 10-inch steel gun of this character. But all the double-turret monitors now in course of completion will require them, and it is also designed that the unarmored cruiser Charleston, building at San Francisco, shall carry two of them. The armored vessols will take these and still larger calibres. With this success achieved, the 12- New York Times: Pretty Mra.
Sinn Quon On, who arrived in New York last Wednesday with her husband direct from China, is to have reception given in her honor at her residence before long. Her extreme beauty and youthfulness have been the sensation of the Chinese colony ever since her arrival, and her aged husband is the envy of his fellow-countrymen. Invitations of a flaming red color will shortly be sent out, and will be in great demand. The many valuable presents that are expected to be given according to Mrs. to On Oriental will do her very little good, as, custom, they become the property of the husband after the reception.
Bat a flooting, glimpse of the blushing bride will be had, as, according to custom; she will enter the room just before the grand foust, simply make general salutation to the assembled guesta, and immediately retire, probably wishing sue were an Amonican girl, and could not only possess her own wedding gifts, but those of her husband PENSIONS AND PATENTS. PENSIONS GRANTED. WASHINGTON, June 25. Special Telegram.The following pensions have been grauted: Illinois M. Shea, Docatur; J.
B. Lee, Danville; S. Ryan, Yale: J. C. Greer, Waupou, Hagerman; Gilchrist; J.
M. Conner, Olney; F. Spickerd, Danville; W. M. Dailey, Belle Prairie; H.
H. Shelton, Mt. Erie; B. McHalay, Clarence; J. Lorber, Chicago; J.
T. Disney, Marshton; C. Woods, Albion, T. McGee, Evansville; D. R.
Rothrock; Chicago; A Sackrider (deceased), Clay City; J. Wren, Fredericksville; G. Huston, Streator; H. B. Grant, Altamont; Lohr, Witt; E.
Long, Seymour; W. H. I. Hartlev, Vergennes; D. Guthrie, Bethany; A.
Ellis (deceased), Murphysboro; N. Lewis; Chicago; Hawee, Lanark; W. H. Fordham, Compton; J. Randerson, Jacksonville; J.
E. Evans, Woodbipe; H. Vinyard, Lusk; J. A. Moore, Hustonville; J.
H. Nichols, Carrollton; J. H. Clare, Decatur; J. Willis, Springfield; widow of W.
F. Broughton, Genessee: widow of Holloway, Lincolu; widow of W. E. Davis, Entield: father of A. Hope, Hord, daughter of A.
Leroy, Urbana; widow of J. F. Wost, Norris City: widow of D. W. Waymoth, Wheeler; widow M.
Huusicker, Forreston; widow of A Ellis, Murphysboro. Indiana F. Gyger, Avoca; J. M. Tuttle, Lovitt; G.
W. Allison, deceased, Mauckport; E. Aliman, Huntington; J. N. Stitchell; F.
Shall, Fortville; J. Neary, New Albany; N. Maybes, Elkhart; F. Tayior. Centreville: Watts, Fortville; J.
Murray, Sullivan: W. Kline, Laketon; G. W. Louden, Flat Rock; J. Steele, Desatar; J.
Abbott, Lexington; J. Chew, Aroma; G. Markland, Kokomo; J. W. Methis, Nashville: a.
Lewis, Lafayette; A Baker, Rising Sun; D. West, Indianapolis; E. Lusher, Elkhart; W. T. Good win, Jasonville; C.
C. H. Kerns, Laconia; M. Coble, Lafayette; W. T.
Martin, Georgetown: D. Norman, Crawfordsville; A Dickman, Brookville; W. Mullins, Hartford: 8. Beck, Atlanta: A F. Stuart, Carthage; J.
D. Tooley, Jonesville; Elder, Kokomo; L. Hammerlein, Woodruff, Morristown, N. Baker, Shoals; J. Dice, Voodersburg: J.
Madlin, Roseburg; Sims. Dudley; T. F. Burris, Jamestown; J. R.
Baxton, Lawrenceburg; J. P. Hardy (deceased), J. Miley, Peter A D. Wicker Westfield; A Hann, Lebanon: B.
Gresham, Salem; J. Read, Frankfort; J. B. McKee, Bloomington: M. R.
Porter, Horace; D. M. Leard, Ray; J. H. Martin, Veray, mother of J.
Davies, Veyay; widow of J. P. Hardy, Bloomington. Michigan C. Franke, Constantine; Brewer.
Gobleville; W. Williams, Bay City; P. Maxon, Benton Harbor: D. Stoner, Galien; Morse, Taymouta; E. G.
Nowman, Corunna; J. A. Robinson, Muskegon; M. Redding, Dayton; Mary Everingham Brown (nurse), Borlamont: G. N.
Crawford, Pipor, C. C. Gnnn, Kalams200: C. N. Ashford, Greenwood; W.
W. Mickie, Reading; Vanauken, McDonald; J. Springer, Pittsford; A. H. Griswold, Union City; F.
Benderitter, Monroe; F. W. Foster, Grand Rapide; H. Weaver, Lawrence: D. 8.
Moo, Vanderbilt; widow of W. Frame, Constantine; widow of J. Fisher, Berien Springs; minors of H. M. Harrington, Grand Rapids; widow of W.
T. Simmons, Redford Center. Kansas G. W. Robinson, Antrim; J.
Graves, Independence; B. Ellison, South Haven; D. D. Burnett, Lane; J. Nicklin, Emporia: W.
0. T. Vale, Laraed; Weir, Leavenworth: J. IL. Lomas, Hiawatha; T.
J. Mattock, Hurrton; J. R. Duncan, Mortimer; M. Philippi, Independence; Clark, Son City; J.
H. Wolever, Fredonia: M. Wentz, Piedmont; D. Markham, Wainut Station; J. Cooper, Redfield; J.
Reynolds, Nickerson: C. 8. Martin, Osage City; T. Marey, Blue Rapids; W. E.
Row, Baxter Springs: Judson, Ottawa; widow of G. Wells, Farmersburg: widow of L. Yingling, Wyandotte; widow of W. Puckett, Rosedale; widow and minors of G. N.
Sims, Wisconsin- J. Gross, Alma; R. Sheriff, Antigo: M. Pier, East Troy; Wishier, Hayward; C. Piper, Kendall; C.
Pearson, Ironton; J. Schenk, Watertown; J. Fry, Merrillon; J. Kile, Hillsborough; E. Mellor, Northport; J.
W. Motgan, Embarrass; I. Edwarde. Waukesa; E. B.
Hayward, Menasha: H. Stroud, Oshkosh; J. Green, Waupaca: widow of J. B. Woods, Madison; widow of J.
Stahl, Boscobel; widow of W. M. Lagersoll, Sparta, Iowa -T. 0. Wilson, Gravity; W.
Schneider, St. Paul; O. D. Grubb, Ackley; 8. B.
Welcher, Starr; M. M. Dickson, Rose Hill; A Gray, Eddyville; D. Searr, Tingley; Bracken, Colfax; E. M.
Denny, Denison; L. Godfrev. Walker: M. For, Winthrop; J. Launepach, Dubuque; J.
Lingle, Vail; A Cameron, Ontario; mother of W. Mosgrove, Boone; father of D. Reed, Peru. Nebraska J. M.
Johnson, Ogallalla; H. W. Fay. Bradshaw: J. M.
Latimer, Plymouth; J. Wilson, Superior; L. P. Hawley, Clarke; J. W.
Davis, Homer; minors of J. Steiner, Lincola. Dakota- -H. V. Hicks, Volga; J.
C. Scott, Huron; E. Clark, Tiffany, PATENTS ISSUED. WASHINGTON, June 26. -Special The following patents have been granted: Wisconsin- M.
J. Althouse, Waupun, grinding mill; J. T. Beiden, Sparta, animal trap; Dexter, Whitewater, refrigerator; G. Esterly, Whitewater, harvester; A Jones, Racine, roofing fabric; F.
Moore, Milwaukee, carving machine; D. J. Murray, Wausau, adjustible saw guide; D. B. Nettz, Jefferson, pump rod for windmill: G.
D. Tolman, Shawano, folding hat aud cont rack; P. J. Tracy, Racine, elortrio switch: W. Wernich, Milwaukee, composition food for cattle, horses, and swine.
Iowa C. W. Barry, Kookuk, smelting furnace; A. H. Conn, Blairstown, caster for stoves; J.
W. Gamble and M. Butt, Casey, sickle grinder; P. Helmer, Clinton, electromagnetic dental hammer and plugger (re-issue); G. W.
Lewton, Centrepoint, water heater; F. A. Remley, City, type-writing machine; W. W. Thompson, Guthrie Centre, broom head.
Dakota- J. C. Barr, Bismarck, permutation lock; J. Claflin, Liderwood, roof; Clancy. Aberdeen, cutt holder; J.
E. Ward and J. A Fallgatter, Huron, car coupling. THE TURTLE MOUNTAIN SUPFERERS. New York Sun: The Turtle Mountain Indians merit the prompt attention of Congress or the Interior Department, unless the statements of Father J.
B. M. Genin, a missionary on the reservation, are exaggerated. He speaks of the people as in want of food, and of the rations issued by the government as being sufficient for only about half of them. He chargos that some of their spare animals have been seized for taxes by Dakota authorities, and says that only hunting prairie gophers saves eight families out of ten from starvation.
Many died last winter from hunger, he declares, and others have starved during the present enring. Congress is urged to interfere by purchasing the surplus lands of the Indians, or rather by paying for lands amounting to 9,000,000 acres, the cession of which was made years since. Father Genin some time ago roported instances of destitution among the Indians with whom he labors which the Washington authorities thought to be overdrawn Yet there should be none the less alacrity to examine the basis of his, complaints to farnian food, if lacking, and to arrive at settlement of any just claims for land indomnity. CLEVELAND'S JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS New York Tribune: President Cleveland seoms to be particularly unfortunate in his solection of persons for judicial Mr. Lamar's unfitness almost led to his rejection by the Senate, and his case doos not stand alone.
The latest instance is the nomination of John F. Phillips to be United States Judge for the Western District of Missouri It is peculiar distinction of Mr. Phillips that while holding place on the Supreme Bench of Missouri he took part as counsel in the defense of the notorious Frank James If this scandalous proceding were known to Mr. Cleveland, as is alleged, his failure to perceive the impropriety of such an appointment shows deplorable obtuseor an equally deplorable purpose to defy public sentiment SILVER IN THE PLATFORM. New York Press: By showing the silver producers of the West that the Republionn party is not their enemy but their friend, the financial plank of the platform adopted Inst wook at Chiongo gives more substantial promise than any recent party deliverance of judicious adjustment of the silver question.
It is a pledge that, should the Bepublicans gain control of Congross, no just interest of the allver producers shall suffer, and silver shall not be demonetized. With the Republican party restored to power in both the executive and legislative branches of the government the present irrepressible confliet between the silver interest and. the mouometallists could be settted, and thus the ourrency might be relieved of an eloment of uncertainty that now and then arises to disturb business. The silver industry, like the country's other industries. would know that it was in the hands of its friends, and would not resist corrective legislation which it found sustained by publie opinion.
PROHIBITION CANDIDATES CLINTON, June 26. -Special Telegram.A prohibition convention of delegates from the five counties of the Fourteenth District was held here to-day and nominated A. F. Smith, of the Decatur Sentinel, for Congress, and J. R.
Gaston, of Bloomington, for member of the State Board of Equalization. The county convention put in nomination A J. Morrow for Coroner, 8. E. Coy for Circait Clerk, and J.
A. Moreland for State's Attorner. Captain Harts speaks to-night in the Opera House. ILLINOIS SONS OF VETERANS ROCK ISLAND, IlL, June 26. -Special -The annual encampment of the Illinois Division Sons of Veterans, now being held Moline, is attended by about 100 of the 189 camps in the State.
No business of importanco was transacted to The usual military features are observed daily, and to-night a ligious service was held. General Abbott, head of the order in the United States, was attendance to day. The election of officera will take place to-morrow. MASONIC CELEBRATION. CHAMPAIGN, Jane 26.
Special Telegram. -Lone Star Lodge, No. 18., A. F. and A.
celebrated John's day at the fair grounds cay in grand style. Representatives of the Colored Masons from Danville and other towns were in attendance. Addresses were made the Hon. G. A Hall, LL.
of Bloomington; Colonel J. W. Langley, of this city, and the Hou. H. Buser, of Urbana.
This evening the Rev. Robert Mclutyre delivered lecture on the Holy Land BAPTIST PASTOR ORDAINED. WATERLOO, Iowa, June Special Telegram. -Delegations from about fifteen Baptist congregations in various parts of the State are hero to-night to take part in the ordination the Her. G.
T. Holt, newly elected pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city, one of the largest parishes in the State FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE Suburban. TOR SALE -ACRE TRACTS SOUTH OF city. acres, at $1,200 acres in Park, near proposed vated 1,250 5 acres in Town of Lake on 2.000 100 feet on Wentworth ay, between Sixty-first and Sixty-second sta 100 3 acres Grand Trunk R. R.
cor. Blanchard av. 1,350 Also other desirable acre tracts both inside the city limits and adjacent thereto. B. F.
JACOBS, 99 Washington st. FOR View SALE lots. AT BOTTOM Summerdale PRICES. station, LAKE $350. near Evanston lots.
$100 to $300. Glencoe lots, $100; nice residence acre lot. $3,500. Clear title: monthly payments: free fare to see property any day. MORTON CULVER.
153 Randolph st. FOR Kisdon: 54-cent fare: lake WATERMAN'S water, trees, sidewalks, good drainage: $175 and upward: easy terms 0. M. SOPER, Fifty-first st. near Eldon depot.
R. WATERMAN. 95 Washington st. TO RENT. South Side TO 156 RENT South Clark -ROOMS st, at IN $1.50, CHICAGO $2.50.
and $3 HOTEL, per week. West Side, TO RENT- FURNISHED HOUSE. BY PAR ties going to Europe. Monroe st. near Oakley ay Address 49, Inter Ocean.
HELP WANTED -MALES. Salesmen, WANTED Indiana, and SALESMEN Southern 1 Illinois, MICHIGAN, for the sale of nursery stock, guaranteed true to name and first Commission or salsry. References given and required. None under 25 yeara need apply. Address Enclosing stamp), H.
W. FOSTER Geneva. N. Y. Conchmen.
WANTED summer light CAMAN. driving WITH TEAM. in city. Address 53, INTER OCEAN. Miscellaneous.
CAPABLE MAN TO TAKE charge of a fruit evaporating works at Fort Smith, Ark. Address J. H. CLENDENING. AGENTS WANTED.
-MAN-TO TAKE THE AGENCY. outside of Chicago (traveling or local), of our safes: size inches: weight, 500 28: retail price. 635: other sizes in proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These safes meet a mand never before supplied by other safe com panies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool.
ALPINE SAFE Cincinnati. Ohio. ADY AGENTS- FASTEST SELLING AR Uticle in market. with large profit to agent. Call 10 to 11 and 4 to 5.
Room 32.3 31 Wabash av. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A seventeen STATEMENT years the FROM organist LOUIS at the FALK. Vuion FOR Park Congregational Church: "During the whole of my professional career used the Hallet Davis pianos, because have found in them all the qualities combined which go to make up an instrument that is in every respect We not only have the HALLET DAVIS PIANOS in a great 1 variety of styles, but also a choice selection of the EMERSON and KIMBALL PIANOS and KIMBALL ORGANS at most reasonable prices and on easy Old instruments taken in exchance. NEW PIANOS TO RENT.
We also have a few pianos of STANDARD MAKE that have been used for a short time which we will sell at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. W. W. KIMBALL State and Jackson sts. ORGANSD Matchless for tone and durability.
WILCOX WHITE ORGANS- The popular favorites. LYON HEALY ORGANS. REED PIPE ORGANS For churches and chapels. ZOLIAN ORGANS -Self playing. with or without keybonrd.
SECOND HAND ORGANS, ranging in price from $20 to $45. Sold for cash or time to suit purchasers LYON HEALY, State and Monroe sts. NATIONAL violin, guitar, CONSERVATORY banjo, Quincy Building: OF piano, organ, and vocal tore: the most rapid progress and brilliant execution guaranteed: special attention given beginners and parlor singing, instructions day or evening; pianos for practice; send for new catalogue. L. R.
L. BOWEN, Directors. YON HEALY. STATE AND MONROS offer a choice selection of 50 second-hand pianos, many of them standard makes. These instrumouts are undergoing thorough repairs, rendering them serviceable for a number of years.
Prices range from $25 and upward. Sold for cash or time, to suit purchasers. BEST IN THE CITY. AND MONEY SAVED, TOO! WHEELOCK PIANOS Can be bought direct from the manufacturers 0n easy time payments. WM.
E. WHEELOCK CO. 237 State and 55 Jackson sta. E. B.
GRAMCKO. 153 CENTER AV. I West Side Agency for the Ester Organ? New and second hand pianos and organs. Pianos rented, tuned, and moved. Sheet music, books, etc.
PIANOS perfect action: durability guar anteed: manufacturers prices. New pianos to rent. B. SHONINGER 215 State st. FOR BARGAINS IN FINE pianos? You'll find several at E.
WHEELOCK 257 State st. FOR PIANOS AND ORGANS CALL AT BARGAIN IN J. BAUER WAREROOMS, 156 and 158 Wabash av. who are offering new and second-hand pianos at manufacturers' prices and on terms to suit purchasers. Buy direct from manufacturers and save agents profits.
JULIUS BAUER 00. Manufacturers. 7 NABE SOLD ONLY AT REED'S TEMPLE OF MUSIC, PIANOS. 136 State st, near Madison. Favorable prices and terms.
Old pianos taken. $200. ootave: NEW tone and UPRIGHT durability PIANOS. fully guaranteed; easy payments: old pianos takon in REED'S TEMPLE OF MUSIC, 136 State st, near Madison. STEINWAYS LYON HEALE.
PIANOS State and Monroe sts. Beware of Bogus Instruments. Both Steinway new and represented as sonatas Pianos A PAN made planosta low price: PIANOS: every instru AN monta, to for seven sold on time pay. rout, and exchanged. Warerooms 276 West Madison st.
corner Moran: open evenings. BUSINESS CHANCE. 07 000 to buy A MAN OR MEN WITH Ing corporation, control In manufacturmuch more with plant and patents, worth centon Investment. than amount asked, 100 per Prinoipala only address 61, Inter invited, Strictest investigation FURNITURE, STOVES, ETC. ALL PRICES REDUCED ALL ROUND.
FURNITURE, PLATED WARE STOVES, CROCKERY, LAMPS NEW SPRING STOCK. ALL COMPLETE Marble-top ad otherchamber suites in walnutms chines, cherry, ash, maple, and decorated. spun silk raw silk, hair cloth and all suites in brocaded silk and mohair. plush, new colors. "Folding-beds and the best in the market.
CARPETS. A full line body and tapestry Brussels and Mo. quets, extra super and three-ply Ingrains, stair and ball: mattings and door oil cloths, all new spring patterns. Goods all warranted as represented. For cash or easy payments.
Also. hotels and houses furnished complete INSTRUCTION. COLLEGE REMOVAL H. Bryant's, or the Bryant Stratton Chicago Business College, has removed to WASHINGTON ST. COR.
WABASH AV. Into the great Taylor where a suite of sixteen large hails have been sented for college purposes. For light, ventilation and spaciousness grand apartments have no equal. H. B.
Bryant Son are to be congratulated ou their good fortane in seenring such ample and elegant accommodations for their world-renowned Lion, college. Address, for or further H. B. BRYANT SON, Washington cor. Wabash av.
Telephone 2,502. FINANCIAL ty. DANS ON REAL ESTATE IN COOK COUNincluding building Joans, made promptly at current rates by BAIRD BRADLEY. 90 LaSalio st. LOANS lowest MADE rates ON by CHICAGO REAL ESGREENEBAUM SONS.
116 and 118 LaSalle st. MONEY TO estate. LUAN R. W. AT HYMAN, CURRENT JR.
00., RATES FOOL 9, Howland Block. Monroe and Dearborn ate. MONEY estate. LOANED AT VLISSINGEN LOWEST 91 RATE Dearborn ON At. BUSINESS PERSONALS.
IMPORTANT TO LADIES SUPERFLUOUS the latest haira, moles, wens, and birthmarks removed by Elictrolysis method known to modern surgery. The process: positively no 522, Chicago. For full particulars ad dress Surgeon. P. 0.
box No. DENTIST. H. LAWRENCE, DENTIST. wishes to announce her removal to rooms 504 and 506, 96 State opposite Marshall Field's.
SUMMER RESORT. HALL. HIGHLAND PARK. will be open for summer boarders June 14. For further particulars address F.
TONCE Franks. KNOW 541 THE Wabash FUTURE- on love, -CONSULT marriage. av, divorce. lawsuit. Ladies.
50c and $1. Always at home: 3 questions answered by mail, 50c in stamps. MEDICAL. NEVER cure all diseases of the SPECIFIC urinary YOURSELF- FRENCH organs, either sex or condition. Full directions with each bottle: price $1.
Sold only by E. L. STAHL. druggist. 173.
Van Baron st, corner of av. Chicago. Sent by express on receipt of price. MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG POLES election FOR THE to GREAT PRESI dential ready made order, made from the best Oregon pine; ladders, wholesale and retail, the best and cheapest in America.
at the east end of Kinzie bridge. Leave orders at George B. Carpenter GOODRICH STEAMERS. TIME Twice Daily for Racine. and Milwankee at Daily for Ladington and Manistee 6 Daily for Sheboygan and Manitowoct a Dailyfor Gd Haven.
Muskegon, 7 p.m. For Kewaunee, Sturgeon Bay, Menominee, and Bay Ports, Mon. Wed Fri. For Green Bay. Manistique, etc.
Tues. at. p.m. except. Odice and docks.
foot Michigan av GRAHAM MORTON TRANS. GO. Daily Steamer at 11:30 P.M. For St. Joseph, Benton Harbor, Niles, Elkhart, ow, Wabash.
Marion, Anderson, and Indianapolis: aiso Coloma, Watervilet, Hartford, Bangor, Holland, and Grand Rapids. The Palace Steamer Puritan will make an excursion to St. Joseph and Benton Harbor every Sunday during warm weather, beginning Inne 24th, leaving her dock at 10 a. in returning at 10 Fare for Sunday round trip One Dollar. The steamers at Lora and Puritan both leave Saturday nights 11:80.
Dock, 48 River. foot of Wabash av. THE GREAT LAKE MICHIGAN ROUTE TO MACKINAC. Take the Northern Michigan Line. the only lineot steamers from Chicago touching at all the popalar Summer Resorts, leaving Tuesdays and Fridays a 8.
S. For BURKE, folders, Agent. Riving Office full and information, Dock: 126 address Market st. Chicago, 111. RAILROAD TIME-TABLE.
The Santa Route Chicago to Kansas City. Trains leave from Dearborn Station, corner Dearborn and Polk streets: Galesburg Ft. Madison 18:40 a Vestibule Express to Kansas City noon Streator and Joliet 15:25 Denver and Trains arrive at 7 a.m. p.m. 15 p.
Office, No. 212 Sunday. Clark street, corner Adama. Chicago Atlantic Railway. Ticket offices, 105 South Clark Dearborn Station Polk street.
corner Fourth aY. Palmer House, and Grand Pacific llotel. Trains. Leave. Arrive.
New York Boston Express. 18:00 a York Boston Limited. 13 9:15 Lima. Marion and 07:10 Philadelphia Express. 310 North and son Accommodat 15 :35 1 2 8:50 and oDaily except Sunday.
20:45 Hammond Jamestown Accommodation. 05:40 07:55 HE Illinois Central. Ticket Hotel and offices, 121 Randolph street. Grand Pacifio foot Palmer House Depots foot of Lake st. of Twenty-second st.
and Thirty-ninth st. Trains. Leave. Arrive. St.
Louis Louis and Texas Texas Fast 8:40 a 8:00 Cairo and New Orleans Ex New Orleans Fast 8:30 $4:00 Chatsworth Bloomington 3:10 Pontiac Springheld 8:00 Gilman 9:15 Dubuque Sioux City Ex. 2:501 Dubuque Stour City 6:35 Saturday nights runs to Dubuque only ex Sunday. ex Sunday Sioux to Dubuque Daily from Dubuque to Chicago. Wabash Railway- John MoNulta, Roceiver. Trains corner arrive at and depart from Dearborn Station, of Polk and Dearborn sta Ticket offices 109 Clark Palmer House.
Grand Pacitic Hotel, and Dearborn station. Trains. Leave. Arrive. St.
Louis, N. Orleans Taxas St. Louis, N. Orieans 8:25 a 6:30 Texas Express. 9:00 7:15 a Kansas City, Hannibal, conville, Springdeld, and pm 3:45 2:00 Peoria, Kookuk, Burlington, Des Moines, and Ottumwa and 8:25 a 6:80 pm Peoria, Keokuk, Burlington 9:00 p.m 7:15 Custer Park and Easex Accm.
4:30 9:35 a Pennsylvania Glans. die Chicago, Route: St. Louis Pittsburg, and Pittsburg Railroad -PanhanFort Wayne and Chicago Railway Fort Wayne Route. Express trains depart Madison from and and Canal arrive at sta. Union standard Passenger Station, 65 Clark st.
union Patrenger Station, Ticket Grand Pacific Hotel, and Palmer House. Via Panhandle Route Leave. Day Express 18:30 a 16 Night $8:30 a Ft. 10:00 a m1 Via Wayne RouteDas 18:00 a 165 pm Fast Line. Limited $5:00 p.m Atlantic :30 p.m a tExcept Sunday.
Mazara Falls Short Line. Ticket Offices, 108 Pacific and 252 Clark Palmer House Grand Hotel, and Depot. Trains leave from and arrive at Wabash Depot Dearborn Station. Trains. Leave Niagara Falls, York, and Boston Limited 18:00 110:15 Detroit, Niagara Falls, Now York and Boston 19:05 17:15 a Daily.
'Baltimore and Ohto. Depots Lake Front, foot of Monroe and foot of Palmer Twenty-second street, ty Offices, 193 Clark street Trains House, and corner Canal and Madison sta. Arrive. Pittsburg Pittsburg Limited W. Limited.
110:10 a a Balto. Wheeling Phil. p.m kerton Express. :20 pm :30 All 9:30 a fares are charged trains on run the via B. Washington.
No extra The Columbus 10:20 via p. m. Fostoria. train 5 has through to and O. limited KANKAKEE Depots, and foot of Lake foot of 2d Sta.
Ticket Offices at LINE Depota Pacific and Hotel 191 It Adolph St. Grand and Palmer House. Leave Arrive: Lafayette, Indianapolis. Leave. Arrive.
De. Day Er 8:15 9:10 a 0:50 1 cinnati RAILROAD TIME TABLE For tickets, Sleeping-car Bases CHICAGO apply valions, at ticket Maps. and offices, No. Time-tables 02 Clack NOR mer street, House. Grand or at Pacino Hotel, PalWells and Kinzie streeta.
Monday only. MICHIGAN CENTRAL York Central Hudson River, Boston Albany Railroads. Trains, Leave, Arrive. Connell Bluffs and 2:15 Omaha, Lincoln. Denver.
7:30 pm 8:00 a City, San Francisco, and Den Moines. :30 6:50 a Dixon, Sterling. pm ton, Dewitt Codar pm a and 10:30 0:50 a Nebraska, Black Hills, and 7.30 pm 8 8:00 a St. Paul. 9:301 a lath.
and Ashland Madison, and Janesville. 810:35 7:00 a Huron. Aberdeen. Winona, 9:00 a 6:50 and Madison, Janesville, and 9:00 p.m 6:25 a 8:00 a 3 12 Milwaukee and pm a a Madison and Wencesha, via a Milwaukee 3:00 p.m. pm Fond nah, du and Lac, Menasha, Oshkosh, Apple Nee- 11:30 a 1:50 ton.
Oskosh, and Neenah, Green and Apple. 9:05 6:303 ton 3:00 :00 Marquette G'n and Lake L. Superior 9:05 pm a 1:50 pl Ashland. Burley, 0,05 3:00 pm 6 290 and Ironwood, Appleton, Wausan, and 9:05 1 Dakota via Northw 6:50 a Janesville, Watertown, Fond du Lac and Freeport, Rockf'd and Elgin Rockford and Elgin. 7:15 Rockford via Harvard 9:00 Dixon, Sterling, and $:30 a Dixon and 8:05 a Lake pm Daily.
except Sunday, Sunday only pm except Saturday. Daily except Monday. Burlington For Chicago, tickets Quincy and R. and car Route Grand commodations Pacifio Hotel, apply at Palmer 211 House C.B, Q.R.R. Union Canal and Passenger Sixteenth sta.
and the Station, on Canal Denver, running daily Omaha Council through Blunts. sleepers from Chicago to Adams st. The ONLY Free Atchison. Hecuning Kansas St. and Minneapolis.
Cheyenne, Citv. Omaha, Chair Cara to. St. Joseph. Trains Liucoln, and Concordia.
and 18:45 a Depart 16:50 Arrive. Council Rockford Bruits Sioux Neb. City. Points. 12:10 p.m Kansas City, 8t.
Josepa Omaha. Lincoln Streator Rochelle Mendota Rookford. Omaha, Council Bluffs and $4:50 15:35 Kansas City. St. and 12:00 St.
Mendota Paul and 15:55 0 5 Sioux Galesburg. pm Omaha, Council 110 :00 16:35 a Denver. City, Kansas SE. Joseph and 16:550 St. Pant and 11 300 0 except Sunday.
urday. except Monday, The 11 a.m, and 10 p.m. trains leave from Central depot, foot of Lake street. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, Depot Ticket corner Offices Van Buren and Sherman and Grand Pacific. 104 Clark street; Palmer House Trains Washington 8:00 a St.
Kansas Joseph City and Leavenw Atchison Ex. 12:05 30 Council Minneapolis Bluffs and St. 30 Paul Ex. 12:05 Peoria Kansas City Express. Leavenworth BE 12:05 St.
Limited Joseph Express. and Atchison 4:30 a Limited Express. Peru Council Vestibale a Bluffs Ited Express. Bluffs 7:30 8:00 a Council Night Express. 0:50 a Kansas City.
St. Joseph and Kansas Atchison City, Night $11:00 pm a St. Joseph and Atchison Sat. Night 6:50 a Peoria Night 6:25 a Minneapolis and St. Pani Night .....110:30 pm 6:50 am Saturday.
Daily, excopt Monday. a Baturday 1 except Sunday. except Ticket Offices, 67 Clark st, southeast corner of Rate dolph, Palmer House, and Grand Hotel. Central Standard Time. Trains arrive and depart as follows: CHICAGO Foot of Lake st, and foot of 224 NEW YORK- Grand Central depot.
42d st. BOSTON Boston and Albany depot, Kneeland at. May 1887. Arrive. Mail.
Main line. 15 16:10 Boston Limi 9:00 16:10 pm N. Y. Boston Kalamazoo 0 pm 110 Atlantic a Via Chicago 1 Railway. 6'd Rapids Musk'n a Muskegon Ex.
16:40 G'd Musk Sleep 10 50 6:40 a 1 Except Sunday. Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City and Northwestern.) The popular short line between Chicago and St.Paul, line Minneapolis, the Dubuque, and Des Moines. The only in West running the Mann bondoir car. Elegant new dining-cars.
Palace sleeping care: Fifth combination av. and smoking st. cars on all trains. Depot Polk City ticket offices, No. Clark Palmer st.
House. (Opera House Block), Grand Pacido ani 51. Paul Trains. and Minneapolis Lim. Leave.
Arrive. Waterloo and Des Moines 5, $7:00 a St. Limited Paul Minneapolis Night $7:00 a Express Charles and Sycamore p.m a BL. and Sycamoro Lo- pm 10:35 a 6t. Charles $5:45 a Chicago, Milwaukee St.
Paul Rallwar Union Passenger Station, corner Madison, Canal, and Palmer Adams streets. City, offices. 63 Clark stront House, and Grand Pacino Hotel. a daily, daily except Sunday, daily Baturday, daily except Monday. ins.
St. Paul, and 8:00 a 10:30 Milwaukee, Madison and a Milwaukee and Madison. 3:00 1:15 Sunday only. a Milwauke 7:30 10:30 3 C. City.
Omaha, a 19:30 a Denver, San Francisco. a 10:10 Dubuque, Iowa, Kansas kota City points. and. Da: 18 10:10 pm For time St. Joseph.
10:40 a to other points apply at ticket of Chicago and Eastern Ulinois Rallroad. Ticket offices: House. 64 Clark Depot, Grand st. Pacific Hotel. and Palmer sts.
Polk between State and Clark Trains Danville and T. H. a Nashville eville and and So. Indianapolis Fast line pm am 4:15 pm Paris, M'shall and Cairo line. 1:15 pm Momence pm WISCONSIN offices.
905 CENTRAL Clark LINE CITY Grand Pacine Hotel, and depot corner Palmer Polk st House, st. Fifth Falls, av. Through trains depart for Ean Claire, St. Pank, and p.m. and 10:30 p.m.: Oshkosh, Fond du Neenah.
7:80 p.m. p. and Ashland. Duluth. Lake Superior, p.
3 Waukesha, 28:30 m. $5:00 D. m. 111:00 p. and 10:30 p.m.
Trains Lake Shore. Lake Hudson Shore, River. Michigan Boston Southern, New York Cential Trains and Albany Rather cago Lake depart Shore from and arrive as follows: Salle st. depot. head of Street Station.
New York- Grand Central depot depot Kneeland 22d st. st, Grand Ticket Chicago, 66 Boston Boston and Albany Pacific, Palmer House. Mail, via Old Road. Boston Day New York VestibuleLimited Boston Fast Atlantic Ex- N.Y Boston Eithart and via Old Goshea Road :30 accom depot Baggage or residence checked in from Fastern residence in Chicago to Sunday, cities. Monon Route.
Trains leave from and MONON ROUTE trive Polk between Dearborn State and LES 7 Clark. Clark City st. Palmer ticket House Grand Trains, Pacific Hotel, and Tremont House. In Lafayette, liana polis Indianapolls, Express Cin- Leave. cinnati Louisville Fast 18:30 a 16:35 1 Lafayette Louisville Lin a Indianapolis, Cincinnati Limited.
8:05 p.m. :25 a (Except Sunday. toady at 0 p. Chicago and Alton. West Side Union Depot, Canal st.
between son and Adama sta, and Twenty st Trains Arrive. K. City. Denver, Col. N.
8:00 Mexico.Arz. Col. Last ex? Karens City Col. fast St. Springneld.
Texas. 9:00 N. Orleans Sonthern Ex 1. St. L.
Springfield Night Ex. Joliet. Dwight Strentor Ac. Sunday excepted, Daily. Chicago and Grand Trunk Depot corner Dearborn Palmer and Polk House, Grand Ticket 103 South Clark st.
Hotel, and at Depot. and Chiosgo Passenger. Limited and Day and Valparaiso Accommodation. ML. Greet Olive 2 and Bit.
Hopo and Chicago Trains. Sunday! Sunday Express 18:15 18 11 Sundar.